☀︎︎ Chapter Three ☀︎︎

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Today was Thursday, meaning Betty was off of work but Jughead wasn't. And today Betty would be spending her day off with Veronica planning the wedding. They had already got basically everything ready: they had booked their venue (Pickens Park Palace); booked all their wedding vendors; and booked the hotel rooms. All they had left to do was figure out the guest list, the theme, the wedding party, buy the dress and bridesmaids dresses and sort out tuxedos for the boys. Oh and of course the rings but that was Jugheads problem.

The girls were currently at the Pembroke looking at different themes and colours.

"Ooo how about you do green and red" Veronica suggested, pulling out the colour samples.

"V I sincerely hope you are joking" Betty put the two colours together and inspected them. "This don't even match the venue!"

Veronica bursted out laughing, "these don't even match!" Betty started laughing as well.

After about a 10 minute laughing fit the girls managed to pull themselves together. "Seriously now, what colours are you thinking?"

"Uh how about rose gold, pink and white?" Betty suggested. "Ooo nice B" Veronica said picking out the colours her best friend suggested.

She held the colours up together, "yes this is perfect! And it fits the venue!" She high fived Betty.

"Okay so bridesmaid dresses are gonna be a light rose gold and the groomsmen can wear tan colours."

"Yes, that's perfect!" Veronica picked up a magazine and pointed at various outfits.

"Oo I really like that one" Betty said. "We just need to go and buy them now."

"Ahhh that reminds me I got a dress shopping appointment for Saturday. We just need to figure out the wedding party."

"Well Jughead has made his decision on groomsmen and the best man." Betty explained, "and I have my bridesmaids and maid of honour lined up"

Betty bit her lip, nervously. "Veronica, would you do the honour of being my maid of honour" She asked.

"Yess!! Yesss!" She squealed, hugging her bed friend. Betty hugged back, happy that her best friend agreed, not that she thought she would say no.

"So who are your bridesmaids?" Veronica asked pulling away from the hug. "Cheryl, Toni and Polly then we're gonna have juniper as the flower girl and Dagwood as the page boy."

"Aww there gonna be soo cute!" Veronica said. "And then Jughead's best-man is Archie then the groomsmen are Reggie, Fangs, Sweet Pea and Jellybean"

"When did you come up with all this?" Veronica asked as she typed it onto her computer. "Me and Jug just thought of it at dinner the other day" Betty shrugged. "Oh and I'm asking Kevin to officiate"

"Aww he's gonna love that B!" Veronica suddenly gasped, "we should totally go and get pops and surprise him after work so you can ask him!"

Betty giggled, "yes that's a great idea, V"

The girls went to pops laughing the whole time. They ordered up all their favourites and took it over to Riverdale High to meet Kevin.

"Kevinnnnn!!" They squealed in unison, running up to him. "Hey girls! What are you doing here?" He asked as they hugged him.

"We thought we'd surprise our best friend with pops after his long day at work!" Veronica said.

"Thanks! I definitely need some girl time after spending the day with hormonal teenagers" He groaned as they walked towards Betty's car.

"Common, let's go down to Sweetwater River I know the perfect spot for a picnic!" Betty said, dragging them to her car.

They were sat at the park talking and laughing when Betty finally decided to ask the big question. "Kev, I do actually need to ask you something"

He took a sip of his milk before replying with, "sure what is it?"

"I was wondering if you want to officiate the wedding?" She sighed.

Kevin's eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his sockets in surprise, "of course I will Betty!" He replied hugging her.

"Ahh this wedding is going to be AMAZING!" Veronica squealed.


After a long day of planning they finally had everything planned out. Betty was finally home and sighed a sigh of relief when she got in.

"Long day?" She heard from the kitchen. She walked in to find her fiancé cooking. "Ooo something smells nice in here."

Betty walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hello babe" he chuckled.

She snuggled her face into his shoulder, "how was wedding planning with Veronica?" He asked as he stirred the pasta he was cooking.

Betty groaned, "tiring, we literally went over every detail of the wedding."

"Well now you can relax and remember that we're almost done." He turned around, looking down at her. "God your so beautiful"

"Your just buttering me up, Jones" she grumbled looking up at him. He chuckled before kissing her head. "You go and freshen up while, dinners almost done."

"Okay" she said quietly before skipping off to the bedroom. Jughead smiled as he watched her skip away.

"Here you go Miss Cooper, your favourite. Carbonara with hot dogs cut up in it" he says as he placed the plates on the table. "Aww thank you, babe."

"What's the occasion" Betty chuckled as they ate. "Why can't I just do something nice for my beautiful fiancée?" He smirked, shoving a fork full of pasta in his mouth.

"Cause you always have an agenda" she raised her eyebrows. He sighed. "Okayyy I do need to tell you something. She dropped her fork on the plate, dramatically. "Whatttt"

Jughead put his fork down and took her hand in his, caressing it with his thumb. "I love you, and I know these next few months are gonna be very stressful and will probably involve a lot of fighting so I just wanted to do something nice"

"Your so sweet. How did I get so lucky" she smiled. He chuckled in reply before kissing her hand.

I know this was a short chapter but it had some important things in it sooo yeahh.. anyways hope you enjoyed that bh moment was adorableeee
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