Chapter 4

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I'm currently writing this at 1:15am and I am most definitely not going to finish this until 5 days later.

Currently, I am obsessed with everything except the fact Harry has to be here. I really wanted to keep my instagram updated while being here so I decided to ask Simon.

"Hey, Simon"

He quickly turned around noticing I was calling him so he swam over. "Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Can we swim further to the beach so I can take a photo?" I gave him puppy eyes so it was impossible to say no.

"Fine, I guess, but I need something in return". What has Minter got in store for me

"What do you need in return Miniminter" I was really hoping it wouldn't be bad.

"Tonight, you have to play fifa with the boys in the game room"

"Seriously Simon, worst decision ever, you know I will beat you" which was a complete lie. I am so bad at fifa, I can't even score an open goal.

Simon laughed. "It's alright, I'm sure the other guys will help"

"What other guys, Josh is too busy planing stuff, JJ just shouts at the screen screen and you, well obviously you are going to be playing against me"

"Megan, you do understand there is someone else here with us" I knew exactly who Simon meant.

"Ohhhhh...... The chef, of course it had to be the chef, but Simon Im pretty sure he is too busy cooking food" I try my hardest not to mention the one person who is making this holiday hell.

"Stop acting dumb Megan, you do know Harry is here as well"

"Don't talk about that boy" I raised my hand and put it up to his face blocking his view of me, making sure he knew I didn't want anything to do with Harry.

Simon grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand down so he could speak "Oh come on, what is your problem with the poor guy?"

"THE POOR BOY" I was shocked how Harry was now playing the victim, "All I have ever done is be nice to him and he hasn't made a single effort to talk to me, unlike the rest of the sidemen"

"Harry is just awkward okay, wait until you get to know him" I couldn't believe Simon was making excuses for him.

"Get to know him? I've known you guys for three years now, how long is it going to take" I was astonished by what I heard from Simon.

Simon stood there awkwardly scratching the back of his head, he was lost for words.

"Right are we gonna take this picture or not?" I gave Simon my phone and posed for the camera

"Right are we gonna take this picture or not?" I gave Simon my phone and posed for the camera

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liked by: @OrlaMay10, Zerkaa, Miniminter, TaliaMarr, and 25,839 others

@Megs: Maldive beaches are the best type of  beaches 🌴

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