☀︎︎ Chapter Eight ☀︎︎

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(a/n I was listening to this song while writing)

Jughead woke up. He looked at the clock, 12:31 it read. Today was his day off. He turned over to Betty's side of the bed, realising she wasn't there. He sighed as he stretched out his hands.

After a few minutes he decided to get up. He walked into the kitchen, seeing no sign of her being up. He brewed the coffee, leaning his forearms against the counter.

Deciding to check on her while he waited, Jughead crept into the guest bedroom, opening the door slowly. He saw she wasn't in bed and frowned. He saw a trail of clothes and walked into the bathroom, finding her asleep on the floor. Her hair in a loose ponytail and mascara marks down her cheeks. She had been crying. And throwing up from what he heard last night.

He sighed, sitting down on the floor beside her. He stroked her hair gently, a tear trickling down his cheek.

"I'm sorry baby, and I really hate when we fight. I just want you to be healthy and what you've been doing lately isn't. I'm not blind and I know all your tricks. Please Betts, let me help you" he cried even more. He wasn't even sure she could hear him.

But she could. She sat up slowly, starting to tear up again. "I'm so sorry Juggie"

He pulled her gently into his lap, she buried her face into his neck as they cried against each other. They hadn't hugged like this in weeks and had missed each other's comfort.

"It's okay baby" he sniffled. "No it's not you wanted to help me and I was being stubborn about it" she took her head off his shoulder.

"I- I agree that I need help, I just don't want to admit it to myself" she explained, looking down. Jughead put a hand under her chin, lifting her face up. She looked into his sea green eyes, they had always been a comfort to her.

He pulled her into a gentle kiss. She kissed back slightly before he pulled away. She rested her forehead against his. "I love you Betts"

"I love you too, Juggie"


After a while of sobbing on the bathroom floor the couple decided to take a bath to help with Betty's hang over.

Jughead prepared the hot water and squirted some soap into it while Betty sent round and carefully lit some candles around the bathroom.

She lit some incense before Jughead stopped  the water and said, "it's ready babe."

He grabbed their coffee from the kitchen and climbed in the bath. He held her hand as she came in as well, she sat in between his legs with her head against his chest.

He held onto her tight as their muscles relaxed in the warm water, just listening to each other's breathing.

"Betty, can we talk about what's going on with you" Jughead asked as he traced circles on her arm. She sighed. "I don't even know. I guess the stress of the wedding seeped into the PTSD I didn't know I had. And it's not like I got therapy or anything after everything that happened during high school."

"Also I-" she cut herself off. "What?"

"She came back." Betty said simply. Jughead knew what she meant straight away. "Betts, why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know, I didn't think it would matter."

"Well of course it matters, Betts. She's done soo many horrible things to you and to people around you. You have to tell me about these things" she nodded against him.

"Maybe after the wedding I could start going to therapy" Betty suggested looking up at her fiancé. Jughead looked down at her with love in his eyes. "That sounds like a great idea, babe" he kissed the top of her head. "Are you sure you'll be okay until then?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll have you with me."

"Okay" he kissed her head again before they went back to relaxing. They had a few small conversations about the party when they finally got to the kiss.

Betty froze as they danced around that part of the party. "What's wrong, Betts?" He asked as he felt her stiffen. "Are you mad? About the kiss?" Betty sighed, looking up at him again.

"Honestly no. I know what Veronica's like and you were both drunk. Also you were mad at me so, I don't blame you" he chuckled. Betty just looked at him, dumbfounded. "What?"

"Nothing" she said quickly looking away. "Seriously Betts, what is it?"

She moved slightly to get closer to his face, "I love you, so much"

"I love you too" he leaned his face down to meet hers, pressing their lips together. He traced his fingers down to her waist, holding her gently. Betty placed a hand on his face as she deepened the kiss.

Jug pulled away slightly mumbling "bedroom" against her lips. She nodded as they quickly got out of the bath.

They dried themselves before they walked into the bedroom. Betty got under the covers and snuggled in before Jughead joined her, continuing their heated make-out. His hand slipped down to her clit, rubbing it gently in circles. Her breathing quickened as he did this.

He slowly entered a finger into her as she moaned. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. He rolled on top of her, pulling his fingers out. Betty whined at the loss of contact. He chuckled in response before opening her legs with his hands.

He settled himself between her legs before slowly entering. She arched her back into him as she moaned softy. He looked at her for consent to start moving, she nodded rapidly in reply.

Jughead starting moving slowly, weaving his hand into hers as she matched his thrusts. His lips moved down her neck, sucking and kissing gently before he looked back to her face.

They looked deep into each other's eyes, enjoying this moment. She leaned up to kiss him, pulling him down into a passionate kiss.

I cried writing this🥲
Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote
- A💋

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