☀︎︎ Chapter Six ☀︎︎

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Today was Christmas Day and our favourite engaged couple were making their way over to the Pembroke after spending the morning with Betty's parents. They had all done secret Santa so they would be giving out those presents as the party, but little did Betty know, he had a surprise back at home.

Their had been tension between the two since the night of the fight. Betty still not admitting she needs help and Jughead trying to convince her otherwise. However, they tried to set it aside for today and enjoy the holiday.

"Who did you get for secret Santa?" Betty asked looking over at Jug, admiring how good he looked in his black top and suspenders.

"Uh I got Cheryl, I got her a box of gummy lips hoping she likes it." Betty laughed in reply, "well knowing her she probably will. I got Fangs"

"What did you get him?" Jughead asked, looking over at her. "I got him a calendar with pictures of dogs pooping" Betty giggled, Jughead laughed. "He's gonna love that."


They got to the party and started talking with their friends. After a while a drinking and a bit of dancing it was time for secret Santa.

"Okay everyone put the gifts on the table and then try and find yours!" Kevin instructed. Everyone placed the presents on the table then scrambled to find theirs.

"Oh my goddd" Fangs said as he opened his, "I think I can tell who got me this" he glared and Betty. She burst out laughing, "I knew you would like it!"
Reggie got a bulldog mug from Archie.
Jug got Cheryl a pack of red lip sweets.
Betty got a pack of bobby pins from Veronica.
Cheryl got Kevin a torch.
Veronica got a money gun from Toni.
Sweet Pea got Jug a jug that says daddy on it. "Woww, thanks you jerk" he said as he whacked Sweet Pea in the head. "Welcome, daddy" he replied. Everyone laughed.
Fangs gave Archie chill pills.
Toni got a fake snake from Reggie.
Kevin got Sweet Pea a jar of sweet pea seeds. "The name jokes, thanks"

After present sharing Betty, Veronica and Kevin went back to dancing. They were currently singing, more like shouting.

"Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you
And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time
The greatest gift they'll get this year is life"

They sang loudly.

"Where nothing ever grows
No rain nor rivers flow
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?"

By now the three had roped in Fangs, Reggie and Toni.

"Here's to you
Raise a glass for everyone
Spare a thought this yuletide for the deprived
If the table was turned would you survive
Here's to them
Underneath that burning sun
You ain't gotta feel guilt just selfless
Give a little help to the helpless
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?"


After a few more songs had gone by and the whole gang were jamming out. Jughead finally caught up to Betty, finding her dancing to 'all I want for Christmas is you'.

She saw him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she sang.

"I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You, baby"

Betty cupped his face pulled him down, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Jughead kissed back, putting his hands on her waist.

He pulled away slowly, leaning his forehead on hers, "Merry Christmas, babe."

"Merry Christmas, Juggie" she replied, rubbing her nose against his as she smiled. They all danced to a few more songs before it was time to go.


Betty and Jughead were in the car driving home. He had his hand on her thigh as he drove, rubbing it gently. "You looked really good tonight" Betty said looking over at him.

"So did you, babe" he smirked. "You we're definitely trying to do something to me" he looked over at her.

"What it you mean?" She cocked an eyebrow. "You know how I feel about this dress" he elaborated as his hand crept further up her thigh. "Yeah well you know how I feel about the all black look"

"Well played, Elizabeth" his hand went even further up, teasing her. Betty moaned softly, "what are you trying to do to meeee"

"Whatever do you mean" he smirked, his eyes fixed on the road. She groaned. "I have a surprise for you when we get home" She looked at him in shock, "you do?"

"Yes, you thought I wasn't gonna get a Christmas present for my lovely fiancée?" She smiled in reply.

They walked into their apartment, Betty locked the door and placed the keys on the side as Jughead went to get the 'surprise'.

He came back with a box. "Merry Christmas, Babe" he kissed her on the cheek as he gave it to her. She opened it. Inside was a silver infinity necklace. Her eyes lit up. "I love it, Juggie!" She hugged him tight.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" He asked. She nodded, turning around. He moved her hair out the way and pulled it onto her neck, clipping it up.

He kissed her neck as he adjusted the necklace on her neck. He went down to her shoulder, gently sucking but not too much much to leave a mark.

"Jug, I thought we were in the middle of an argument." She moaned softly. He shushed her, "not tonight."

He dragged his hand down to the zip on her dress, unzipping it almost zipper tooth, by tooth. She whimpered impatiently. Jughead chuckled as he helped her step out of her dress.

He turned her around and pulled her into a kiss, licking her bottom lip asking for entrance. She gladly accepted, letting his tongue slip into her mouth. She reached to unbutton his top, pulling it off him before he picked her up. She giggled as he did.

Jughead carried her into their bedroom, placing her on the bed. He took off his trousers before climbing on top of her, resuming their kiss. He nudged her legs with his hands to make her open them. She happily did.

He situated himself between her legs, his hands travelling down her stomach and towards her heat. Betty arched her back into him as his hand traced over her clit.

He pulled off her underwear and she lifted up her hips to help them off. He threw them aside before he buried his face into her neck, kissing her neck.

He unclipped her bra and kissed his way down to her breasts. He pinched her nipple making her arch her back again.

He used his other hand to make circles on her clit, making her moan. He knew just how to drive her crazy.

Spicyyy 😏
It's sad writing about Christmas when it's not.. don't ask why I did that
Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote
- A💋

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