Chapter 29

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-Everyone at the school mourned the losses of their fellow classmates. No one said a single word after everything that has happened.-

-Ryobu's Notes-

Taylor actually did it......he actually did end the suffering of this world. It's like an ending to a story that was horrible in the beginning, but it got a little bit better in the end. I couldn't believe that....Ash and Carrie were with Kenny the whole time. Taylor gave some insight on some of the things that happened. "Ash and Carrie were the ones to kill Kayla's parents." Everyone thought James and Kenny were the culprits behind the death of her parents. "Vengeance was willing to turn Izzy over to Kenny as a sacrifice." I was a bit confused at first, thinking to myself, when was Izzy involved with anything? It dawned on me that Izzy did come back to see me, a few years ago. She ran away from Renee and Taylor (a big fight ensued between them and she didn't want to be a part of it). I was surprised by her actions, then she gave me a shocker of what she was gonna do. "I'm gonna become a werewolf, and walk the Earth for a little while. It won't be much, but I want to see the world from another's perspective." I told her that if her heart is on what she believes, she will do a great job at it. Renee walks through the depths of Hell, as a guardian of those who were killed by Kenny and his associates.....I was amazed at her decision, and I told her to go with it....if that's what she wanted to do. Taylor thought Renee was dead, but turns out she isn't dead.....she is walking among the living, but no one knows of her existence. She is now a shadow-walker, and she helps those from any corner of the world. Kayla, Jaime, and Josh decided to turn themselves in to the police.....why did they do that? No answers came from their decision, but Taylor may have gotten some kind of clue. "They didn't want to be remembered as the group who sided with the enemy, even though they were going against the enemy."

I honestly believe that things may work out from this just might work out, but we'll never know for sure.

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