Uhhh lets call it.. orphaned

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(Btw Tommy's parents had been taken to jail for child abuse)

————Wilbur POV————

I am so excited to see Tommy, Phil, and techno, and I was excited to move in with them, I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances. Poor Tommy.

I continued to pack my stuff and put it in the car. Once everything from my house was loaded up I started my drive to Phil's house. The truth is I didn't think this through: moving to Phil's house, WITH TOMMY AND TECHNO, it was all insane but I knew it would be fun and Tommy needs me.

[Time skip brought to you by the egg I'm gay for]

I made it to Phil's house not realizing how early it was. "knock knock"

————technoblade POV————

I woke up to knocking, I was about to get up until I remembered the sleeping Tommy on my lap.

The person at the door knocked again but louder I heard Tommy moan as he opened his eyes and sat up. "great the one time I get Tommy to sleep someone at the door wakes him up" I thought to myself.

After Tommy sat up I went to get the door. It was Wilbur, honestly I had forgot he was coming he asked if he could come in and i gestured inside. While Wilbur was getting his bag from the car I caught a glimpse of Tommy starting to stand up.

I rushed over and told him "sit back down your ribs aren't healed and nether is your leg" I said it with a strict tone so he knew I wasn't messing around. He whined back "but I want to see Wilbur" he looked sad that he couldn't go see his older brother figure.

"Fine, do you want me to get your wheel chair?" I asked, he quickly nodded in response. I went to get his wheel chair and noticed that Phil had woken up.

"Hey Phil, Wilbur's here" I told him. This made him spring up from his bed and follow me to the front of the house. I opened Tommy's wheelchair and he happily got into it and I pushed him over to see Wilbur.

I saw as his face lit up at the sight of Wilbur. Wilbur turned around and saw the young child, dropping the luggage he had so he could go hug Tommy. "woah woah slow down, don't hug him to tight he still is injured ya know" I told him.

Wilbur pulled back from the hug after I said this looking guilty quickly asking Tommy "I'm so sorry Tommy, did that hurt?" Tommy shook his head with that sparkle still in his eyes.

Now that we got all of Wilbur's stuff inside the house we could all talk. Tommy had went to his room so it was left for me and Phil to talk to Wilbur.

Wilbur was the first to talk "how is he" me and Phil exchanged glances Then I spoke "well, physically he's getting better, once his ribs heal he will be aloud to walk. They will be done healing in a few weeks."

"mentally he's only been here a few days and he's had 4 panic attacks and a nightmare. Most times he doesn't sleep at all or very little." I continued.

Wilbur looked sad, I don't think I've ever seen him this close to crying until he spoke "I didn't say anything before but I was on call with him when he got struck with the belt. I didn't know who or what happened because I tried to ask him but he ignored me, he hung up all my calls and didn't respond to any of my messages." Wilbur was starting to cry.

" then I went to go check on him and he wasn't at his home, maybe if i had said something it wouldn't be this bad. I'm sorry."

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