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(Time skip btw)

————Tommy POV————

Almost a week has gone by and I'm sick of this place I don't know how much longer I can stay here. My food has been cut to a cup of water and a granola bar, maybe it will do me some good, maybe I'll lose some weight.

I'm so tired over the time I have been here I may have slept 5 hours total, and I constantly feel like passing out, both from my blood pressure and exhaustion. The problem is every time I sleep I see my parents along with my so called foster father, the rain, the blood, the pain.

The kids were no better, telling me to kill my self, and that I deserve everything they got. They were half right, and I did think about it some times but I can't, I just need to make it one more day.

I started to cry when Pete came over and comforted me, we became pretty good friends he always knows what to do when I panic.

He also pushes my wheel chair around. Pete is 17 and he's been at the orphanage for 6 years, I can't even imagine that, but he would be out soon, he will be a legal adult, maybe we'll meet again some day.

Today was a good day I only passed out once so far and I was told that Phil would be able to adopt me tomorrow. I can't wait to go home, and be with the people I love, my family.

————Philza POV————

I was told I can adopt Tommy tomorrow, I have to tell the boys. "boys! I have an update on Tommy!" I yelled, this got them to hurry, even the mention of Tommy's name would snap these two out of any trance.

"Woah woah, slow down I don't need you getting hurt." I told them with a little chuckle. "What is it, is Tommy ok, is he hurt?" Wilburs concern has only gotten worse since last week. I saw techno place a hand on Wilburs back and it seemed to have calmed him down.

I sat back I'm my chair trying to contain myself, I took a deep breath in then spoke. "No Wilbur, Tommy is ok, in fact I have permission to adopt him tomorrow." I told them "wow that's great!" Said techno.

"You guys can not come with me though you will have to wait till I bring him home." I told them.

Finally we can see Tommy and have him living with us. It's not gonna be easy, but I just feel this urge to help him, heh I guess in a way I see him as my son, well he will be.

————Tommy POV————

I woke up in my room, must have passed out again, you wouldn't think so but passing out takes a lot of energy out of you, and since they don't feed me much I don't have much energy to use. I'm so weak at this point but I just have to make it through dinner, then bed, then I can finally leave this place.

I hate it here Mrs.jenkins always punishes me for the smallest things. They always threaten to lock me outside but I can't let that happen again the pain was so bad. I was to busy zoning out I didn't even notice we had already made it to cafe "geez Pete is fast" I thought. I'm gonna miss Pete.

I ate my granola bar, and drank my water, now time for bed. Luckily Pete knows the way back so we don't ever miss curfew, I don't think I could bare another food cut.

I was watching as my passed out lifeless body was laying on the ground, with the wheel chair not even 3 feet away. Then a man walked up and called 9-1-1. My body was put into an ambulance and my foster father was being lead out of house but it wasn't him, it was techno, techno was being arrested, he was the one that pushed me out of the house into the rain. The rain, it flooded my month and I started to choke.

"GAH" I shot out of bed gasping for air, I shot up so fast I had hurt my ribs so I had to lay back down. I started to cry and my breathing hitched. My breathing was picking up and before I knew it I was having a panic attack.

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