Ch. 22 a mother's love is internal

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Britain's POV~ (( Or as your saying in the comments the Tea Demon thanks  Dabi89 ))

I stare at America's unconscious limb body. What's happening to him? Maybe I'm working him to hard, well some sleep will do him good.

He looks at the his watch and shuts the door he runs to his car rushing to drive to the court like building United Nation works at. I walked in I wonder down the isles to his office he comes in after knocking of course.

When I walked in I saw my ex wife she scoffs looking the other way folder her arms. I sit down in the uncomfortable office chairs.

I shift in my seat trying to stay comfortable because I know this will be long. " France why did you have the nerve to call this meeting? " United Nations demanded to know with an annoyed tone as he leaned on the palm of his hand.

" Well I heard Britain was back with my son so I want custody of him. " She said with determination like she's standing for justices. I roll my eyes " America is perfectly content in my care. "

I said blandly " Why didn't you try to take custody when you divorced? " United Nations quizzed France looked offended she pulled on a fake smile with gritted teeth. " Untied Nation for your information you are the one who said I lost custody of America. "

I yawned not interested in the topic " when we broke up I intended to have all my children with me because Britain is abusive. " she glared at me in the corner of her eye. I stare back at her " it's rude to stare dear" I simple muttered.

" Do you have any proof of his abusive act? " France hesitated. I smirked knowing this will fall into my favor " No i don't all the evidence was gone but just let me at least have one day to see him. "

I lowly growled " France this is preposterous I forbid you to see my child. " I stood up furious that France wanted to see America he might ruin everything I've worked for.

" What did I ever do to America? You abused the twins Canada and America because your short temper! What scared America will choose me over you? "

I fell on my words as my mind switches from words every second. " I don't aee why I should stand here and take this, you've lost yourself France it's ashame since you where such a strong woman but it's obvious as a single mother. From the stress of raising 3 kids you have become delusional. "

She sighs fixing her outfit " fine have it your way Britain but at the end of this I'm getting my kids back and you'll be all alone and powerless among no one. "

She put on her hat as she walked out leaving her paperwork she signed to take custody. " Britain I'd be careful at the end of the day France has a fair case she has the highest school, health care, a home, and a good environment she has won this case unless you can think of something to defend your case. "

Untied Nation flipped through the pages I didn't feel threatened I will win like I always did. With my smooth talking and conning the press. I will sure to win this debate and at it I'll be developing more power from France. By meddling in my business I'll sabotage her paperwork so I get the twins and Canada leaving France empty.

I smirk as I swiftly walk out with pride for myself looking down on others as I walk out going to the car.


We're bring back the A/N it felt incomplete when I looked if I had any unfinished drafts

This is more like sharing time about your daily life more like it

I don't care so I do online school even though I'm in Ireland right now anyway I skipped class and went with Ashie and his friends and I smoked a cigarette my lungs hurt and Ashie looked like a pro smoking

He embarrassed me infront of my friends

I hope I don't get cancer from you also I talked to his friend he's teeth are like becoming yellow and he said yellow is the new gold so yeah that was something also do you ALWAYS smoke Remix

No dumbass I don't wanna smell like smoke or a stoner when I go home my brother will loose his shit

Good point but bad Ashie no smoking

At least I'm not drinking or doing drugs or getting high

Good point I guess

I love you -♥︎

♡︎-  I hate you

Don't smoke, drink, or do drugs like Ashie -♥︎

♡︎- Your not letting this go are you?

No be my slave or I'll tell Leo -♥︎

♡︎- Fineeeeee

First rule call me king -♥︎

♡︎- No

Fine we can settle with Master I guess -♥︎

♡︎- You read to much lemon

Yes your right also I got Ashie a pet alot asked me that so yes I got him a cat -♥︎

♡︎- No you just stole my brother's cat

Fuck you knew? -♥︎

♡︎- Leo is 15 he still lives with me so no duh I know the cat

Anyway hey Ashie IS a mother's love internal since I don't have a mother tell me -♥︎

♡︎- My mom is a bitch so no it's not

It'd be disgusting if our parents dated 0-0 -♥︎

♡︎- Yup I'd die if i had to deal with your sisters

Fun fact I have two annoying little sisters their twins they'd run me over with a car if they want -♥︎

♥︎- DJ & Remix -♡︎

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