𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲

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"Hey, love birds! We're approaching Alfea!" The now confirmed to be Brandon woke the pair up as they had fallen asleep against each other. Both yawning in sync as they sat up, getting ready to get off the plane.

"You have bed head" Ares brushed a few strands of his hair down as he turned to her with a thank you, they stepped off the ship and were welcomed by the Headmasters of both Alfea and Red Fountain

"Welcome back, Bloom, Ares how are you?" Faragonda asked from a slight distance "I'm fine miss Faragonda" Bloom played with her fingers as she turned to me "I am as well ma'am" I nodded.

"So your mission was successful?" Red Fountains headmaster asked, Paladin, looked towards Skye "we found them, sir".

"Their arrival on Domino was timely" Tecna smiled as the group noticed a certain bunny playing with a certain duck.

"Looks like he found a friend?" Stella smiled looking down at the two that were bumping heads. "It's Pepe, Icy's duck. How did he get here?" Ares turned to Cyprian, as he flinched at the name as if it scared him. "Icy?" He whispered down to the girl who nodded as she watched the ogre that attacked Bloom the day she discovered her powers.

"I brought him with me" The ogre played with his lack of hair before Stella glared at him "Knut".

"It's alright girls the ogre is on our side" Faragonda pointed out as Ares was starting to get worried about Cyprian.

She ignored the outside conversation, knowing she could get an explanation later. "Cyprian?" She poked the boy's cheek, sending a gentle surge of energy through her finger. "I'm sorry" he placed his hand over hers but before she could ask what's wrong he pulled her to the side. A bunch of surrounding specialists moving boxes to make room for their temporary quarters.

"What's wrong?" She met his eyes, looking down at her as he debated his reply. "Why didn't you tell me the witch's name was Icy?", she tilted her head seemingly taken aback. "I thought everyone knew? I know you didn't fight them face to face but they mention their names all the time-" as he gestured back to the group, some sending worried glances their way before looking back to Faragonda.

"It's her" he looked up for a quick second before continuing, "Icy, she's my sister". They met eyes, not leaving the other's contact. His face was unsure, confused as if he didn't truly believe it himself. Ares opened her mouth to speak when Brandon interrupted. "Faragonda wants us in her office" he ran back joining the others, leaving Ares and Cyprian in silence. The word "sister" raced through her mind, he seemed to care a lot about her.

"Let's go" he walked past her as followed the group from behind, Ares quickly catching up to the boy as they continued in silence. They made their way into the headmistress's office, Bloom, Sky, Stella, and Brandon all stood next to each other awaiting the reason they were asked to come. Though the audience was odd, Faragonda stood tall alongside all of their professors, Saul Silva and Headmaster Saladin."Well, Bloom, we have seriously considered your proposal, and we-"

"Accepted it, and that's why you didn't ask the others to come to this meeting?" Stella looked at Ares thinking she knew what was going on, she shrugged and turned back to face the teachers.

"The others know nothing of this?" Headmaster Paladin asked quickly before she answered "I believe if Bloom tells them, they'll take it better"

"Excuse me but, What are you talking about?" Skye took a step forward asking the question everyone else was wondering. "We're discussing Bloom's plan for getting back the Dragon Flame, she hasn't told you anything?" The headmaster seemed surprised as Sky turned to bloom as she laughed it off.

"You are going to accompany this girl to cloud tower" he stood tall as Brandon protested.

"Only a total lunatic would consider going anywhere near cloud tower right now" as the sentence escaped Skye's lips it clicked in Ares's head, Bloom spoke first. "but they wouldn't expect that would they?" As they continued their discussion of the plan Ares turned to Cyprian who still looked distracted. His eyes were on the ground, not even looking towards the headmasters.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now