Last Trip Home

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I was excited to have Chapa come stay with me at my place. Only thing I didn't want her to see was the way my step-brother and stepfather treat me.

"I don't know how I'm gonna pack anything without going back to my house. If I do that, he's gonna beat me again."

Chapa stated.

"No, he won't. I won't let him."

Henry said, putting a gumball in his mouth. After blowing a bubble he transformed into his black and red leather jacket and his other Dystopian apparel. He even put in the sunglasses that Ray gave him last time he was here. I guess he learned that lesson when BlackOut was after him.

"Is there a way for you to sneak into your room without going through the front door, Chapa?"

Henry asked her.

"Yeah. I can sneak in through my window."

"Alright, good. I want you to do that, pack as much as you can, and get out of there. I'll deal with your dad. Bose, you help her sneak into her room and help her get packed."

As Henry instructed us on what to do, I was determined to get Chapa out of her abusive home. I'd worry about asking my mom about her staying with us later.

"Jeez, Kid... when did you become a natural born leader?"

Ray asked Henry. Henry just shrugged in response.

"Jasper, did you bring your gum?"

"Yep. Back pocket."

"Good. Gonna need your help."



Once we got to my house, Bose and I went straight for my bedroom window while Henry and his boyfriend went through the front door to find my dad and keep him occupied. Bose was transformed into Brainstorm for safe measures. Once I got into my room, I grabbed a duffel bag I had and quickly began packing. My boyfriend was kinda falling behind.

"You are in a whole lot of trouble, you worthless bitch."

I heard the too familiar voice of my father. I turned around slowly to see him hovering over me with a metal bat in his hands.


"Get away from me!!"

I heard Chapa yell from in her room.

"Fuck! Chapa, what's wrong?"

I thought to myself. I quickly got into her bedroom to see my girlfriend cornered by a man with a metal bat. I immediately assumed this guy was her dad, and he had just hit her in the head with his bat. I could see her head bleeding, making my blood boil. After he hit her, he stepped on her throat, choking her. I used my power to get the bat out of his hand and brought it to myself to use.

"Don't fucking touch her!"

I yelled as he turned to face me. Once he saw me, I immediately knocked him out with the bat. I saw Chapa struggling to breathe and rushed over to her to help her up. She had a large gash on the right side of her temple and it was dripping blood.

"Chapa, are you okay? Can you breathe?"

I asked her with worry lacing my voice.

"Ye-yeah... I can breathe..."

She answered. As I helped her stand up, I grabbed my phone and called Henry to tell him that Chapa's dad was in her room with us.


We were finally back at the Man's Nest. Chapa's father had been taken to prison, we had everything of hers packed, and now Schwoz was wrapping Chapa's head in gauze after having to give her stitches. Once he was done, Mika and Miles came up.

"Chapa? What on Earth happened?"

Mika asked as she and Miles sat across from us on the circle couch.

"My dad hit me in the head with a metal bat."

She replied. She went ahead and explained the whole story to Miles and Mika. While she did, I saw Ray come in with a white box in his hand.

"Chapa, this is for you."

He said, setting the box down in front of her. I already knew what it was and smiled as I watched her open the box up.

"Oh my god... Ray, did you seriously get me a new phone??"

She asked. I could hear the happiness in her tone.

"Yep. Figured it was time for you to just have a new one instead of searching for that boy, who's probably long gone by now."

"Wow... Thank you, Ray!"

Chapa said, standing up to hug him.



I followed Bose into his house with me bag on my shoulder. I was afraid that his Mom wouldn't want me there and tell me to leave. I had no where else to go. I squeezed Bose's hand a little, letting him know that I was nervous. I felt him rub his thumb over the top of my hand and only calmed down a little bit.

"Hey, mom."

Bose greeted as we walked into his living room.

"Hello, son, and...?"

"Mom, this is my... my girlfriend, Chapa."

Bose introduced me. I smiled as his Mom held out her hand to me. I accepted the handshake.

"Well, hello. Nice to meet you, Chapa. I sure hope my son is treating you well."

"He is, no worries."

I said as I smiled and moved closer to Bose.

"So, mom... I wanted to ask you if you would be okay with Chapa staying here for awhile."

"Any particular reason?"


Bose looked at me, and I could tell he was waiting for me to explain everything or to let him explain. I let him do it.

"I see... is that the reason for the head gauze?"

His Mom asked. I nodded.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, sweetie. I'll have to talk to my husband about you staying, but you have my approval. I'm sure you'll has his just as well."

"Thank you."

I said.

"Of course. You may stay with Bose in his room. I trust both of you to not try any funny business... yes?"

Bose and I cringed at her words, knowing what she meant.

"Eww, mom! No, we're not gonna do anything like that!"



We walked upstairs and headed to my room. Luckily, Ben wasn't home to tease and embarrass me in front of Chapa. Still, I knew it was gonna happen at some point. Once we got into my room, Chapa went ahead and plugged up her new phone. She was still so excited to finally have one again.

"How does your head feel?"

I asked her.

"It still hurts pretty bad. Do you have anything I can take for it?"

"Yep, I'll be back with something. Just hang out in here."

I said, kissing her cheek before walking out of the room.

I don't really know what to type here rn. My mind just kinda... shut off I guess? Thanks ADHD... Next chapter soon.

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