Bullets Over Swellview

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~The next morning~

All four members of DF were seated at their desks, listening to Ray boast about himself and saving the town everyday. Everyone, except for Bose, had their heads laying on their desks. The blue hero usually liked the stories that Ray told about previous missions that him and Kid Danger went on. Today, Bose wasn't paying attention fully to the stories. His eye was sore from Ben hitting him, and he could feel himself getting a migrane. He spun around in his chair to see what Chapa was doing, and saw that she had her head down on the desk. He could tell how tired she was since she didn't get much sleep the previous night. Even though she got to sleep all curled up next to her boyfriend, it was still a very new place for her.


Finally, class was over. Everyone except Bose and Chapa headed to the Man's Nest. Chapa was still asleep and Bose stayed behind to wake her up.


Bose spoke as he walked up to her sleeping form.

"Chapa, class is over."

He said while gently shaking her awake, hoping she wouldn't zap him.

"Mm... I'm up..."

Chapa said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, letting Bose push her bangs out of her eyes and kiss her forehead.

"Where's everyone at?"

"In the Man's Nest. Wanna join them?"

Chapa nodded as she stretched. Bose went back to his own chair and hit the red button, Chapa followed a second after. When the couple got to the Man's Nest, they joined Mika and Miles on the circle couch. Once they sat, Chapa took no time to snuggle up to her boyfriend. Bose smiled at her action and wrapped his arm around her as he layed his head on top of hers. Everyone in the room watched. Ray, Mika, Miles and Schwoz. All of them smiled in awe and were glad that Chapa's eyes were closed. If she had seen that reaction on their faces, they'd all have been zapped.


It wasn't long before a crime alert came in and Ray and the kids had to blow and go. They arrived at a jewelry store and saw that the criminal had the employee held at gun point.

"Put the gun down!"

Captain Man yelled to the criminal. The criminal quickly turned to face him and the rest of Danger Force, still holding up his gun and ready to pull the trigger.

"Well, if it isn't Captain Man and his little minions."

The criminal said as he paced back and forth, staring down all five of the heroes, gun aimed at them.


Volt started. As Chapa started going on to the criminal about how Danger Force is far from Captain Man's minions, Brainstorm kept his mind on the criminal's gun. He was doing his best to move it with his mind without making it obvious that he was the one doing it. He kept his hands to his sides, trying as hard as he could get the gun out of the guy's hand. The guy felt his gun trying to be pulled out of his hand and looked at the young heroes, trying to pinpoint which teen was trying to use telekinesis. When he noticed that they all had their power logos on their suits, he realized it was Brainstorm.


The guy said as he quickly aimed and pulled the trigger on Brainstorm.



The rest of the team yelled. The brunette was shot in his right shoulder and lost his focus. After the criminal shot him, he walked up to Brainstorm and began hitting him in the head with his gun as hard as he could, causing him to bleed.

"You! Stupid! Mother! Fucker!"

The guy said with each hit. Captain Man, ShoutOut, AWOL, and Volt were busy getting the hostages out of the store by having AWOL teleport them out. Volt kept turning back to check on Brainstorm and saw how badly he was hurt. The poor boy was still being hit, until...


Volt screamed in rage as she began glowing red, gathering all of the electricity she could form. Once she had enough, she electrocuted the criminal, knocking him out. As she ran over to her boyfriend, Captain Man ran to the criminal to grab his gun. Once he had it, he went to check on Bose with the others. Bose was bleeding from damn near everywhere on his face and head. Chapa was almost in tears as she listened for his heartbeat, which was very much there.

"I'll teleport him to the infirmary, Chapa. He'll be awake by the time y'all get back."

Miles assured her.

"He fucking better be..."

Chapa said, trying to act tough so no one would mention the tears streaming down her face.

"He's gonna be fine, Chapa. All of us know that there's now way in hell that he'd leave you."

Ray told her, putting his hand on her shoulder. As he did, Chapa turned to face Ray and gave him a hug. Ray and Mika were in shock, but Ray hugged her back.


Back at the Man's Nest, Ray, Chapa, Mika and Miles waited patiently on the couch for Schwoz to come and tell them how Bose was. While they waited, Ray was helping Chapa clean  the head wound that her father gifted her with. Once he cleaned it, he even wrapped it up for her. Chapa gave Ray a quick smile and gave him another hug. Everyone in the Nest was confused as to why Chapa was suddenly being nice and hugging on Ray so much. Even she didn't know.


A foreign voice said. Chapa instantly turned to Schwoz to pay attention to what he had to say about Bose.

"Bose is going to be fine. He has a minor concussion, but it's nothing to be worried about. I did manage to get the bullet out of his shoulder, but he can't use it a lot for a few weeks. The wound needs to stay cleaned and he's not to do any heavy lifting with that shoulder. Some of his wounds are a little deep, but they'll heal and probably leave a few scars. Now, his right eye was hit repeatedly, so there will most likely be some permanent discoloration around it. That's pretty much it."

Everyone remained quiet as they all tried to process everything that just happened. Their best friend and boyfriend had just gotten shot. They were all so glad that it was just his shoulder, but as bad as that guy beat him, they knew that that could've killed him. Chapa saw how hard the criminal was beating Bose with that gun.

"Also, he was asking for you, Chapa."

Schwoz said, gaining her attention. Chapa immediately jumped over Ray and went to see her boyfriend. She walked into the infirmary and saw how badly Bose had been beaten. It pissed her off to see him in pain.



The two quietly yelled. Chapa walked over to him and gently hugged the injured boy.

"I missed you, babe.."

Bose said.

"I missed you too. I'm so sorry I didn't get to help you fight off that guy, Bose."

"Stop. You were helping the hostages get out. It's not your fault. So just shut up and kiss me."

Bose said playfully to Chapa.

"You know better than to tell me to shut up, Bose. I'll let it slide this time though."

Chapa told him as she leaned forward and let her lips fall onto Bose's. The two of them kissed softly.

Yay new chapter finally up. I ship these two so hard. I hope they eventually become canon.

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