𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬

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The two fell through the ravine for longer than deemed safe, Ares grabbing Bloom and pulling her towards her body to protect her from the fall as they drew closer to the ground. Both of them squeezing their eyes for the impact, luckily the floors were layered with multiple feet of snow, saving Ares's life along with Blooms.

They slowly stood up and moved their gaze towards the roof, they realized the true depth of their fall. "We were lucky" Bloom whispered as her sister nodded. The pair making their way around the ravine looking for a way out.

Ares followed Bloom down a hallway like crack in the deep trench, "what in the world?" Bloom whisper-yelled, grabbing Ares's attention, she followed Bloom's line of sight. "These aren't caves, there the corridors of a castle"

"Our castle" Ares muttered sadly as they walked down the corridors of their would-be home. They looked around the occasional room, noticing almost every item was missing "it looks like it was ravaged before it was destroyed" Bloom dusted the surface of a table. Both girls are getting an odd feeling.

"Did you feel that?" Ares turned to Bloom who nodded quickly. Just then they both felt a flash of memories, this was the dining hall "this was our home, Bloom" Ares placed a hand on Blooms shivering shoulder.

They began a slow walk through the castle, looking at the old architecture that seemed so familiar. "It's beautiful, this must've been the courtyard" Bloom smiled looking up at a large frozen statue that was sat at the center of a large round room. "Must've been" she looked down sadly as the floors began to shake, immediately losing her balance and gaining support using Ares. Just then the slope gave in, Ares almost falling once again but was luckily caught by Bloom. She exchanged a thank you before they both looked up, a hole opened in the ceiling as the four others looking down at them giddy smiles plastered on each of their faces.

"Hey! Get yourselves down here, there's something we need to show you!" Bloom yelled before the girls came sliding down the sides of the wells one by one. An idea comes to mind, Stella and Tecna used their powers to melt away the surface layer of ice present on the castle. Revealing an eccentric and elegant palace.

The group walked quietly in the halls of the castle when Ares and Bloom heard something, a voice. "Sisters" the voice called out as the two turned to each other, "did you guys hear that? The voice?" She nodded quickly as Bloom faced the others.

"I don't pick up other life forms" just as Tecna began to scan the corridors once again, a voice came from behind their placed attention. "Welcome, I am Daphne" a bright light spread through the hall as a beautiful woman in a long, silk dress made herself known. A mask hiding her silvery blue eyes, blond hair reaching her feet as she floated lightly above the ground. "Our sister?" Bloom stated as she and Ares exchanged looks, Stella complimented the woman.

"We meet. At last, follow me" she spoke in a gentle voice before turning around and walking.

The quiet walk was accented by the slightly known beauty, suddenly turning to the girls. "Daphne?" Bloom questioned before the Nymph shushed her.

"Don't speak, just listen to me. I was once the Nymph of lake Roccaluce, but it is in this castle. That we were born. What you are looking for you will not find here, but you will discover your origins. Your past, and a great secret" they continued to follow Daphne towards a large door, unlocking it with a wave of her hand, as Daphne beckoned them in.

"Here is a Domino's treasure room, do come in'' she continued inside the room as they followed, a large room beautifully decorated with gold and jewels.

"It seems they're richer than you Stella" Tecna pointed out causing everyone except her, to laugh.

She led Bloom and Ares off to a box with an opening at the top, as the two peeked in their eyes were met with two crowns, one made of silver with a bird-like accent at the center. The other was made of black titanium that was accented with the occasional white gem and formed in a vine-like pattern.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now