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„Jimin brake!" was the last thing I could shout as our car went off the road and hit a tree on the side, which is why the car ended up on its side after rolling over.

I heard the screams, the windows shattering, everything spinning in my head as the car came to a stop - at the same time everyone's voice went silent. When I regained my senses after stepping away for a second, I realized everything.

Panic-stricken, I looked down at myself as I saw blood - the pain came only then at that moment.

All the glass shards had drilled into my skin, a piece of metal was stuck in my thigh and I had wounds everywhere. But I was much more concerned about my friends.

,,Jimin, Hobi!" I shouted, but there was no answer. With difficulty I unbuckled my seatbelt, every movement was unbearably painful, but I knew I had to act before it was too late. I leaned forward to the two to check them out. They were bleeding everywhere. Especially Jimin's head had been hit. I tried to shake them awake but it was no use. I checked their pulse.

,,God, they are breathing..." Relieved, a tear or two fell down my cheek. I would never have forgiven myself if they had lost their lives here and now. Just as I was about to take a breath, I heard a car approaching. And that's when it hit me - we were still being followed.

Panicked, I looked in the rearview mirror as a car stopped behind us and two men pulled out. I immediately recognized that they were my father's men. I knew that if I didn't trade now, they would be killed in the next few minutes.

I looked back and forth in the car for a way to defend myself when I saw Hobi's gun lying under the seat. My breath caught for a second - did I have to use it?

That was the last thing I wanted to do, but I had no other choice. Hesitantly I took the gun in my hand. My hands were shaking, the weapon was heavy and scary. My whole body was sweating but I had to pull myself together.

,,You can do it..."

I suddenly heard a very quiet voice. Shocked, I turned around and saw Jimin smiling slightly at me. I smiled at him worriedly, but his words gave me strength. The thought that someone believed in me was enough to put everything on the line.

So I took the gun in my hand. I knew how to shoot with it. I had watched Jungkook train several times. I tucked the gun in the back of my pants as I hesitantly opened the door and got out of the car. I limped and groaned painfully as I felt the metal digging deeper into my flesh as I moved, knowing I would not be shot. When the men approached me and saw that I seemed to be surrendering, they lowered their weapons.

But at the very moment they let their guard down and didn't expect it, I pulled out my gun and shot them both several times until they fell to the ground. Adrenaline rushed through my entire body when I saw what had been done. My hands were unable to hold the gun for even a second longer until it hit the ground.

I screamed. I screamed my head off and fell to the ground. I went the way I never wanted to go. I judged the life of another in the worst way.

My knees hit the stony ground. My hands supporting me from lying completely on the ground. My breathing became faster and faster until I felt like I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing so fast that my whole chest was tightening and hurting. I continued to scream. I wanted to let it out but it was not enough. Instead, I threw up. The blood I saw - which began to flow because of my actions - disturbed me. I was disgusted with myself.

Jungkook PoV
"Hyung drive faster please I don't want anyone to die!"

"Damn it I'm going so fast I-

And suddenly our voices stopped as we slowly saw a car in the distance. Smoke was coming out of the car. My heart started to beat faster so that my chest hurt. I was too late.

Before the car even came to a complete stop, I jumped out and ran to the car. The driver's door was open and I saw Jimin's arm hanging out. He was unconscious just like Hobi and both were bleeding.

„Hyung, get the hell over here!" I yelled in anger and tried to shake Jimin awake - no response. „You can't die Hyung..." I whispered as I let go of him and ripped open the door to Y/N, but I saw no one. They had taken her? It can't be...

„Y/N! Where are you?!" I shouted, but I heard no answer. Instead, I fell to my knees. Everything I had done was in vain. Every attempt to protect her failed. For the first time in years I was about to shed tears. I had sworn not to shed another tear after the loss of Yerin until I suddenly heard a soft sob and immediately jumped up. I followed the sobbing until I found a petite figure hidden among the trees. I could not put into words my relief. „Y/N..." I whispered softly as I knelt down to her and took her in my arms, where she suddenly flinched in shock and pushed me away. What was wrong with her?

That was the moment when I noticed that she had cuts everywhere. Small pieces of glass were stuck in her skin.

„Jungkook...it's you," she spoke softly. So softly that I could hardly understand her. Didn't she notice that I was talking to her and kneeling next to her? She is probably still in shock.

,,y/n you have to tell me what-"

but before she let me speak, she shook her head wildly and began to cry again. I knew it wouldn't do any good to force her now. She was shaking all over so I decided to take her to the car. I picked her up When she suddenly cried out in pain and I immediately let go of her. She held on to her leg. Then I saw that her thigh was bleeding like crazy. A piece of metal was stuck deep in her thigh. My heart broke at the thought that she was lying here full of pain alone in shock.

„I'll try to be gentle," I whispered soothingly and lifted her up without moving the injured area much. Nevertheless, she groaned in pain and immediately she wrapped her arms around my neck - crying even more.

I could feel her heart racing. What had happened? But before I had to think for another second, the answer was literally laid before my eyes. I saw two men lying on the side of the road. In their own blood puddle. Then I understood that it was her- I was shocked. So shocked that my breath stopped for a Moment.

How was someone so delicate, sensitive and afraid of blood and weapons able to kill someone? Was she threatened? Probably she was trying to protect Jimin and Hobi.

I took her to the car where Taehyung was buckling Hobi in. When he saw the two of us, he put on a questioning face. I symbolized with my eyes that we would talk about it later.

,,They are still unconscious. I have to take both of them to the hospital urgently. Jin and Namjoon Hyung have been informed and are already on their way to pick you both u-Oh shit she's hurt too!?" he said shocked when he saw her blood on my clothes.

,,Put her in the car, she also needs to go to the hospital" but I shook my head.
„She can't stay in public. We have to wait for Namjoon and Jin Hyung. They will be here soon. After all, we called them both to help us."

"But she is in pain Jungkook..."

Worried, I looked down at her. She was still crying. "I know...but we can't take any more risks. Y/N can you stand the pain a little longer? The others will be here soon to pick us up. Then Jin will take care of you."

She shook her head - not looking up at me. Again and again I felt her pressing herself tighter against me. She was in a lot of pain and I cursed every second that she continued to suffer.

,,I Trust your decision. We will talk later." he told me as he got into the car and drove off.

Meanwhile, I waited for my Hyungs with Y/N in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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