Chapter 10

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-Let's fast forward through time here. Matt, Jaime, and Kayla were released from the hospital, on the condition that Matt and Jaime are safe under Kayla's care. Kayla accepted the condition and so did Matt and Jaime. Not much happened from that point on, but there was an uprising at school that was caused by "The Clique", or a lack of better words......Kenny, James, Sarah, and Sasha. They began spreading rumors about what happened to Jaime and why she hasn't been at school, and same with Kayla. One of the rumors that went around was that Jaime had died in that supposed "accident" (caused by The Clique), then there was one rumor that Kayla had joined her parents in the afterlife. Needless to say, both Kayla and Jaime got word of these rumors from a reliable source.-

-Ash, if you remember is Kayla's cousin. Ash is actually part of The Clique, but she isn't a full-fledged member at this point of time. Why would she join ranks with the people who destroyed her cousin's reputation and almost kill an innocent girl? This may jump over your heads, but Plan A-12-9 actually requires someone who close to Kayla and Jaime to get in the ranks of the enemy, meaning Ash is the one that could get the job done. Eversince, the trio was released from the hospital, that's when the plan actually went to full effect. Matt, Kayla, and Jaime operate with Josh in the shadows, whereas Ash works in broad daylight and she doesn't have any kind of suspicion on her at all. Ash is one of those people who can blend in with society, without actually being detected by anyone. There is a term that Ash learned in school about those kind of people and she is one herself....they are called "Stealthwalkers". Stealthwalkers are the hardest people to track in large or small gatherings, especially in an environment that is large, example being the school. Josh uses his intellect to gather as much information as possible from Ash on a random basis.-

-Most of the information gathered on The Clique goes from the plot to kill Jaime all the way to killing Kayla's parents. From that point on, the plans began to come together and focus on one specific person.....Sasha. Everything that has happened has all pointed the fingers at her (obviously), yet she doesn't even realize it. The evidence is stacking up on her and she doesn't know the slightest clue.-

-Ash did look over the plans like she was told to do, and each one had a flaw to it. That flaw is Sasha....each plan has failed because Sasha underestimates everything.-

-As Plan A-12-9 came to a close, Ash's involvement with The Clique dissolved pretty quickly. The plans were eventually leaked out to the country by an unfamiliar source. Some of which would say that it is the ghosts of Jaime and Kayla, but what the people don't realize....Jaime and Kayla have been alive for several months, and only one person knew that besides Josh. A girl named, Carrie (Side Note - Jaime and Carrie are sisters), came foward and she exposed The Clique in front of the entire world. Carrie has the power to hijack wavelengths to the point that those waves won't exist anymore. One day, Carrie went to join the others at the base of operations, and she began to hijack the entire world's wavelengths without any hesitation.-

-While hijacking the wavelengths, Josh and the others began to plant some cryptic messages that the media nor the president could understand. Kayla, Jaime, and Matt began to contain the messages to a specific point. "WE ARE NOT DEAD YET." "YOU WILL RUE THE DAY YOU SCREWED UP." "YOU WILL SEE US AGAIN." The messages were contained in a simple point and it actually freaked out The Clique. Sasha began having panic attacks once the hijacking was over, but it was never over....nor was it finished either. Kayla, Jaime, Matt, Carrie, and Ash walked into the front office of the school, looking forward the entire time. All the faculty members were scared shitless, as if they had seen ghosts and they were probably right about thing. They were scared if a horror movie had busted in the building.-

-Carrie began to disrupt the intercoms within the school, Ash went on to find The Clique in their seperate classes and draw them out, while Josh and the others used the opportunity of the intercoms being disrupted. Matt started off...."Clique, we are alive and we are still kicking." Kayla...."It was only a matter of time before you began to believe that we were never coming back." Jaime...."You thought you killed me back then. Too bad because you failed in the end."

-The entire school left their classes, lead by The Clique. Once they had reached the front office, they were absolutely stunned at what they are witnessing first hand. Carrie spoke this time...."So, this is The Clique we heard about for so many months? These people will learn the truth of what you have done to destroyed my sister and left her for dead. It's about The Clique had met with us....Vengeance." After that, Vengeance had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen. The Clique turned paler than ghosts, almost as pale as the wrestler Sheamus, maybe more than that. No words were ever said the rest of that day, for they now know the truth. Vengeance is coming to find The Clique, and expose them for who they really are.-

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