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I don't remember too much about last night. I only know that Jungkook hugged me and apologized to me. I probably fell asleep in his arms and woke up the next morning in his bed - but he wasn't there. I changed my clothes and went downstairs when I saw Taehyung and Jungkook shake hands in the living room. Have they sorted everything out? But before I could even go inside to get my own overview, Jimin pulled me aside. "Let them have this moment. We shouldn't disturb them," he said to me without turning his eyes away from the two distant friends. Surprised, I looked at him. "I honestly didn't think they would get along so well so quickly." I whispered to myself and leaned against the wall.
Jimin was also leaning against the wall next to me. "Do you know that the two of them built all this?" he asked me with a slightly smiling face. I denied, of course. ,,Jungkook and Taehyung were both part of a mafia family at that time. Their families were enemies and after an incredibly bloody massacre, both families died. Jungkook and Taehyung were the only survivors. Since that day they are like brothers. Even more than that. Taehyung is Jungkook and Jungkook is Taehyung. They went through cruel things together and would die for each other."
Overwhelmed by this story, I looked at him. "But if they built it together, why is Jungkook the leader?"
„So after Jungkook and Taeyhung added new members like me over the years, the group grew larger and a leader had to be chosen. Jungkook was always the more serious, harder and colder of the two. Taehyung knew that Jungkook was perfect for this job. Taehyung prefers to stay in the background."

"So that's why I never saw Jungkook give him a direct order?"

"Correct. Taehyung is a kind of unofficial leader - he doesn't use his power like Jungkook, but he might as well go up against Jungkook. Jungkook can't or won't give him orders."

"So Taehyung could have fought back Jungkook that day without any consequence because he is the unofficial leader, right? Why didn't he do it and stayed so calm?"

Jimin turned in the direction of Jungkook and Taehyung to check that they were still talking to each other and not listening to us.

„Even though they both grew up together, both have a very different character. Taehyung is very patient and holds back up to a certain point. He would try any other options and use violence only as a last resort. He is really very sensitive and his feelings are open to others. Jungkook is exactly the opposite, after an incident a few years ago he closed himself emotionally to everyone. He became cold. Very cold. He distances himself from every new person he meets and tries to keep the relationship as neutral and professional as possible. But that he had his first outburst of rage in years because he was worried about someone other than the 7 of us is a miracle. You don't know each other for long but apparently he has made you one of his top priorities. Otherwise I couldn't explain why he would put himself out there for someone he hardly knows. He wasn't always so aggressive and cold - he was open to new things and would never use violence in the first place like he does these days."

That got me thinking. What is my relationship with Jungkook? I can tell when Jungkook opens up to something and When he finally realizes that he has taken another step forward , he immediately withdraws and distances himself. What happened that he behaves like this?

But before I could even ask the two leaders interrupted us. "What are you talking about?" Jungkook asked somewhat suspiciously. As a leader he has developed a real instinct when it comes to interpreting the facial expressions and gestures of others.

But fortunately Jimin more or less invented a suitable excuse. "I told her about our mission tomorrow."
The two "brothers" looked at each other suspiciously. "We don't want to interfere with your private conversations but Jimin, you really are a bad liar. Anyway, tomorrow we're leaving on a mission. We're going to help a mafia clan of friends of ours , track down some Ex clan members. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. and probably won't be home until after midnight" and with these words Jungkook said goodbye to us and left the room. Jimin looked at me from the side. His face was white as chalk. Jungkook had seen through him without any problems. He really is a dangerous man. "You shouldn't lie to Jungkook, you know he gets angry easily."
The rest of the day was spent planning the mission. I saw Namjoon or hobi walking around the house from time to time but otherwise everyone was in their own room doing their own tasks. I felt quite useless. Why don't they take me with them? Not that I have any intention of putting myself in danger but at least I can be given an explanation why I am not being taken on the Mission . It was getting later and later and when I was getting tired I decided to go to sleep.

I carefully opened the door to Jungkok's bedroom. He was probably sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up. But instead I found him sitting on his bed with a gun in his right hand in which he put new ammunition. When he noticed me he stopped immediately and looked at me. I think he could tell what I was thinking from my worried expression. "Is this a dangerous mission?" I asked quietly and sat down on the bed at a great distance from the gun. "What do you think? We are the Mafia. Everything is dangerous here," he replied and put in another cartridge. There was a brief silence. "Jungkook... why can't I-
"because it's too dangerous for you," he interrupted me.
"But I thought you only catch the....what will you do when you catch them?" I asked uncertainly and became louder. That was the first moment when he finally looked me in the eyes. And I could tell - he didn't want to tell me because he didn't think I was up to it. "I have no other choice but to kill them."he says as monotonously as possible.

Jungkook PoV
To explain to her that we would have to kill the men later on, I could hardly bring myself to do so. Her voice did not sound as confident and strong as I am used to from her announcements. Her voice was very thin, as if she would lose the ability to speak every second. There was no reaction to my answer. She lay down in bed - as far to the left side as she could to keep the distance to the gun in my hand. She never let the gun out of her sight for a second. Apparently her fear of such a thing is much greater than I could have imagined. I had the feeling that her eyes showed sadness. Sadness because she knows what I'm going to do tomorrow? Sometimes I don't know if she's thinking that im a Monsta. I wouldn't do anything to someone innocent, but her look just won't let go of me.

She was lying there staring at the gun until I finally put all the ammunition in and wanted to put the gun on the nightstand next to me when I suddenly heard her voice. "Can you please put the gun away?" she asked. That fragile voice again. It was eating me up inside that an action like filling a gun with ammunition alone would put her in such an insecure and frightening position. How is she going to deal with the cruel things this world still offers? Was it a mistake to accept her here?

I took the gun to another room and finally lay down in bed where Y/N had already snuggled up against her pillow. "Please be Careful tomorrow" she whispered sleepily to me without opening her eyes. I smiled slightly. Instead of giving her an answer I kissed her on the forehead reflexively. And the moment I did that I realized what I had just done. But when I noticed that she didn't react and probably even fell asleep, I didn't worry that she might have noticed.

What is wrong with me?

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