𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬

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Ares sat in the corner of Stella's bedroom as Bloom and Stella talked about Bloom's identity crisis.

"I just don't know anything about my past" Bloom plopped herself by Ares's feet, looking up at her. "How are you not curious Ares? I mean, our adoptive parents?" She threw her arms back as she met her sister's eyes. "I told you, Bloom, it's not something I really have control over so I'm not gonna worry about it" she poked Bloom's forehead before Stella handed Bloom a phone.

"You may not be able to control the past but you can control the future." Bloom took the phone with a confused face before looking back up at Stella.

"Call Brandon" Stella directed before pulling Ares by the hand out of the room. Just as Stella made her way towards the restroom, Ares made her way towards the living room where Flora was looking through Mail.

"Oh Ares, you got a letter" Flora handed her the note before continuing to shuffle through the others. Ares looked down at the letter, the return address listed as Red Fountain.

She opened the bronzed paper slightly tearing the red wax seal before revealing the words written in fancy fonts.

"Dearest Ares Peters,

Though it is a bit late, it is my honor to cordially invite you to the upcoming Red Fountain Day of the Royals. A presentation was made by the specialist this coming evening.

I would be very happy to see you there, and I'm sure many of the boys wish for your presence there as well. I believe it would help you get a grasp on what might be asked of you once you join the training.

With love,

     Saul Silva"

She lightly closed the letter with a smile before thanking Flora for giving it to her. "I was invited to the specialist showing this evening" Flora looked at her with a smile before Bloom and Stella walked over towards Musa and Tecna's bedroom, urging them to follow.

Walking into the room as Bloom said something ridiculous, "I need to go to the Specialist exhibition" Flora looked at me for a quick second before raising her brow at the statement. "Did you get an invite?" Musa asked before Stella said a quick "no"

"If not she would already be getting ready?" Ares stated, feeling like she was forgetting something.

"Speaking of, Ares needs to start getting ready. Because she was actually invited" all eyes turned to Ares after Flora's petty remark.

"I need to talk to Brandon! Please let me go instead!" Bloom held Ares's hand as she pleaded. "No" she said quickly before she pulled her hand away before making her way, and ran towards her room to change. Stellas cries being heard from the other room.

A gown hidden in the back of her closet sat unused after not attending her great aunt's funeral. A black hourglass dress with a long train and thin straps for added support, a long slit riding up her leg reaching just below her undergarments. Slipping on simple black shoes and silver jewelry as an accent, leaving her hair down as it curled slightly from the roots down to the ends.

She grabbed a purse before making her way out of the apartment, "I'll see you guys later!" She made her way out of the dorm, the clacking of her heels easily overshadowed by the whispering students as she dramatically strutted down the hall in the gown.

After the short walk to Red Fountain, she was faced with the grand school. About the same size as Alfea but taller and made like a castle. She made her way through the large entrance, many eyes looked at her as she wasn't recognizable. "My dear, Ares. You look great I'm so glad you came!" Silva placed a hand on her back, pulling her away from the bustling halls of people trying to reach their seats.

"Mr. Saul, thank you for the invite. I'm glad you thought of me" she smiled up at the man who was now walking them to their seats. Stopping between every few people as they attempted to make conversation with the man.

After about 15 minutes of parents trying to talk to him, they finally made it to their seats. She turned to her right where the older man sat with a smile "sir, I have a question. Why are you so kind to me?" she crossed her legs as she awaited the answer from the nicely fitted man.

"To say it in the gentlest way possible, you remind me of my late daughter." He smiled looking down at the base of the stadium. "She was very similar to you actually, very sweet but had a tough side when it came to people getting injured" he continued as the stadium grew rowdy, fireworks launching into the air as he said he would finish telling her the story later.

Two large doors at the side of the stadium opened, as four motorists rode out of them. Cycling around the center of the stadium, three out of the four pulled out their energy weapons and began jousting. One of them losing control and almost crashing along the wall.

The same man threw three spheres of energy into the sky, each of them immediately exploding. Ares looked up for a second, somehow thinking she saw Bloom but immediately shaking it off and returning her gaze to the show.

Just then one of the riders crossed a pair, sending him flying before one of them ran to help. Riven, Skye and Brandon unmasking before Timmy came up to them. Giving them a quick warning before the two large doors opened, and four scaled dragons stepped out onto the stadium. Each step shaking the ground as Ares turned to Saul in concern, he smirked for a second before focusing on the beasts.

She watched as the four boys approached the dragons, each of them making a signal sending them into the air. Circling them. Brandon somehow knocks Riven on his back, causing his dragon to mirror him.

Just then the dragons began fighting, the audience growing rowdy as the boys attempted to gain control over their dragons. Just then Saul stood up and ran down the steps of the stadium, passing the scared civilians before jumping to the center of the auditorium. Mounting one of the surrounding dragons, riding it towards the pair that were fighting. He pulled a long whip out from behind his back, rattling it near their feet as they jumped back into line.

Just then rumbling spread throughout the crowd, two fairies flying out from a hole created by the rumbling. Bloom and another blonde who Ares wasn't familiar with began fighting, after many shots were exchanged between the two. The blonde was hit with a strong burst of energy that caused her to fall.

Ares ran over towards the sight, forcing a bit of her magic to catch the girls' fall. She used the same magic to catch her fall jumping down from the railing.

"Gods is she alright?" She made her way over, using a bit of her magic to heal the burns caused by her sister feeling a slight tinge once again from the unwarranted use of her powers. Just as she finished healing the burns, Brandon ran over, helping her stand up.

Skye in the corner of their eye bowing towards the king of Eraklyon, exposing himself to be something he said he wasn't.

Bloom watched from above as the girl ran into Brandon's arms, "Skye!"

"Brandon?" Bloom landed herself onto the ground, As the girl grew angry "what do you mean Brandon? This is Skye, prince of Eraklyon, the successor to the throne and my future husband now I-" the girl continued listing things about the boy that was unlike either Bloom or Ares had heard.

"Wait for Bloom, I- I" he reached his arm out for her before she spoke "Skye" he continued his way over to the girl as she fell to the ground in defeat, Ares racing over to help the girl up. "Bloom" as Ares tried to calm her sister she barged out of the stadium. The realization hitting the Winx, Brandon was "Skye" and Skye was "Brandon". Ares sparred a glance at a concerned-looking Skye before following her sister.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now