Chapter 2

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Thank you guys for 13 reads, it means a lot and I only started this a couple days ago!

The sound of the alarm wouldn't go away, even though I pressed snooze 1000 times. My head started pounding and my ears started ringing. Great. This is going to be such a fun day. My hand reaches over to finally stop the alarm and that is when I realise me and Josh need to leave very soon. Because I packed my bags last night, all I had to do was get ready for the day. I went into my wardrobe to find a cute outfit.  All I could find was a white crop top and some pink trousers, that would have to do. I brush through my hair and decide to do a cute pony tail which was the most easiest hair style to do. As I was putting on my lipgloss, I heard Josh call my name.

"Megan! We have to leave or we will be late" 

"Okay I'm coming!"

I have no idea who is on what team for the video but I am really excited. I get to go to the Maldives with my brother and his best friends. I really do hope Ethan is coming with us on the good team as he is one of my best friends and I love him to bits. However Ethan always seems to be on the bad team.

As me and Josh say our goodbyes to Freya we head downstairs and into Josh's car. I have about 5 suitcases and Josh is not pleased.

"Please remind me why you have so many suitcases Megan?" Josh asked me for the third time.

"I just like to be prepared." I replied. This is true though, I always over pack to go on holiday but it better to be over prepared than under. 

The car ride was awfully quiet because I knew how stressed Josh was. Whenever he does a big video he always gets stressed as everything is down to him. I try to help him, however I was not much help. I normally stay out of the sidemen business as much as possible but Josh loves me coming to watch them film. As kids me and Josh were always close, we did everything together which is why I have also moved in with him. He has helped me so much especially on my dreams of becoming an influencer. On instagram I only have 100k followers, which I know is a lot, but I really want to grow much more. Josh has only really introduced me a couple times on his youtube channel but never on his instagram. I don't mind it to be fair because I don't want all my fame to be because of Josh. A few weeks ago I started youtube which was the best idea. I have gained over 600k in such a short time and I am so grateful. I wanted to film the trip because it would of been amazing content but Josh told me not to film on this trip as he wanted it to be the sidemen's thing which I was totally okay with. He did say I could post as much as I would like on instagram and thank god he did.

30 minutes later, me and Josh have arrived at Heathrow airport. We had to get there earlier than the rest of the boys as Josh had to check things with the managers. The first sideman to get there was Ethan and I wasn't disappointed at all. 

"Hey Ethan" I was so happy to finally see someone who wasn't stressed.

"Hi Megan, quick question, is there any chance you might have persuaded Josh to put me on the good team for once"

I let out a massive laugh, "I know you are my best friend but sadly, I wasn't able to do that for you, it is very funny for me and the fans to watch you suffer" 

"Watch your mouth Miss Bradley" Ethan let out a genuine smile which I haven't seen in him for a long time.

Soon after Ethan arrived, all of the sidemen came one by one until we were waiting on one person, Harry. I really hope he is on the bad team, I honestly cant be in the same place as him for a week straight. Don't get me wrong, Harry seems like a genuinely nice guy but me and him just haven't really clicked like me and the other boys. 

After another 10 stressful minutes, Harry finally turned up.

"I'm so sorry I am late"he said sounding out of breath "I kind of woke up a bit too late"

I roll my eyes as his poor excuse and I think he saw me because he gave me a dirty look back. If I had to spend a week with this boy, I will simply never leave my room. 

"Now that everyone is here, get your cameras out and let me reveal your teams" Josh shouted over the voices of everyone.

Little did I know what there was in store for me on this trip.

Thank you guys for making it this far. I like to make stories drag out a bit meaning Harry and Megan won't be moving too quickly. I am also sorry for making it about Megan and Ethan, I just think it would be cute for Megan to be close with one of the boys other than Josh. This story is going to have a lot of twists and turns but hopefully it will all make sense. I love when stories have lots of drama so theres gonna be a lot but there is also going to be many cute moments. A big inspiration for this story is multixfancm I think that is their username but they were a massive inspiration for this story <3

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