The Shitty Step-brother

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That evening, the two young heroes were laying in Bose's bed together as they watched some TV. Chapa had fallen asleep with her head laying on the long haired boy's chest. Bose had his arm draped over her shoulder and smiled at how peaceful his girlfriend looked. He knew that she hadn't been getting enough rest when she was at home, so he did everything he could to not wake her up. Suddenly, there was a complete unnecessary banging and pounding on the outside of his bedroom door that definitely woke Chapa up, pissing her off.

"I... was sleeping... SO GOOD!"

Chapa said angrily, causing her to start sparking.

"I know, I know, but no sparking, babe. Please, try to calm down."

Bose asked her. Both teens had to be careful with their powers.

"Boseeeeeyyyyy! I hear ya brought a giirrrrrll home!"

The voice of Bose's older brother made him cringe.

"Ugh... Go away, Ben!"

Bose said, but it was no use. Ben was already in the room and was ready to embarrass the hell out of Bose in front of Chapa.

"Jesus fu-- Chapa, this is my older step-brother, Ben. Ben, this is my girlfriend, Chapa and we go to school together. Also, I'd rather you just leave her alone."

"Hah! You don't tell me what to do, dumbass."

Ben stated as he walked over to Chapa and started talking to her.

"Alright, sweetie... so I see you've got a head injury, that explains why you're with this air head."

The oldest boy said as he pointed to Bose. The younger boy looked at the floor, pinching the bridge of his nose and subtlety shook his head in embarrassment.

"Uh... excuse me??"

Chapa said, trying not to spark.

"I'm just sayin'... if you're with this idiot, something is wrong with your brain, and you've got a bandage wrapped around your head so I assumed--"

"Uhmm... explain to me why you think Bose is an 'idiot' as you say."

Chapa said, cutting Ben off. Ben stood there with Bose almost in a head lock. Bose tried to get out of Ben's grasp but he refused to let him go.

"Ben, let me go!"

Ben ignored him and replied to Chapa instead.

"Because he is an idiot. He can't pay attention to shit, he has the attention span of a toddler, he can't remember anything and his brain is just slow as hell. Which, I still say he doesn't have one."

Chapa stood there with her arms crossed, taking in everything that Ben just said about her boyfriend. She was trying her best to stay calm for Bose's sake. Plus, she didn't need to start sparking again. While Chapa was trying to keep herself calm, Bose continued to struggle to get out of his brother's head lock. After considering it, Bose finally gave in and punched Ben in the zipper, receiving his freedom.

"Gaah!! Ffff... you dumb fuck!"

Ben yelled as he dragged Bose onto the floor and gave him a hard punch across the face. Once he did, Bose remained on the floor and let his hair and hands cover his face as Ben finally left his room. Chapa was beyond shocked at what Ben just did to Bose. She could hear faint sobbing coming from Bose. She sat down next to him on her knees and gently rested her hand on his side. After a few seconds, Bose quickly repositioned himself. He clung himself to Chapa's waist as he rested his head on her stomach, still slightly sobbing and hiding his face with his hair, still. Chapa rubbed Bose's back, helping him calm down.

"Bose, are you okay?"

Chapa asked him as she started moving locks of his hair out of his face. Bose shook his head no.

"Can I see your pretty face, please?"

Bose finally sat up as he brushed his hand through his brown hair, getting all of it out of his face as Chapa requested. Chapa gave him a soft smile as she leaned forward and gave the boy a quick peck on his lips.

"There you go."

She said as she got a closer look at Bose's blackened eye. She gently felt around it, causing Bose to hiss in pain.


"Sorry, babe. You need to get ice on that."

"Yeah... come with me to get an ice pack. When we come back up here, we need to put fresh bandaging on your head."

Chapa nodded in agreement as she followed her boyfriend downstairs.



We got back upstairs with the ice pack for Bose's eye, now we had to change the dressing on my head. Bose and I sat on the edge of his bed and got out the medical stuff that Schwoz gave us for my head. I let Bose do what needed to be done to my wound.

"Okay, Schwoz said that this stuff kinda stings so.... Don't hurt me when I do this."

Bose said right before putting the stinging medicine on my stitches. I hissed harshly at the pain as my hands and fingers sparked.

"I know it hurts, I'm sorry, babe!"

As the stinging pain started to subside, Bose gently put on clean gauze and wrapped my head again.

"There, you're done now."

Bose said as he smiled at me.

"Thank you, baby."



Chapa and I had layed back down on my bed as we watched some iCarly on TV. It was almost 7PM and I was starting to get hungry. I assumed my mom wasn't gonna cook tonight, so that meant we had to fend for ourselves. The silence between my girlfriend and me was broken when my stomach started growling. I felt my face get red with embarrassment, and I could feel Chapa looking at me as she laughed a little.

"Bose, was that your stomach?"

She asked, still giggling. I quickly put my arms across it and kept blushing.

"Don't laugh at meee."

I playfully whined as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her.

"Babe, you're so cute."

She said, giggling again.

"I am hungry too though. Can we go find some food?"

"Yeah. I gotta put this ice pack back in the freezer too."

I said, grabbing it off my nightstand. 

Another one done. If yall have any filler chapter ideas, dm me some please.

Edit: for some reason I picture "Ben" to be a very annoying redneck.

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