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I heard noises. Someone was moving in the room. Still half asleep I scanned the other side of the bed with my right hand to feel if Jungkook was still in bed. But he was not lying there. This also explained why it was so cold in bed. I heard his voice shortly afterwards and opened my eyes. ,,I'm here."
He was buttoning up his shirt.
I felt bad. I was sad. At the same time I was afraid. He was about to leave on a mission where anything could happen. "Just go back to sleep Y/N. It is 5am in the morning. We'll be fine." he smiled slightly. "At least I'll come down to say goodbye," I said softly to him. "Don't be sad, we'll be fine." he tried to cheer me up. "You never know what can happen," I replied quietly. I don't know if he had heard it.

While he was getting ready and finally went  to get his gun, I wanted to change too. It was very cold in the house. Unfortunately I didn't find any comfortable clothes like hoddies in the expensive bootique but rather fancy knitted sweaters. So I wanted to wear one from Jungkook. But I did not know if he had such a sweater at all. Until now I only saw him dressed up - half naked - or in pyjamas.

I opened several closets in his walk-in closet which is directly connected to the room as I noticed how someone entered the room. "What are you looking for Y/N?" he asked and stepped next to me. ,,Do you have something like comfortable clothes? Hoddies?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I have any?" he asked and opened a closet to hand me one. He had understood that I wanted one. "nah, you're always dressed up." And for the first time I heard Jungkook laugh. Even if it was short - he laughed but when he realized that he had revealed his joy a little bit he Stopped.
"Let's go" he said and went ahead while I slipped into his hoddie. It smelled of him.

I ran downstairs and saw how everyone was already ready to leave. "Please come home safely," I said sadly and looked down at the floor. "You are going to make me cry. We will come back, don't worry." I heard Hobi's words of encouragement and shortly afterwards I felt his hand on my shoulder. He smiled at me - his smile was really special. One by one the boys left the house. Jungkook was the last but he stopped at the door and turned to me. ,,If something should happen, call me immediately without hesitation. I want you to be safe, you have my number" and with these words he left the house too. And for the first time in a long time I felt alone again.
Hours went by. Hours of sorrow. I slept, I watched a movie, I cleaned up, but the hours still passed very slowly. It was 11 pm . It was already dark. I got hungry and went to the kitchen to eat something when I heard a car parked in the driveway. I thought it was the boys but out of the window I saw a completely different car. And then when masked men got out of the car and came towards the house all the alarm bells rang in my head.

My heart started beating like crazy. Adrenaline was rushing through my body. I panicked, grabbed my phone and immediately switched off all the lights. I ran up to Jungkok's room and locked the door when I immediately dialed Jungkok's number. "Accept, accept, accept," I whispered and wiped away my tears. Thank God Jungkok picked up. "Y/N what is - "Jungkook someone is trying to enter the house!" I yelled whispering . I heard shooting noises in the background .Jungkook and the others were probably involved in a shooting right now. 

,,What?! Okay Y/N listen to me, hide in my closet right now and stay calm. I'm g-...f-f-uck...", I heard him groaning in pain. "Jungkook what happened!?" I almost screamed a bit too loud and covered my mouth shortly afterwards. For 20 seconds I only heard his heavy breath. "Fuck Jungkook was shot! Jin fast!" I heard namjoon screaming in the background. My eyes widened. "Jungkook? Jungkook!" I yelled in a whisper. ,,I'm coming. Hide yourself." was the last thing I heard when he hung up and shortly afterwards I could hear how the front door was finally kicked in. I started crying again and covered my mouth. I had to be quiet. I hid in Jungkok's closet. I knew that the men would not find me immediately - the house is huge. It would take them a little while but in the end they would find me. I really thought it was the end - death for me. But my death interested me the least at that moment. Instead, I was incredibly worried about Jungkook.

I couldn't stop thinking about what might have happened to him. Minutes went by but it felt like hours. Probably 15 minutes had passed before I heard voices. Steps. They were finally on my floor. I knew that my death was now officially signed. I was breathing in panic and squinting my eyes together as I heard them go through the next room when suddenly a shot was fired. Another shot. And a whole shootout shortly after. I did not know what had happened. Instead, I cried uncontrollably - loudly. I couldn't hold back my fear anymore. The steps came closer until I could feel the presence of someone in front of the closet. I prayed that they would spare me or it would be a quick death. The closet door opened suddenly and Jungkook finally revealed himself. He bent down to me and pulled me into his arms."Thank God you're all right" he said and pressed me even harder. I only cried even harder. My whole body was shaking but he made me calm down. "Don't cry, I'm here. No one can hurt you." he whispered to me and stroked my head. He knew how to calm me down. I pulled myself closer to him but when I suddenly touched him on the side I felt something wet. Shocked, I pushed myself away from him and looked at my bloody fingers as I realized he was bleeding. "Jungkook..." I said quietly and could not believe that he was hurt.  He grabbed the wound and put pressure on it. He was in pain. "It's not that bad. I have survived worse. It's just a...."he suddenly fell on his knees and I caught him in the air. I screamed. I screamed for help. He had lost too much blood. And luckily for me, help came through the door in time. "Fuck I told him to leave it up to us," I heard Jimin cursing who was lying him on the bed with Taehyung While Jin rushed in with a first aid kit, blood infusion and other medical equipment. Jungkook mentioned that Jin had been a doctor. Taehyung looked over at me briefly. "Are you okay?" he asked. I do not answer. Instead, I watched Jin hook Jungkook up to a machine.

"He has lost too much blood. A blood infusion." jin said.

Taehyung knelt down to me. "Hey, everything will be okay. Jin is a professional. Jungkook just lost a little too much blood."

Blood. Something that made me dizzy. But apparently in such large quantities, it also made me pass out. Because that's all I could remember.

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