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Ares hazed through a few days of action after a recent call to the Head Mistress's office. Mrs. Faragonda somehow heard about the recent development Ares had made in her abilities.

She had asked Ares to save the life of a magical creature she had found on the edge of life, in exchange, she wouldn't need to take the upcoming exams and quizzes. She agreed and entered the room, the being somehow resembling a Phoenix, a bright orange feathery glow radiated from the bird as he cried out in pain.

It looks a lot like her magic power and life force for her to be able to rescue the animal, a risk she knew of and was somehow getting more comfortable with. using about half of her magic energy to do so.

After completing the assignment she returned to her room and slept. When she woke up she was bombarded with new information, ranging from her being adopted, which explained a lot, and that a cursed witch sat in the living room as a pumpkin.

She left the girls in the room, their arguments about what to do with a letter being the only noise filling the room. Ares made her way towards the specialists training grounds, a place she had been visiting more often with the permission of Saul Silva, one of the head professors at Red fountain.

"Ares! It's good to see you my dear" Silva pulled the surprised girl into a hug of which she reciprocated, they had grown close as she had been going to their practices almost every day she was available. He was always happy to see her, having it only been a week she didn't know too much about the man but was happy to know such a strong person.

"Hey Mr. Silva" she spoke into the hug, he let go of the hug immediately telling her to call him Saul, she nodded before he heads off back towards the boys.

Each of them eyeing her as she made her way over to the bench she normally watched from. They had grown more comfortable with her being there but they each felt the need to show off in front of the unknown face. Which of course, only made Silva want her present at their practices more.

She watched the boys fight against each other as sweat spilled out of their pores, occasionally sparing a glance towards Ares. As Silva allowed the boys a quick break, a few walked over towards her. Each boy holds a rag against their skin, wiping away the sweat from the hard work.

"A pretty sight I must say, strange hair color though," a black-haired boy remarked, looking over her scarlet hair, not sparing a glance at Ares as he talked to his companion. "Well, I find your hair quite boring" she smiled at the boy who took a step back allowing for her to stand as she made her way over to Silva.

"Mr- I mean Saul." He turned to her with a grin at the use of his actual name, "What can I do for you, Ares" he handed another boy a towel, dismissing him before turning his full attention towards Ares.

"I know this is a weird request but I was wondering if there might be a chance I could join in during a training session? Whenever is good but I just wanted to give it a try" Silva titled his head at the girl's sudden urgency, he smiled lightly before asking why.

"Well I'm sure Mrs. Faragonda told you about the struggles I was having with my powers, and I just wanted to see if I could find another option?" She lifted her hands, palm facing the Skye as he looked down at them. He smiled at the younger girl, closing her hand into a fist before nodding.

"I know you want to do what's right, but it won't be easy. And as someone who sees themselves as a responsible figure I don't want you getting hurt." he kept the calming smiled on his features as Ares nodded, "I'll give the extra set of sparring gear we have, just come in whenever your free, and you can join" he pet the top of her head before excusing himself back to the practice

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now