Legal Guardian

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Ray had brought Chapa and Bose into a back room to talk to them. The two sidekicks had no idea what why Ray led them back there, but Chapa was getting impatient. He needed to tell them what was going on, and quick.

"Alright... I've been thinking about this and even Henry convinced me to do this. I know you two have abusive and neglectful families, so I was thinking... Would you two want me to adopt you and become your legal guardian?"

Ray asked, not being very good at things like this.

"I can easily have a bedroom set up here in any of these bare rooms. Schwoz and I would love to have you guys around, if you two are comfortable with living here under my custody."

Chapa and Bose were already deeply considering Ray's offer. Both of them needed a safe place to live and an adult to care for them.

"Is it okay for Bose and I to share a room?"

Chapa asked. Ray sighed, knowing how teens their age are. But he also felt like he could trust Chapa and Bose. Plus, they could always keep an eye on each other.

"Can I trust the two of you to not.... do anything you shouldn't do?"

"Yes, Ray! We're not even trying to do that kind of stuff, gross!"

Chapa replied as Bose gave a look of disgust. Ray sighed again, this time in defeat.

"Okay, fine. BUT I want you two to have separate beds!"

"Fair enough, Sir!"

Bose stated. After a few moments, Henry finally spoke up.

"You guys would also be gaining a big brother... in a way."

The two turned to the older blonde as he spoke.

"Wait, did Ray adopt you?"

Bose asked.

"No, but I did kind of always see him as a father figure to me. My real dad is... he's pretty dumb. Genuinely. Besides, I already see you four as my younger siblings."

Henry explained to them. Chapa and Bose were actually touched by how Henry viewed them.

"So? What do you guys think?"

Ray asked, trying to go back to the main topic. Chapa and Bose looked to each other and smiled.

"We accept your offer, Ray."

Bose confirmed.


All four of the kids were hanging out in Mika's room and having Screen Time. Of course, Chapa and Bose shared a tablet since they were watching videos together. Mika and Miles kept to their own screens. After a few minutes, Chapa and Bose started to take a few couple selfies since they realized that hadn't been able to yet.

"Are you two taking couples selfies over there?"

Mika asked, seeing Chapa hold up  her phone as it faced them.


Bose answered. Chapa posted the pictures taken of them to EnvyGram, wanting to show off the fact that Bose was hers. Afterwards, Bose was starting to get tired and wanted to sleep, but he also wanted to stay up with the others and do whatever they had planned. If they even had anything thing planned.


"If you 'aww' us one more time, Mika, I swear, I'll--"

"Baaabe, we don't threaten friends."

Bose reminded Chapa, cutting her off. As he did, he took his arm and wrapped it around Chapa's waist and pulled her back towards him, getting her to sit back down.

"Besides, we are pretty cute. Don't you think so, love?"

"Yes, one of us more than the other."

Chapa said playfully.

"I'm saying you're the cuter one, Bosey."

"I disagree."

Bose said with a smile creeping onto his face, pulling Chapa closer to him from behind as he left soft kisses on her neck and up her face.

"Aww, babe. It's cute that you think you're allowed to disagree with me."

Chapa joked, turning her head to face the boy and giving him a quick peck on his lips.

"Okay, you two can go to Miles' room with all of the weird flirting."

Mika said jokingly as she walked back over to her bed.

"Uhh, how about no."

Her brother chimed in.


~Chapa's Nightmare~

Chapa slowly opened her eyes, only to see that she was back in her old bedroom with her father. He held a whip and a belt in his hands as he moved towards Chapa. As he did, Chapa tried to use her powers, but nothing but tiny red sparks came from her hands.

"No... Dad, please!"

She begged as she was backed into the wall. The man tossed the belt aside for now and readied his whip. He began hitting the fourteen year old girl with said whip, aiming for her face. The first one struck her eye, the second one struck her cheek, and it continued. Moments later, he had decided to switch to the belt. Once he got the grip he wanted on it, he began striking Chapa again. He repeatedly bashed her face with the belt buckle, making her bleed. Then, he used the belt itself to hit the rest of her. The leather continuously snapped her skin, making her cringe each time. After he was done with the belt, he tossed it onto the floor with the whip as he grabbed Chapa by her throat, lifting her off the ground to be at eye level with her. As she struggled to breathe, he spoke.

"Daughter... My little girl... The worst mistake I've ever made. That's all you are, a horrible little mistake that deserves nothing good in life. You're so worthless. No one will ever love you. Now that I think about it, is there even really a reason for you to live?"

Just before saying anything else, he pulled out a steak knife that he had been keeping. He gave the knife a quick examination, saying more to his daughter.

"I guess not. Goodbye, daughter!"

He said as he quickly slit the girl's throat. Everything went black.


Chapa jumped awake, gasping for air with tears streaming down her face. Once she remembered that she was at Mika and Miles' house with Bose, she realized that he had woken up too and was concerned for her.

"Woah, babe, what's wrong?"

Bose asked her, placing his hand on her back. He noticed that Chapa was holding her throat as if it was sore, but that wasn't the case.

"Baby, what's wrong with your throat? Is it sore?"

Chapa just shook her head no, and lied back down. Bose didn't take his eyes off of her and stayed worried for his girlfriend.

"Chapa, did you have a bad dream?"

He asked as he lied back down with her. Chapa nodded.

"What about?"

Before Chapa could answer, more tears streamed down her face, upsetting Bose. He scooted closer to her and kissed her forehead for comfort.

"What happened in the dream, hun?"

"My dad... he was using a whip and belt one me... hitting me with them repeatedly... then he grabbed me by the throat and lifted me... told me how I was a mistake and worthless and that I didn't need to be alive. So he pulled out a kitchen knife and slit my throat. Then, I woke up..."

As she finished telling Bose what the dream was, she began sobbing into his chest. The boy couldn't help but let a few of his own tears fall too. Bose kept Chapa as close to him as he could protectively.

"None of that is gonna happen again, love. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. I promise."

Not really but, gay

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