Ch. 19 I need a feeling

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America's POV~

When I went to go up stairs Britain's voice stopped me.

" By the way why do you have those bandages on your head? " he says as he gathers the papers up in a neat pile. I touch the bandages wincing but roll my eyes " probably from you why do you care." I muttered then kept walking up until I reach my room I go in and shut the door.

I walk to the body mirror pulling up the bandages seeing the damage from when I hit my head on the mirror at japan's place.

I just told her I tripped so she just didn't care wrapping me up like I just came back from brain surgery.

I picked up the unpacked duffle bag " I guess this thing did come in handy. "

I open the window sliding down carefully as I look down from the garage roof I swing my legs over rocking them back and forth before jumping down I ended up landing on my side. Since i was trying to grt back up but it was to late I curl up hissing holding my ribcage through the layers of clothing.

But i felt this burst of adrenaline go through me I just froze and smiled. But stopped when I realized I actually wanted to jump of the roof again.

What's wrong with me I'm going insane. I get up hugging myself clenching my ribcage.

" Fuck I think I cracked a rib " I stare dead a head at the cars zooming by.

" I-I never speak like that Britain taught me to be formal....if he heard me speak like that....he'd get mad...and I kinda wanna see how he'd react to how he failed at raising a proper son."

I scoff as I walk I didn't know where but I just wanted to feel free again. As I walked I muttered swears under my breath like i was practicing for a test.

" What am I doing? This isn't who I am running away, sneaking out of home, cussing, going against Britain I need to go home no I have to go home. "

I turned around swiftly the duffle bag hitting my side when I twirled. I started to run home like I was missing my flight but stopped tripping when i tried to stop falling in a bush.

I sat up on my knees seeing .....Nada waving? Did he sees me? Was he gesturing me to come over? All this time has gone by i could finally see the person he grew up to be. I wonder if he'd be happy to see me.

I had just gotten up out of the bush dusting twigs and leaves from myself. Mid-step I saw him hug that kid that was with that guy Rus. Then go inside without me...I-i thought...maybe I was wrong maybe they missed me maybe they needed me.I guess not I droop down as I make my way back home.

Russia's POV~

" Russia where is Ukraine? " I looked up from my science book about the idea of living on Mars.

" She went to study with Canada they've been spending alot of time together. " I flip the pages not really interested in the topic of my little sister and Canada. I know Canada wouldn't hurt her if he did he'd be sorry but he's to sweet.

My attention was grabbed by loud hysterical coughing. I got up rushing to my dad's side patting his back.  I turn to Kazakhstan my little brother. " Kaz i need you to get Dad's medicine from his office. "

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