Chapter Sixteen

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Morgan wound her way through the boxes stacked in the living room. Tonight would be the last night she stayed in the house she’d grown up in. It seemed surreal, as if this was all some strange dream she’d wake up from. But she knew it was real.

“Well, Merlin, looks like we’re going to start our adventure earlier than we thought.” He hopped onto one of the boxes and yowled at her until she scratched his head. “I just wish I’d gotten to tell Colin goodbye in person rather than through a letter.”

Merlin rubbed against her hand, purring. Suddenly, the hair at the back of his neck rose, and he jerked back, baring his teeth as he hissed.

“What’s the matter, boy? Do you have a sore spot on your head? Let me see.”

Morgan leaned forward, but Merlin leapt onto another box, growling and hissing. With a flick of his tail, he jumped over her head and scampered from box to box.


Morgan chased after him, dodging her packed belongings and the few remaining pieces of furniture in the room. Near the doorway, she tripped over the rug. Strong hands wrapped around her waist, holding her upright.

“Easy, luv. I got ye.”

The faint hope she’d had that Colin had come to see her vanished at the sound of Liam’s voice.

Liam let go of her and she dropped to the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks as silent sobs shook her shoulders.

“Have ye gone and hurt yourself then?” Liam knelt in front of her, his hands gently touching her arms, as if searching for an injury.

“By the Lady, Liam, can ye not see that ye’ve startled the poor girl?”

Morgan’s head jerked up and her gaze focused on the stranger. The girl was tall and slender. Dark brown hair curled to her waist. Her blue-green eyes were framed by perfectly arched brows.

“Wh-who are you?” When the girl’s brow lifted, Morgan saw the resemblance. “You’re Colin’s sister.”

“Aye. I’m Cait.” She held out her hand, and Morgan clasped the slender fingers in hers.  “Pleased to meet ye.” Cait glanced around the room. “So, ye really be leavin’, aye?”

“Yes. I sold my house, and the requirement was that I be out by tomorrow.”

Cait frowned. “So where will ye be stayin’? Have ye a new place already?”

Liam stood and settled his hands on his hips. “Cait, this ain’t why we be here.”

“Hush now, Liam. I can be asking about this, too.” Cait pushed her lower lip out at him, then turned and looked through an open box, pulling out a small recorder from a carved wooden box. “What’s this?”

Morgan plucked the pipe from Cait’s hand and nestled it back in the velvet wrap. “It was a gift from my father, a pipe he said held the greatest magic of all. Love.”

Cait smiled. “Aye, I can see the sparkle around it now that ye say it. But why are ye lockin’ it away with all your things?”

“Because it’s the only way to keep it safe.”

“Seems to me ’twould be safer on your person than left to some box. But what do I know of the human world?” Cait shrugged. “So, where ye be headin’?”

“I’ll be staying at a hotel for a few days until I find a more permanent place.”

Cait’s eyes sparkled as if starlight was sprinkled in them. “Marvelous! And what will ye be doing with all o’ your things?”

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