Chapter 8

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As the car pulled up to the restaurant, I felt a rush of excitement fill my body. I don't know why but I am so excited for tonight. I feel a bit sad that it is the last day here but I need to enjoy it as much as I can. The car ride wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, in the car was me, Harry, Vik and Tobi (who were a couple for tonight). We were all laughing with each other and I forgot everything that happened. Harry got out first and took hold of my hand. I could tell how nervous he was by the fact his hands were all sweaty, but I didn't mind it at all. After all the cars turned up, Josh took us all inside. Josh booked out the whole restaurant just for us which was a good idea for filming. Once we all got inside, we found tables with ur names on. We all had to sit with our partners that we chose back in the villa. Hopefully this isn't awkward. 

Harry was speaking to Tobi so I kinda just sat there awkwardly until the waitress came over.

"What would you guys like to drink?" She asked

"I would like a beer please and she would like a pink gin and lemonade" Harry said to the lady. "And before you say anything Megan, I have done my research"

Research! What has he done. I decided to ignore him and go on my phone. 

*Text message from: Talia💗"

Omg Talia has messaged me for the first time since we got here. She has been really busy so hopefully she now has some time to chat.

*300 new instagram notifications*

What the hell is happening, what has Talia done?

From: Talia💗

Talia💗: OMG! I am so happy for you, to be fair, I did see this coming, Simon knew everything and he told me but I wasn't allowed to tell you but I am now so happy he finally confessed"

Me: Huh? I am so confused?

*1485 new instagram messages*

Talia💗: Check instagram ASAP!!!!!

What the hell is happening, I don't understand, what is going on. I open instagram to see one notification that stood out 

*@wroetoshaw has mentioned you in their story*

What has Harry done. I clicked on it and I gasped, slapping my hand over my mouth.

Date night🍷❤️@megss 😘

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Date night🍷❤️@megss 😘

Hold up- What on earth was happening. I have gotten so many messages from Harry's fans and my friends asking what has happened and how happy they are for me. 

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