☀︎︎ Chapter Fifteen ☀︎︎

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Jughead and Betty got back from their honeymoon a while ago. the gang had all been busy with work but decided to have a get together at Veronica and Archie's apartment to catch up.

it was a fun little celebration for Betty and Jug to talk about the honeymoon and for everyone to talk about the wedding.

"so what was your favourite part of the trip?" Cheryl asked while she put a fork of food in her mouth.

"it was probably the blue lagoons in Iceland. it was magically, you guys need to go." Betty replied.

"my favourite part was the Sherlock Holmes museum." Jughead answered with a mouth full of food.

"i knew you would say that," Betty rolled her eyes.

the others chuckled, "so what have you been doing while we were gone. fill us in!"

"well there's not been a lot going on. oh Pops retiring soon and we decided to organise a retirement party." Kevin beamed.

"aww, that's gonna be amazing!" Betty replied. "a good way to send him into retirement, he's been a big part of all our lives."

everyone nodded.

the attention on Pop's retirement party was short-lived as Jughead burped, finishing his dinner.

"nice?" Betty chuckled.

Jughead nodded in reply. "it was really good, thanks Veronica."

"see, taking cooking lessons from my Abuelita was worth it!"

after finishing their meal the girls and Kevin decided to split off to the bedroom while the boys talked about whatever they talked about. this gave Veronica to ask very TMI questions about Betty and Jughead's sex life, as best friends do.

"soo Betty, how was consummating your marriage." Veronica said, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. Kevin, Toni and Cheryl giggled as Betty gave Veronica the death glare.

"it was fine." she said between gritted teeth. "the whole trip was lovely."

"that's great, B!" Veronica chirped.

"how's married life really tho, B? like is their any change in the relationship or anything?" Cheryl asked, genuinely.

"it's alright, i haven't been feeling the best since we came back though." Betty sighed. "why, what's up?"

"well i got sick on the plane but i brushed it off. i was on a plane i was probably just air sick. but then it didn't stop when we got back here so i don't know what's going on."

Kevin, Toni, Cheryl and Veronica all looked at each other, eyes wide in shock. they looked at Betty then back at each other.

"guys? what's going on?" Betty asked, genuinely confused.

"Betty, honey. have you had a period since the honeymoon?" Cheryl asked, placing a hand on Betty leg.

"noo, but i don't get it until the 6th."

the four friends did it again. looked at each other then back at Betty. "B, you know it's the 16th, right?" Kevin asked.

Betty's eyes widened in shock. "w..what?"

"Betty, is there any chance you could be pregnant?" Toni asked.

Betty was speechless, trying to calculate things in her head. when did i take my birth control? oh shit i didn't take it on time. wait, i really haven't had my period? what if it's just late? it's never this late though.

Veronica put an arm around Betty, startling her out of her daydream. "i have some pregnancy tests in the bathroom."

"why do you have pregnancy tests?" Kevin asked. "just in case! and look they came in handy!"

Kevin just shrugged at the Latina's response.

"okay, where are they V?" Betty asked, standing up from the bed.

"left hand cupboard bottom shelf." she replied before Betty disappeared onto the bathroom. everyone sighed. was she really pregnant? they all thought.

Betty found the pregnancy tests and took one out. she did her business and was now waiting for the results. she bit her nail, impatiently pacing back and fourth.

there was a knock at the door. "Betty? you okay ik there?" she heard as a muffle through the door. she opened it revealing her four worried friends.

"i can't flip it over." she said, voice shaking.

Veronica and Toni walked over to it while Cheryl and Kevin wrapped a sniffly Betty into a hug.

Veronica flipped it over, looking at it closely. Toni looked at it too. they looked back up at Betty.

Betty tried to read the emotion on their faces but she was too tired and stressed to figure what they said.

"w..what does it say?" she sniffled.

"it's positive.."

dun, dun, dunn!
i'm very sorry i'm leaving you on this cliffhanger but this books finished! ahhhh!
my first completed book!
i hope you guys enjoyed it and i can't wait for the next one!
see ya soon - A💋

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