Foster home

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—————-Wilbur POV—————

By now it was getting late, but I could not stop thinking about Tommy. I could tell techno and Phil were just as worried. Phil told me he had already finished his papers and sent them back in so he had done all he can. I can't take this, what if Tommy is in pain, you always hear bad story's about orphanages.

—————techno POV—————

Wilbur hasn't stopped worrying since Tommy left and I can't blame him, I'm worried for the kid too. He just got out of his abusive house hold then got dragged to an orphanage, I hope their treating him well and that Phil can adopt him soon.

What if they don't know when he gets his meds or what to do when he has a nightmare. There is nothing any of us can do to help him, we just have to hope he's safe.

—————Phil POV——————

I just got a letter from the orphanage saying " Tommy has been placed in a foster home and will continue to stay there until adoption is official. If anything changes we will update you."

I don't know how I will tell the boys, they have been worried sick about Tommy and I truly don't know what is worse, a foster home, or an orphanage. I have to get custody as soon as possible.

—————Tommy POV—————

It's almost 2am by now but I can't sleep. My ribs are in so much pain along with my eye. It has been swollen shut for a few hours. Im in to much pain to sleep but not enough to pass out, it's torcher.

(Time skip brought to you by... IF I HAD GIVEN HIM DRUGS HE WOULDN'T HAVE KILLED ME)

I didn't sleep at all last night and by now it was morning and It was a rainy day. I sat in my wheel chair worried for the day but sure enough after some time my foster father came crashing down the stairs he looked at me and we locked eyes.

"What do you want boy?" He spoke. I just sat there not responding out of fear I would say something to piss him off.

"Don't ignore me! If you have nothing to do make me breakfast before I beat you." He said. The tone he had was so demanding and scary that it sent shiver down my spine. Without any hesitation I head for the kitchen and made him some eggs and toast.

He was eating the eggs and toast until he spit them out he proceeded to yell at me saying "I could cook better then this!" And "your so useless why did I adopt you."

I started to zone out, "useless", "your so useless", I couldn't stop thinking about it, I have heard it so many times and it wouldn't leave me alone. Maybe I Am useless. Maybe I-. My thoughts were cut off when I heard "go outside." His voiced laced with genuine anger.

I was shocked "w-w-what" is all I managed to get out. "Go-go-go outside" he said mocking my stutter. Before I could even process what was going on I saw him get up walk behind me and start pushing me toward the door.

"But sir it's raining outside" I said. "Does it look like I care, don't you ever shut up!" He snapped. Before I knew it he furiously opened the door and shoved my wheel chair outside.

He has two steps leading up to his door so after he pushed, no shoved me out the door I flew out of my wheel chair and nearly face planted on concrete, instead I stuck out my wrists and landed right on my left one. I was in to much pain to scream then I heard the door slam behind me and lock.

I'm almost sure my wrist in sprained, GOSH IT HURTS SO BAD. My entire body feels like it's being torn apart and flipped inside out.

I'm laying on the concrete outside my so called "foster house" in the rain with my wheel chair on it's side just a few feet to the right. I reach out pushing through the excruciating pain but it's just out of reach.

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