Chapter Fifteen

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Colin looked across the table at his sister and sighed. He wanted to be with Morgan, but that was no longer an option. Not if he was going to keep his sister from Kellen’s evil hands. He just wished he’d been able to say goodbye, to let Morgan know he hadn’t left because he didn’t desire her. Nothing was further from the truth.

Not that it mattered now. Tomorrow night he would stand before the kingdom and choose his bride. A bride he didn’t love. A bride he didn’t want.

“Caitlin, ye know I care not a fig about the decorations. Or the ball, for that matter.”

Cait frowned and flipped her dark brown curls over her shoulder. Blue-green eyes, speckled with gold, sparkled with irritation.

“Ye may not have an interest in this ball, but I be looking forward to dancing under the stars. Now, quit being a spoiled brat and help me.”

“Anything to quit this place so I can be attending me other duties.”

Cait arched a brow as she laughed. “What? Hunting with Liam? Have the two of ye not emptied the woods of all our game by now? I swear every time I see ye, ye be off hunting.” She leaned forward, looking in his eyes. “Unless ye do not hunt.”

Colin felt his face heat under her probing gaze.

“Ah, ye dinna. So, where be ye going, then? Have you a mistress?”

The sip of cider he'd taken spewed out at her question. “I beg your pardon?”

Cait laughed and patted his hand. “Sorry, Brother. ’Tweren’t meaning to shock ye.” She shrugged. “’Twas all I knew ye’d be hiding from Mother.” A frown puckered her brow. “Unless ye’ve taken fancy of a human girl.”

“Nay, Cait,” he quickly reassured his sister. “I have not fallen in love with a human.”

“Good.” She nodded, then narrowed her eyes. Colin never knew what she saw, or how, but Cait had always been able to read him like an open book. “But ye do be in love.”

“Aye, I do.”

He sat back and took a long sip of ale, watching as Cait processed this news. Emotions raced across her face and questions swirled in her eyes.

“Who? I want to meet her. Does Mother be knowing? Is this why ye be so surly? Ye fear she willna let ye take her as your bride?”

Colin laughed and rattled off his replies as quickly as she posed her questions.

“No one you know. Soon. Aye. Mayhap. I dinna know.” He pushed away from the table and paced. “Naught matters now. She be gone from me life forever.”

“Och, and why be that?”

To save you. The answer hovered on his tongue, but he held it back. “Because Mother forbade me seeing her.”

“And this stopped you now?”

Colin stared at his sister. “Aye, it did.”

“Can ye believe it, Liam? Colin be obeying our Mother when he be wanting something different than her.”

Liam stepped from the shadows and stared at Colin. “Aye, now that be a sight to see. Did Morgan come to her senses and kick ye aside?”

“Morgan? Who be that?” Cait asked, her brow furrowed.

“She be the Love Talker’s daughter.” Liam set his hands on his hips.

“Finn had a daughter?” Cait’s eyes widened. “And ye be in love with her.”

“Aye,” Colin whispered. “But it matters not. I cannot have her.”

“But why not? She be Fae.”

“She be off limits,” Colin growled, wishing it didn’t pain him so to say the words. “Now, if ye be done interrogating me, I wish to be alone.” He glared at Liam.

“As ye wish, my prince.”

Colin hurried from the castle and into the woods, not paying attention to where his feet carried him until he stood in front of the message tree. He stared at the hole in the trunk, wishing he’d thought to bring a letter with him so Morgan would understand what had happened. There wasn’t time to return with a message now, but he promised to do return in the morning with a letter for her.

His decision made, he turned to leave, his eye catching sight of a flash of white. Curious, he reached into the tree and pulled out an envelope with his name written across it in a lovely, flowing script.

Fingers shaking, he tore the envelope open, pulled out the paper, and smoothed it out to read.


My Dearest Colin,


I am so sorry we didn't get to see each other one last time, but things

happened so quickly.


My house sold, but I have to leave today so the new family can

move in by week's end. By the time you read this, I’ll be

far away from here, starting my journey.


Words cannot express how grateful I am for the way you listened

 to me and helped me come to terms with my loss. In few days we talked,

you brought laughter and light to my world. But, we both knew

things would end. I had just hoped to see you again before it did.


Thank you for being my friend, if only for a few days.


With love,


Colin traced a finger over the blotches on the paper, the only sign of how much pain she'd been in as she'd written the letter. Folding the note reverently, he stood and headed into the trees.

She was gone. The only girl he'd ever loved had disappeared before he could tell her of his feelings. He wanted to run to the house, to demand entrance, but he knew she was long gone. Her note had been clear. This was goodbye.

Maybe it was better this way. He didn’t have to worry about breaking the treaty his mother had with Kellen, and Cait would be safe. But even knowing that couldn’t keep his heart from aching at the loss of Morgan.

Turning, he looked one last time at the grove where he’d met his love, where he’d kissed the girl he wanted at his side for the rest of his life. It felt hollow and empty without her, just like his life would be.

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