New Home

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All four members of the Danger Force team were excited to see that their predecessor was back in town.


Three of the younger heroes exclaimed as they ran over to hug him.

"Hey, guys! What's up?"

Henry asked the teens. Jasper was standing next to Henry and smiled when they got excited. None of them got to meet Jasper when everything with Drex went down. After everyone got to say hello to Henry, he wanted to introduce Jasper to them.

"Guys, this is Jasper, my boyfriend. He also worked for Ray with me. Not as a sidekick, but he helped with Junk -n- Stuff and down in the Man Cave."

"Hey, guys."

Jasper spoke.


We all sat on the circle couch as we listened to Henry and his boyfriend talk about what they used to do when they worked for Ray. I layed on Bose's shoulder while he had his arm around me. I grabbed his phone out of his hoodie pocket again and started to type something in his notepad app again. Once I was done, I handed it to him for him to read.

"I forgot to reply to you about your feelings for me. I really like you too and you're honestly my best friend. You mean the world to me and I'd love it if you'd be my boyfriend."

After he read it, he typed under what I said since he didn't want to interrupt Henry's story.

"I'd love it if you'd be my girlfriend. :)"

We just officially became a couple. I was so happy and I wanted to show it, but I was so sore and felt sick still.


I was so happy to be with Chapa. I love her so much. After awhile of Henry and Jasper telling their stories, Henry took a good look at Chapa and saw her hit marks.

"Chapa, what happened to you?"

I looked down at her as she looked up at me.

"Please let me tell them, babe. The adults need to know, and Ray can do something about it."

I try to whisper to her.

"Can one of you please get a cup of of water? I don't know why I didn't think to see if cold water would help her throat."

I said, kinda feeling stupid.

"Oh, is that why she's not talking?"

Henry asked. I nodded as I grabbed the cup of water from him and gave it to Chapa. When she drank it, she gave off a pained expression.

"That feel any better, babe?"

I asked her.


Finally she was able to speak. Her voice was still raspy, but you could still make out what she was saying.

"Hey, Chapa. You gonna tell me what's wrong now?"

Henry asked. He began to look worried.

"I want Mika and Miles to leave the Man's Nest. I only want the adults to know. Bose already knows."

I looked over at the twins and them a 'please leave' look. They did as requested without getting upset over it. Once they were gone, Chapa spilled everything about her dad. Hearing the whole story from her over reading it in a text definitely hit harder. I couldn't help but to just let me tears fall and hug her protectively. After she told Henry, Jasper and Ray everything, none of them were happy.

"So you haven't eaten in three weeks?"

Henry asked. She nodded her head yes.

"Babe, will you show me what else he did to you yesterday?"

I asked, wanting to see what other marks her dad gave her.


I stood up carefully, still in pain. I took off my hoodie, revealing the black tank top I was wearing that day. I lifted up my shirt just enough to show them my side where the corner of my nightstand drawer had got me. Then, I showed them the bruises on my stomach where my dad punched and kicked me, and they all saw how thin I was. My ribs very easily showed, and I saw how upset it made Bose. I walked back over to him as I put my hoodie back on and sat next to him. He was crying.

"Did I miss something? Why's he crying?"

Henry asked.

"He can't stand seeing how thin I am now since my dad starved me."

"Ooh... Bose, don't worry bud. Chapa is gonna be healthy again and safe before you know it."

Henry said, reassuring my boyfriend. Once Bose was able to calm down, I really wanted to get food.

"Bosey, why don't we go get some food? My stomach is rumbling."

I said, getting Bose to get up. He giggled. As we started to head out the door, I suddenly stopped in my tracks and backed away from the door.


I heard Bose say.

"Actually, can we just fix something here?"

"If you want to. What's wrong?"

Bose asked as he walked over to me and grabbed my hands.

"I'm afraid that we could run into my dad if we go somewhere. If he sees I'm not in school he'll definitely beat me. Shit... he's gonna beat me no matter what I do."


I've never seen Chapa like this before. She was scared as hell, and I was used to seeing her threatening and scary personality. I don't know what's happened in her life, but her father isn't gonna be part of it anymore. As she was talking to Bose, she looked like she was about to go into a panic attack. Jasper must've saw how worried I looked, because I felt him put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. He put his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"She's gonna be okay, Hen. You, Ray, and I got this."

Jasper reassured me. I turned my head and connected my lips with Jasper's. I loved this boy so much.


I heard Ray stepping in.

"I don't think it's safe for you to even go back to your house tonight. I'd much rather you stay here or with anyone else here."

Ray told her.

"I actually want you to stay at my place if you want to, love. There's plenty of space and you'll have me there."

Bose offered to her. She immediately accepted and the two of them started kissing.

K I literally kept dozing off trying to type this one so if its shitty, you know why.

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