☀︎︎ Chapter Eleven ☀︎︎

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~ the bachelorette week~

After a hard goodbye Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni and Polly were heading for Lodge Lodge where they were gonna spend the week. Veronica had plans to go into the nearby town, go hiking and so much more. This was gonna be a great week.

however, the girls 'great week' was starting off with Cheryl and Betty fighting over music. "guys shhh!" Toni yelled, having had enough of the arguing. "i'm going to put on some music." she plugged her phone into the car as the two cousins groaned. "what?"

"no offence, babe, but your music taste is awful." Cheryl said truthfully to her girlfriend. Toni gasped, "no it's not!"

"really? okay out on your playlist." Betty said, sitting back in her seat, waiting for her point to be made. Toni started playing 'reflections' by the neighbourhood.

"see what i mean!" Cheryl said, pointing a hand towards the car radio. Polly scoffed, "that's because you listen to Ariana Grande and Katy Perry!"

"don't disrespect the queens like that!" Cheryl gasped. "and what's wrong with Ariana Grande?" Betty chimed in.

the car was once again filled with arguing. Veronica sighed, having enough of this. she pulled into a gas station and stopped the car, starting everyone.

"why'd we stop moving?" Cheryl whisper-asked looking confused. "because, Miss Blossom we are at a gas station." Veronica replied hopping out the door. "anyone coming to get food?"


after what felt like years of driving they finally made it to Lodge Lodge.

"it's just like i remember!" Betty said in awe as they collect their bags from the trunk. "i know. i used to stay out here during college with my parents but i did miss hanging here with my best girl!" she said wrapping an arm round Betty's shoulders.

"i could never get Archie to come back though. not after last time." Veronica mentioned, making Betty wince.

"why, what happened?" Toni asked innocently. Cheryl looked down pretending not hear the conversation. "we'll explain later, T. but first V go and make your iconic jalapeño margaritas and we'll go in the hot tub."

"sounds like a plan, B."

about 30 minutes later they were all sat in the hot tub. "right so, tell us what happened here last time you came!" Polly said, wanting to know all the gossip seems as she had missed out in her younger years.

"welll first off Cheryl over here thought it be best to tell Jughead about me and Archie kissing." everyone looked over the red headed girl who just sipped her margarita.

"don't worry, Cher it was all good. because then Jug thought it would be a good idea to 'level the playing field." Betty said, mocking how her fiancé had said it.

"so me and him kissed." Veronica announced. everyone gasped. "did that not make you mad, Sis?" Polly asked her sister.

"nope. i gave Jug his rightful punishment." she smirked. "but then Archie and Veronica started fighting which lead to all four of us arguing during a game of monopoly-"

"and then we got robbed." Veronica interrupted, sipping her drink. "by none other than Cassidy Bullock."

"and that's how Archie got framed for his murder." Toni said, the dots adding up in her head.

"anywaysss, enough about that godawful year. let's play secrets and sins!" Cheryl suggests.

Betty groans, "i have such horrible memories of this game." she face palmed her forehead. "cry me and river, cousin. your going first."

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