Ch. 46 Not Gone Yet

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America's POV~

I look down next to Japan and some others as she gaps about how she was a witness when China was kidnapped and he's probably dead. But that eerie comment didn't matter because everyone at the table soared with gasped calling her a hero. " Will you keep it down I know your all squealing about the make believe you created but this isn't day care."


Japan snapped her neck to North Korea who was sitting on a table next to us. " Shut up North your just upset that your best friend is not a missing person anymore but deceased or are you jealous that no one will step a foot near you because their scared you'll blow them up. " She mocked " why should I care about that? You don't even belong here. You can't even spell correctly because your so stuck texting you drool over the next guy that stands you up. " He barked out gritting his teeth with narrowed eyes.

Japan suddenly snapped " wait I get it now you where the one who attacked China wasn't it? " The annoyed expression changed he glanced away " whatever 암캐 " he spoke with hate. " Look he turned away it's prove we should turn him into the police. " She clicked her tongue with amusement as she snickers a plastic cup with seeming to be coffee. Gets thrown at Japan in the back " 闭嘴,不用八卦,只会让你看起来内有罪的 [ shut up no gossip, only make you look guilty ] " someone spoke from the entrance of the cafeteria.

Japan she was about to turn around until realization hit her and she shrunk into her sit. " Isn't that Chinese? " a girl spoke I crane my neck to look at the doors of the cafeteria expecting China but only to see Hong Kong looking annoyed everyone paused seeing the girl.

Hong Kong ignores the stares and walks up to Japan until she was standing behind her. " Of course unless you are the one who kidnapped my friend then I expect you to stop using your over active imagination. " The worried pale face was no longer present on Japan but relief. When Japan went to retort a comment Hong Kong was no longer there.

I watch as Russia's group exit the mess hall I look at Japan who is eagerly telling the group about rumors. I hum annoyed leaving my seat as I follow the group of delinquents. I back up on a wall as I listen to the chitter chatter.

"What if they suspect Canada their obviously not doing their job right the time they find China he'll be just bones. " Syria spoke she seemed to not put her faith in the police the people who were supposed to protect us.

" What do you expect us to do Syria? Where just moody teenagers their not going to listen to us. " Brazil shot back not liking Syria judging stare " I say we take this into our own hands it's not like he's gone yet no body was reported. " Mexico chimed in as he eats his muffin " yeah what Mex said plus we're younger meaning we can find him quicker unlike them old people who have their bones grinding against each other. "

Syria cheered with victory even though her statement wasn't that convincing. " I'm willing to agree with Syria " Pakistan spoke as he stood by her. Hong Kong hums as she sits next to Mexico agreeing with going to look for China. Russia sighs he rubs his temples not believing this was happening he clenched his jaw not wanting to tell them his encounter.

" I'll go looking China my friend if you all are to scared to break the law then step aside. " North Korea spoke irritated about everyone's cowardness. He sat beside the noble ones who wished to go do a search party Cuba sighed sitting beside his old friend. " Fuck it we'll see it through together " Cuba grumbled with folded arms leaning on North Korea slightly. " That was so wholesome " North Korea glared at Cuba who just shrugs Brazil sighed standard up " come on guys we're all thinking about it you don't want to be losers on the sidelines now do you? " Brazil spoke tiredly his hands stuffed in his hoodie looking down on the confused countries. America thinks he should step in he bits his bottom lip sitting beside Russia. " I'll help find him too I may have not know him well but he was kind. " Everyone stares oddly at America but cracks an awkward smile then turning back to the discussion.

Russia remains staring at America smiling shyly " thank you Америка. " America felt a shiver go up his spine but he was disappointed the Russian didn't call him his nickname. He nods turning his head to the side eventually hearing the debate stop everyone came to a solid footing. They agreed they where going to split in groups and separate from China's home like rats. Syria had picked her group wanting 12 people saying they'd meet up at 6:00 pm.

___-Behind The Scenes-___

There will be three chapters published today because it's interesting also do you think China is dead? Or no? And why?

Max your chariot could be dragged by raccoons in Russia

Lucky there's no raccoons in Australia T^T

I love you -♡︎

♥︎- I hate you

Love you Ashie -♡︎

♥︎- Stop

NeVEr! -♡︎

♡︎- DJ & Remix -♥︎

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