Chapter 9

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"Pssst, Megan wake up" 

I rub my eyes and open them to find someone shaking me, trying to wake me up. I can tell it is still dark as the theres no light coming through the gaps in the curtains so it must be early in the morning. Who would be waking me up this early? They passed me a jumper to put on as it was cold and I could tell who it was from the moment I got it. His scent was so strong and so nice, I could smell his jumper all day. I put it on and he grabbed my hand and took me downstairs and out the front door. We made sure to tip toe and not wake any of the boys while trying sneak out. I had no clue where we was going and why he woke me up so early. We walk all the way to the docks and there was little canoe, just big enough for two people. Harry got in first and then helped me in so I didn't fall into the water. We haven't spoke this whole time but it hasn't been awkward.

"Harry, what is this all about?" I asked while getting comfortable in the boat.

He puts his finger up to my lip and drags it down "Shhhh, enjoy the view"

I couldn't help but smile. What has changed since the day he told me it would be weird to date me? This is the nicest thing any boy has done for me. We row the canoe for another 10 minutes until we reach the beach. Before getting out Harry leans in and gives me a kiss. 

"Woah, I was expecting that" I was took back by the fact he kissed me but I would do anything to feel his soft lips on mine again. 

"You don't expect anything with me" Harry smirks while helping me out the canoe. 

"You really don't do yo-" I froze in my step, I looked down and didn't know what to say.

There was a red carpet of roses lined with candles which lighted up the place. It was clearly thought out so well as these petals couldn't of been here for long or they would off flown away. So much thought has been put into this, I couldn't quite believe it. As I walked on further, I realised at the end there were some roses spelling out something. 


What? Did Harry do this, I don't know what is going on.

"Harry, did you do all of this?"

"No, I had a little help from one of my friends but I did plan it all"

"But only a couple of days ago you said you didn't want to be in a relationship with me as it would be weird"

"Ik and I am sorry about that but you only live once so fuck it. Josh wouldn't mind, he isn't that type of person"

I scratched my head, wondering what to say next, "Don't you think this is too soon Harry, we have only actually started speaking a week ago and now you want me to be ur girlfriend"

Harry grabbed my two hands and looked into my eyes "All you have to do is trust me Megan. I know we have only started speaking to each other a week ago, but all I needed was a week to find out that you are all I want. When you stayed in your room for them days, I missed being around you so much, just please give me a chance"

I really could not resist his face, "Ok fine then, I will give you a chance, I will be ur girlfriend"

He picked me up my the waist, lifted me up and spun me around in a circle. He put me down, cupped my face and slowly kissed my lips.

"Right guys, you two are cute but no making out in front of me thanks" 

I turn around and see Simon standing there, clearly cold as he was shaking from head to toe.

"Omg, Simon, you knew about this?" I asked him.

"Harry has had this planned since the day in the games room. He has been feeling so guilty that whole time . We both have been out here since 1am putting all these roses down and making sure the wind doesn't blow the petals away or blow out the candles." Wow, so Harry really does care.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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