No Good Jake

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I apologize for the huge delay on this story. Please understand that I do have ADHD and it's hard for me to stay motivated or even come up with ideas. If any of you ever wanna DM me suggestions for filler chapters or anything, go for it. Could always use suggestions. Credit will be given.

Miles and Mika arrived in the Man's Nest with Henry and Jasper following behind them. They saw Chapa sitting on the couch across from Bose, or who they assumed was Bose.

"What, you two aren't all snuggled up and kissing?"

Miles asked jokingly.

"I don't touch another guy's property."

Jake said, getting a look from Chapa that made him immediately re think what he said.

"Uhmm, I'm no one's 'property', buddy. Not even Bose's. I'm not a piece of land that you just buy. Watch what you say, dipshit."

Chapa told him sternly, lightning coursing through her hands again. Miles, Mika, Henry and Jasper all exchanged looks of confusion. Why was Chapa talking about Bose in the third person while he was sitting right there?

"Message received. Jeez."

Jake said, fearing Chapa a bit more.

"Guys, this is Jake. One of Bose's alters. Bose has DID. I'm gonna let Schwoz explain everything to y'all because I'm still kinda confused myself."

Chapa told her friends. She already wasn't too fond of Jake. The way he acted kind of like a narcissist really annoyed her. While Schwoz explained everything to the others, Chapa asked Jake more questions.

"So, what kind of alter are you? Like, how do you help Bose?"

"I'm a protector. I protect the body, system, host, or other specific alters or groups of alters. We're a brand new system, so I don't even know how many alters we have yet, or how many there will be."

Chapa nodded as she listened to Jake.

"One thing I do, for example, I try to rid the toxic people in Bose's life. The people that aren't mentally healthy for him to be around."

"Are you trying to say I'm toxic?"

Chapa asked sternly.

"No. You've made him happier than he's been in awhile."

"So why are you fronting right now?"

"I don't know. I ended up in the driver's seat and here I am. So get used to it, sweet heart."

Jake said with a smirk on his face, pissing Chapa off. She slammed her fists on the table as she stood up and let red lightning visibly course through her whole body as her eyes started turning red.

"Don't fucking.. CALL ME THAT!"

She screamed.

"Suh.weet. HEART."

Jake said again, being a dick. Chapa grabbed the collar of Jake's shirt and yanked him towards her. Everyone watched, knowing not to get in Chapa's way when she's this upset.

"You may be one of my boyfriend's alters, but I already don't fucking like you. Keep it up, fucker. I'll electrocute you right out of his body!"

"Haha, that's not how it works, baby girl."

Chapa gave in and zapped Jake for calling her that. She didn't like pet names unless they came from Bose. She especially didn't like them being used on her on the term Jake was doing.


Henry yelled. She kept zapping Bose's body and he needed to stop her. He used his force field to protect himself from her electricity when he grabbed her and forced her hands down.

"Stop, Chapa!!"

Henry yelled again. He and Chapa, both fell to their knees as Chapa began bawling.

"Chapa, it's okay."

"No... That guy that did stuff to me called me pet names like that...."

Chapa said through her sobbing. She leaned forward into fetal position on her knees as Henry rubbed her back and looked up at Ray and the others. He noticed that Jake was panting and layed his hand on his chest as he looked at Chapa.

"Chapa, come on. Get up, Sis."

Henry said, just wanting to comfort his sister. The two of them sat on the couch and Henry let Chapa cry into his shoulder. Jasper sat next to Henry on the other side of him and had his arm wrapped around his shoulders.


Bose had regained front again and had been told what happened while Jake fronted. Bose was upset with himself, even though it wasn't something he could've done anything about. Bose went up to the Man's Nest and saw his girlfriend upset and crying. He walked over and slid around the couch to be sitting next her. Chapa turned to see it was him behind her, but she didn't know if it was Bose or Jake.

"Get the hell away-"

"No, it's Bose, Chapa. It's me."

Chapa hugged Bose tightly.

"Are you hurting? I didn't mean to zap your body that much, I'm sorry, I-"

"Shhh... I'm fine, sweetie. I swear. I was told what happened and I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too..."

They said as they hugged each other tightly. Bose kissed Chapa repeatedly on her temple and around her eye and around her scar.

I know it's not much but better than nothing.

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