Chapter 3

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Kenny and James were hanging out on the basketball court, next to the bowling alley. They laughed about what they had done, as if they had no remorse for Kayla or Jaime's emotions. They just had a kick out what they caused.

Kenny - Just imagine their faces when we told them that we were breaking up. I could tell it was priceless to behold.

James - Hey, I'm glad that I don't have to deal with Jaime overly protecting me all the time. Sarah checks up on me, but not every five seconds.

Kenny - Kayla was the exact way with me during our 3rd month....

James - Didn't you say something about how she was in the hospital?

Kenny - Yeah...Sasha told me about the whole thing that happened. I will admit this, I just got a huge monkey off my back.

James - Definitely man...definitely.

While James and Kenny were laughing at the whole situation, someone was spying on them the whole time. This person went back to Kayla's house, and reported the news. (Kayla's cousin, Ash. She is too smart for her own age though.)

Kayla - How were things on your end?

Ash - Well, I found out about their plans.

Jaime - They planned out the whole thing? *to Kayla* How did you see this coming?

Kayla - I think the "accident" may have given me some odd power. I see things before they happen, and when they is the exact way I saw it in my dream.

Ash - I heard about those kind of people in school. They are known as "Dream Catchers". I think my teacher said that they all went through some sort of accident that granted them the power....something that looks like a dream catcher being implanted into their brains by the ancestor.

Jaime - Kay was choked, placed into the hospital, and she had this dream about what would happen. Only one problem, I thought dream catchers were supposed to catch bad dreams. What is what up with that?

Ash - I remember that Dream Catchers have the ability to catch any dream, whether good or bad.

Kayla - That's what Willie was talking about.

Ash - Cousin Willie?

Kayla - Yep....he knew what it was. He said about grandma having the same thing, and it was passed down to me.

Ash - Yeah, but maybe grandma's was broken from years of denying her true power and the ancestor had to fix it, in order to give it you once you were in the hospital.

Jaime - That is a lot to think about to be honest.

Ash - I also found something that could spark both of your interests.

Kayla and Jaime - What?

Ash pulls out pictures of both Kenny and Sasha in one, and the other picture was James and Sarah being together in the other. Kayla pulled out her folder with drawings in it, and she held both actual picture up to the drawing. Both were the same thing, but from different stand points. Kayla's view was up close, where as Ash's view was about a few feet.

Kayla - When did you take these pictures?

Ash - Tuesday....Aunt Lucy knew about your accident, and she was concerned about your relationship being in some kind of situation.

Jaime - Wait, your aunt predicted me being together with James....does that mean she could be a Dream Catcher as well?

Ash - It would seem that way, but Aunt Lucy is the exception to all Dream Catchers. She doesn't see the moments in her sleep like Kayla. Aunt Lucy sees the moments just by looking at the person. I'm guessing that is how she found out about Kayla and Kenny's relationship.

Kayla - I don't remember Aunt Lucy coming to the hospital.

Ash - She went to the hospital during one of the visiting hours...she never said which one though, but she was there. She stood next to me, while I was there with you.

Kayla - That's odd to say to the least.

Jaime - Is there a way that Dream Catchers can hide from others?

Kayla and Ash - Yes....

Jaime and Kayla shared a look that Ash understood. This whole entire situation was destined to happen, but for what reason was there for it to happen like this? Out of nowhere, Ash heard a voice in her head and she freaked out a bit. After a minute or so, she realized that it was Aunt Lucy communicating with her.

Lucy - They found out about Kenny and James little plan with Sasha and Sarah. This will bring Kayla and Jaime together....they may not know this yet, but it will occur in the near future.

Ash - in, they are closer as friends?

Lucy - More than that, Ash....

Ash - You mean that they will be girlfriend-girlfriend?

Lucy - It might not seem like it now, but it will happen.

Ash - Should I tell them?

Lucy - No....Kayla will find out on her own time.

Ash - What about Jaime?

Lucy - She will find out when Kayla tells may sound crazy to them, if you were to tell them. That's why you need to wait.

Ash - I understand what you mean.

Kayla and Jaime stared at Ash, as she was floating in the air.

Jaime - Who was that?

Ash - Aunt Lucy....

Kayla - What did she say?

Ash - Kayla....she said that you will find out on your time. In the meantime, let's continue this investigation we got going on.

-Kayla's mom moved to Florida, and her "dad" is in jail for assualt.-

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