Time flys when your having fun.

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Psa! I want y'all to know this is a story so for entertainment purposes not everything is accurate. Thank you.

———(time skip brought to you but one day I'll focus on the future)———

————<techno POv>————

It's been about a month since we first found out Tommy regressed. He doesn't do it often but when he does we're always there to help him. When he's little we call him Theseus. His ribs have healed too but his leg is still in a boot but he can walk on his own. Somethings off though so I got Phil and Wilbur to talk about it. "Have you guys noticed Tommy acting off recently?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, I have, he doesn't eat all his food or skips food altogether." Wilbur replied solemnly "I saw that too." Phil said quietly. If anyone woke Tommy I would fight them, Tommy rarely sleeps so that fact he's asleep I'm a miracle.

Although Tommy has gotten more comfortable here he still hasn't fully adjusted, he has been getting better. He's not as jumpy or fidgety as before. We're still concerned about him, he doesn't come to us for help, he pretends he's fine but I can here him cry some nights.

Speak of the devil. "Hey tech, good morning." The gremlin said. "It's noon" I replied. "Whatever, what's the plan for today big T." He asked. It's weird I haven't seen Phil or Wilbur yet their normally up by now. Oh right question. "Well first is lunch, then I was thinking we could go do something fun like a water park" (tehe vlog reference) I didn't miss the way tommy winced at the words lunch.

Eventually Wilbur and Phil came through the door. "Where the hell have you two been." I asked the question that had been bothering me all morning, like really what were those bozoses up too. "We were just on a walk calm down techno, so what's for lunch I'm starving." Phil replies but I can tell he's lying, maybe he'll tell me later but I won't pry. "I was thinking sandwiches, you can never go wrong with sandwiches." In which Wilbur replied with an "mhm."

We all acted our lunch in peace and later I announced my plan for us all to go to the water park. Everyone agreed and we were all currently getting ready to leave.

————(Tommy POV)————

When techno said that we were going to a water park I was excited but that excitement quickly was replaced with fear when I realized I didn't own a bathing suit. What, I never needed one my parents never bothered to waste the money on one if I wasn't gonna use it.

Now I need to figure out a plan. I could just ask but that would be embarrassing what kind of person doesn't have a bathing suit. Tommy apparently. I'll just go out with my normal clothes and tell them that I don't want to swim. Yeah that will work, maybe, nahh it'll work big man Tommy's plans always work.

It didn't work. In fact it failed miserably. "Tommy why aren't you wearing your bathing suit?" Wilbur, of course Wilbur has to be the one to ask. "I uh, I don't want to get in the water." Stupid studded always trying to screw me over. "Why not." Wilbur, please man I love you to death (platonically) but please stop asking questions.  "I just don't like water." Was the first thing my mind could come up with.

Wilbur wasn't buying it you could tell by the look on his face. "Mhm, now tell me the real reason because I can tell you lying from a mile away." Phil said appearing from the stairs. I can't lie to Phil, not just because he would know but also he's the only man ever, he's Phil! "I don't have a bathing suit." I have no clue how he heard me but he did.

"That's no problem we'll stop by a store on the way there. Techno you almost ready!" Phil really is the only man ever. "Jeez old man I know your losing your hearing but I'm right here you don't have to yell." The monotone voice came from behind Phil. Once I saw what techno was wearing I couldn't believe it, he had on light pink pig trunks with a white shirt on but the shorts. "Pftt" I couldn't hold by my laugh. "What are you laughing at gremlin." Technos voice was supposed to be intimidating but I couldn't find it in me to be scared of someone wearing pig shorts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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