Chapa's Mom and Sister

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Okay, so I obviously started this before the episodes of Sage and Chapa's parents and all. I'm gonna do my best to play them into the story without the dad being involved.

As the Danger Force kids were training in the classroom, Henry and Jasper watched from the sidelines. They thought it was weird to watch Ray train young teens now, but back when Henry was barely a teenager Ray just hired him immediately. Ray got each of the kids to go up to Ray and demonstrate a move that Ray had taught them. First, Chapa got called up and her's was actually not taught to her by Ray, but by her Mother when she was really young. It was a simple and quick technique.



Henry and Jasper bursted out laughing while Ray sat on the floor for only a few seconds.

"I'm okay!"

Ray said his phrase.

"That's my girl."

Bose said aloud as he clapped along with Mika and Miles at the quick performance.

"I didn't teach you that one, but that's a very effective move. Who's next? And no more zipper kicks!"

Ray instructed.


After class, the kids got to pick out a movie to watch while Ray helped Schwoz with some invention he was working on. While the kids watched the movie, they heard Ray yelling at someone that was trying to get into the Man's Nest. Some lady.

"Move it, I need to see my daughter!"

The lady said as she bursted through the doors with a girl that seemed to be around twelve years old. Chapa saw them and immediately recognized them.

"Mom? Sage?"

Chapa jumped over the couch and rand to the lady and kid, hugging them both tightly.

"Mom, Sage! I've missed you two!"

"Oh, honey... We've missed you too!"

The lady said.

"Then, why did you leave me with dad?"

Chapa asked as she gently pushed her mom away from her.

"Oh... Sweetie, I'm so sorry. When I left, your sister was only a baby and I was able to carry her out of the house and take her with me. I had planned to come back and get you and pack my things, but your father wouldn't even let me back into the house."

Chapa's mom explained to her while she listened. Chapa crossed her arms as tears fell from her eyes.

"So, you waited u til now? After years of him beating me?"

"Beating you? He beat you?"

Chapa nodded.

"See this scar on my head? He did that with a metal bat when I was trying to get away."

Chapa's mother had tears in her eyes as she tried to hug Chapa again, but she backed away refusing as she shook her head no. Bose, Miles and Mika watched everything that was happening.

"He starved me, mom! He beat me! He mentally and physically abused me to damn near death... My friends and teacher saved me! Ray legally adopted me, along with my partner."

Bose and the others kept their eyes on Chapa in case she started sparking. They had noticed that when she got too protective or angry,  she sparked and she would sometimes lose control.

"You took Sage, and not me! You abandoned me! So thanks a lot 'Mother'!"

Bose saw a tiny spark in Chapa's hand and slowly grabbed her hand and pulled her away from her mom gently.

"Babe, calm down."

Bose whispered to her.

"I don't want you in my life, Alejandra... Sage is welcome, but I know you most likely won't let her until she's at least able to drive."

Chapa looked at Ray and back at Ms. De Silva, signaling that she wanted her out.

"Let's go, lady."

"Sage, come on, honey."

Alejandra said with a choked sob. Chapa sat down on the couch and layed her head on the table as she let out soft sobs. Bose sat next to her and comfortingly rubbed her back and shoulders. Even Mika, Miles and Henry tried to comfort her.

"You okay, Chapa?"

Miles asked. The red sidekick lifted her head and wiped away her tears and took a deep breath.

"Honestly, that felt good. I didn't like having to do that in front of my little sister, but it had to be done."

"I'm proud of you, babe."

Bose praised her as he hugged her and gave her a kiss on her temple.

"Good job, Chap."

Henry said.


Chapa lied on her back in her bed with her hands behind her head, feeling accomplished for once in her life. She smiled at the thought of not having toxic assholes in her life. Bose walked in the room, accidentally surprising Chapa when he spoke.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

He giggled.

"Pff, you didn't."

She lied jokingly.

"Yeah, uh-huh."

Bose said as he lied on the bed with his girlfriend. He put his arm under her and around her waist, pulling her closer to him and started kissing her on her neck softly. Chapa let out small laughs as Bose kissed her neck repeatedly. She hugged the boy tightly, getting him to stop. All she wanted was to cuddle and be proud of herself for telling her mom off.

"You know, you were sparking a little bit when you were telling your mom off."

Bose remembered.

"Yeah, I felt that. Thanks for grabbing my hand when you saw that. I didn't wanna accidentally zap her or Sage. Well... not Sage at least."

Chapa said.

"Well, you need to be able to control your powers when you get angry when you're not fighting crime. People are gonna figure out that you're Volt if you can't, babe."

Bose explained.

"Yeah. We'll talk to Ray about it tomorrow."

Another one, done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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