Chapter Thirteen

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Colin paused outside his mother’s chamber and straightened his tunic. He’d slung a bow over his back, hoping she would notice and keep their meeting short. Not that he planned to hunt today. Unless he counted hunting down Morgan for a few more kisses.

The very thought of her petal soft lips on his sent frissons of excitement dancing down his spine. He bit back a groan and rapped his knuckles on the plain, wooden door.


At his mother’s muffled command, Colin opened the door and crossed the room to stand before the Fairy queen. He gave a low bow, then stood and kissed her cheeks.

“Good morrow, Mother. A lovely day, ’tis it not?” 

“Aye, Colin. ’Tis a glorious day.” The queen stepped back and gestured at him. “Going hunting?” 

“Ah, mayhap.” He shrugged. “I need to speak with Liam once I be finished with ye here.”

“Worried I shall make ye alter your plans for the day?” 

Colin grinned. “Mother, as fearsome as ye be, I ne'er worry how ye shall deal with me, for ye have e'er been fair and kind.” 

Morgana laughed. “Spoken just like your father. Well, let us speak of the matter at hand so as ye can be off on your hunt.” 

“Aye, what did ye need to see me about, Mother?”

 “The Midsummer night ball.” 

Colin sighed, the sound more like a groan. “Mother, I shall attend, and I shall dance with the lovely ladies of the court. But, I leave the planning to you and Cait. Ye have no need of my input. Ye both do splendidly on your own.” 

“Thank ye for your praise, Colin, however, there is more ye must know.” She set a hand on his shoulder. “It will be a masquerade.”

 “Aye, Cait said as much already. And I swear to wear a mask. May I be off then?” 

“Not just yet.” 

She stared him in the eye, and a sense of unease washed over him. Whatever his mother had to say, she seemed to be working hard to choose her words carefully. 

“By the ball’s end, ye must pick a bride from one of the ladies there.” 

By the Lady! What game did she play now? “Impossible.” Anger burned through him, seeking a release. “Ye promised I could marry for love, as ye and da did.” 

“Things have changed.” 

He arched a brow. “Ye mean ye have changed your mind. For what purpose?” 

Morgana squared her shoulders, her face melding into the regal look she reserved for difficult subjects. “Ye know ye must choose a bride by your twenty-first birthday.”

“Aye, and last I looked I still had nigh unto half a year afore that time came to be.”

“’Tis true, Colin, but ye cannot expect love to fall into your lap. Ye need to seek your bride.”

“I have been.” 

Morgana arched a brow. “Truly? And what girl have ye set your sights on?”

He cringed at the thought of telling his mother about Morgan, knowing his mother would balk at him choosing a half-Fae who was raised in the human realm. “Ye dinna know her.”

Red flagged her cheeks. “Do not tell me ye have stooped so low as to choose someone from the Unseelie kingdom.”

“Of course I have done no such thing. I be not daft.”

“Then who be this girl ye be wishing to court?”

“Her name be Morgan.”

“And from whence does she hale?”

Colin dropped his gaze to a knot on the pine wood floor. He sucked in a deep breath and prayed his mother wouldn’t condemn his relationship before it truly started.

“She hales from the human realm―”

“Ye know the rules!” Her eyes swirled with anger and restrained power. “Ye must choose a girl with Fae blood.”

“Aye, I know. And her blood be Fae.”

Morgana frowned. “How be it that a human carries the blood of the Fae?”

“Because she be part Fae. He da was from this very kingdom.”

The queen’s jaw dropped as surprised filled her eyes. “Are ye telling me ye have been courting Finn’s daughter?”

“Not exactly, but I would like it to become that.”

“No.” The word whipped through the air, lashing his heart. “Ye will cut all ties to this girl afore Kellen learns of your violation.”

“Violation o’ what, Mother?”

“Ye have violated the treaty Finn forged between Kellen and I. The one thing keeping us from all out war.”

Colin shook his head. “How could I violate a treaty I dinna know of?”

“Ye knew. Finn told ye to stay away from his daughter, and ye swore ye would. If Kellen learns ye have broken your vow, he will declare the treaty void and take what he claims as rightfully his.”

Colin’s breakfast settled heavy in his stomach and his mouth turned dry as dust. “What does he be thinking is his?”

Sadness filled the queen’s eyes, and her shoulders drooped, as if she suddenly bore the weight of the world. When she spoke, her voice was so quiet Colin had to strain to hear her over the pounding of his heart.

“Your sister.” 

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