I gotta get out

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————<Tommy POV>————
My dad burst into room but this time it was different he was drunk. I asked him "what is the problem" trying not to panic. His response had me almost brake down in fear he said "your mom left us and it's all your fault."

I knew I was getting beat for this, but what truly had me petrified was the knife I caught glimpse of in his hand. He charged at me and sliced my fore head right above my left eyebrow. It wasn't to deep so I was ok, but I was bleeding and it hurt really bad.

My vision had started to go blurry so I didn't see my dad come at me again with the knife until I felt it hit my stomach.

I woke up gasping for air, I was all sweaty and panic, then I realized it was just a dream. I was trying to calm down my jagged breathing but it kept getting worse next thing I know the world was spinning and I was laying on the floor crying in the fetal position "I have to get out of here".

The world faded to black as black spots covered my vision and i passed out.

—time skip brought to you by screw gender roles—

I woke up and it was still morning. The alarm clock said it was 3am, meaning my parents weren't going to be up for another 4 hours... I could leave.

I quietly started packing some clothes, my phone, a charger, some food and water, along with a blanket, and a pillow. I crept out the front door making sure I was not heard. I said one last goodbye to my house and headed to the woods.

The tree I was living in was stable enough for me to climb and sleep in but I was getting hungry, the thought hit me " I can't survive the rest of my life on this food, I have to find somewhere to live."

I walked through the forest rationing my food and water, I was about to run out. I was looking at the sky and the clouds remembering when I would lay in the grass with tubbo staring at the sky for hours. "Those were the good days" I mumbled.

I hadn't seen the cliff in-front of me and fell down it. "AHHHHHHHHH" I screamed out of fear until I hit the hard ground. The cliff wasn't to deep only about a story or 2, but it was enough to brake my leg. I cried in pain not caring if anyone heard. It wasn't long until I had passed out from the pain and yelling.

—————<technoblade POV>—————

I'm visiting Phil today! My flight had touched down and i was waiting in the airport for Phil to pick me up. About 10 minutes go by when Phil pulls up in a silver convertible, I was shocked at the car but at the same time Phil looked excited to see me immediately grabbing my bags and throwing them in the back.

We got back to his house it was in country surrounded by forests. I got settled in and we all ate dinner me, Kristen, and Phil. After dinner Phil washed the dishes, he spoke " hey techno Would you mind taking out the trash Kristen is not feeling well and is going to sleep.

I responded glad that I could help "yeah, that won't be a problem." Grabbed the trash from all the rooms and walked outside to put it in the trash bin when I heard a yell, followed by a thud, and then crying.

My anxiety shot up as I quickly bolted into action. The scream came from the woods, I ran inside and yelled to Phil "I heard a noise in the woods, I think someone's hurt I'm going check it out." Phil responded worried "ok, but make sure your careful and bring your phone in case you get lost or have to call 999."

I nodded and sprinted out towards the woods i could hear crying in the distance. The crying sounded oddly familiar but I was to focused on getting to the noise, until it stoped. I panicked even more "what if I'm to late." I couldn't worry about that right now, I had to keep running.

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