Chapter 27

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-Carrie began to think to herself, remembering what just happened a few moments ago and what happened years ago.-

When he had his hand wrapped around my throat, I felt his grip tighten and heard some of his knuckles popping. His eyes were filled with anger, despair, sorrow, and then there was something in his eyes that scared me. It looked like a monster inside of a cage....wings, red eyes, fangs, claws, and a tail. I also saw what he was talking about when Kenny and I were supposedly together as a family. I remember when I was in a institution for a number of reasons, but none of them really made sense to me at that time. When I finally got out of that place, it felt good to be in the real world. At one point, I tried to reconnect with Kenny, but he shut me out of existence. He felt that I left him alone, when he knew that I was mentally ill at that time. He didn't care if I died, or lived....and that hurt me the most out of everything that happened. I considered Jamie to be a sister I once had....I had a sister, I barely knew her because my mom took her from me. Leaving me and my dad to live without her, it hurt not to have someone to talk to or someone to listen. My dad was mostly into drinking, and he tried to use me for his personal amusement. I called the police multiple times about him doing that to me....they kept pushing it out of their minds, until I showed up there at the station. I walked up there, covered in left eye halfway busted open, my clothes were ripped but nothing was showing. Thank goodness for that.....they immediately thought something was wrong with me. They asked my dad what the problem was with me, and he straight up lied to their faces. "She hangs around gangs, smokes and drinks, and she prostitutes herself for money. I walked over to him and beat the holy hell out of him for lying to the police. They saw the blood on my back, then one of them noticed the blood on his fists. "This is the girl that has called here for weeks and no one even bothered to help her whatsoever.......what the hell is wrong with you people?" I recognized the voice of this man. It was Sheriff William, Kayla's cousin, and he was really observant of many things. He took my dad into custody, and he placed me in foster care. I was so upset for days, that I walked to that institution and turned myself in......I always tried to force the truth to the back of my mind, but it seems to find me at every turn of my life. All this time, I never knew what pain felt like....until Taylor showed me true pain. His words, his eyes, his violent nature.....all of it inflicted on me, in hopes that I would wake up and realize the truth. Taylor lost his love, almost lost his sister, and he will never forgive Kenny for doing those things. Kenny took everything from him, and yet....he still held a smile on his face. He told me that he would lay Kenny's body in front of the entire world and expose him as the man who slaughtered innocent families for his personal amusement. Taylor had a brother just like that once....Cain was just like that, until Taylor killed him in purgatory. Taylor was believed to be dead, but he wasn't dead to begin with. Taylor sees a bit of his brother in Kenny and it drives him to the point.....where he lusts for blood, and he doesn't care who he kills for it. I can understand why.....why he was so angry with me. I tried to take his sister from him, just Kenny took his love from him. Taylor showed everyone that he has a side that will not be tamed by any means necessary. He was normally a humanoid-rhino, but that monster that was in the cage....that wasn't a rhino. That looked more like a demon from Hell, and it has found it's victim in Kenny.

Ash - Are you gonna sit there and mope around or are we gonna take Izzy to Kenny?

Carrie - We can't do that.....

Ash - Is it because Taylor grabbed a hold of you? He has no mercy for human beings? Really....he isn't so toug....

-Before Ash finished her sentence, Taylor had her pinned up against the wall with his hand wrapped around her throat.

Taylor - I told you that if you did that to Izzy, I will kill you right where you stand. Your cousin is a dream catcher? Did she ever tell you that you would die by my hands, did she?

Ash - There is no way......

Taylor - I will show what I can do to people who take anything from me......DIE!!!!!!

-He threw Ash to the ground, and began to damage her face. Carrie yelled out for Taylor to stop, but he wasn't listening to her. He was focused on destroying Ash and laying her lifeless body in front of Kayla. Taylor beat Ash with every inch of her life....leaving absolutely no sign of life to be found.-

Taylor - I told you both that if you touch my sister...I would kill you. I told you that I would lay your bodies in front of those who were innocently slaughtered. Ash isn't so innocent herself.....she killed many innocent boys and girls. Sasha, Sarah, and James were killed by Ash.....not your brother Kenny. This is my last time saying this to anyone.......touch my sister and YOU DIE!!!

-Taylor and Ash disappeared into thin air, and landed in purgatory.-

Taylor - This will be the final time, you will ever see life Ash.

??? - I knew she was always be that way when I first met her.

Taylor - Hmm?

Matt - I hate to say this...but she deserved it for everything she has done. You may not know me....

Taylor - I know who you are.....this is only the beginning of what is to come. Her body will be layed out in for those innocent souls to witness. Those exact souls will finally be able to rest in peace once Kenny is dead. That is what must happen to put this whole thing to rest.

Matt - I understand....I'll take it from here.

Taylor - See you around, Matt.

Matt - You too, Taylor.

-Taylor walked into the base....only to find a broken chamber. His blood began to boil, and his whole demeanor became violent. He lunged at everyone and threw them at the wall. He almost lost it completely, until he heard a voice come from behind him.

Izzy - Taylor.....stop before you do something serious.

Taylor - Izzy.....the did you?

Izzy - They let me out, and I broke the chamber myself. I wanted to be able to tell you this to wasn't your fault that Renee had died at the hands at Kenny, your mother's death wasn't in vain. Everyone's death will be avenged by you and you saved this world once before, and I know that you can do it again.

Jaime - We'll be here to help you, whenever you need us.

Kayla - All we ask is that you keep that bloodlust of yours undercontrol....before something could happen. Ash could be dead if that happened.

Taylor - She is dead.....

Kayla - Wait....what do you......

Taylor - She was under the influence of just didn't realize it and she tried to take Izzy from me. I wouldn't let that happen to anyone else.....your cousin was with Kenny since the beginning of all this. No one else knew that except me....I couldn't risk watching another human being die.

Josh (Computer Generated) - I see that Kenny could be right about one and him are alike.


Izzy - Taylor, stop.....Renee wouldn't want this. Don't do what you are planning to will only make things worse.

Carrie - Taylor......just try calm down. It will all be ove.......

Taylor - will be over soon enough.

-Taylor ripped a hold through Carrie's chest, leaving a giant hole.-

Taylor - Kenny will take over make them look like allies, but they aren't what they seem. Dream Catchers couldn't see it at first....but after a lot of practice. I am the ancestral Dream Catcher, and I will protect this world from anything that could throw it out of balance.

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