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Freya rises into the air while she waits for the guys to get the quinjet running. Once they close the ramp, Steve fires it up and initiates a slow, vertical take-off.

"Comms," Freya calls out when they finally get level with her in the air. She watches them through the cockpit window as they buckle in.

"Check," Sam responds.

"Check," Bucky echoes.

"We're good to go, Doll," Steve nods at her. "Lead the way."

Freya nods and presses the new button that her dad had integrated into her suit. Excited to finally get some use out of it. Her perfectly matching white and silver helmet deploys and encases her head. Her long hair pokes through the top opening, giving her a large, blonde, fiery mohawk while her aura swirls around her. Her solid, glowing eyes shine through her mask, which covers the upper part of her face. The edge of it stops at her cheekbones and just before the tip of her nose. It only goes as far back as the outer corner of her eyes before dropping down to wrap around the bottom of her jaw and chin. Leaving an opening over the lower portion of her face. It extends down to cover her neck and connects with her suit to make the entire uniform whole.

"Whoa..." Sam and Bucky mumble.

"Freya... wow," Steve smiles.

"How do I look?" she asks them.

"Like your mom," they all answer, pulling a huge grin out of her.

Facing south, Freya starts the journey off at a slow pace. She's still trying to adjust to the insane amount of power she can feel coursing through her now. It feels like her entire body has a swarm of angry hornets buzzing around inside of her. It doesn't hurt and it's not uncomfortable. The feeling is just... definitely different. As they get further away from home, Freya picks up speed and stays at a comfortable pace for the quinjet. But, as she gets closer to whatever's to the south, her stomach starts to get a sickening feeling. She frowns in unease, and in return, feels Steve's worry for her accompany it.

"You get a feeling?" Steve asks.

"Yeah," she sighs.

The energy signature is quickly gaining intensity as she continues to lead the quinjet. It almost feels like she's being pulled towards it. But, at the same time, she wants to make a sharp U-turn and get as far as she can from it. That negative feeling grows stronger when they cross over the state line into New Jersey. She takes a large breath to keep herself calm and focused. Glancing to her left, New York City is easily visible from their altitude. When she looks ahead, she can start to make out a faint glow of lights in the far distance that just don't seem to belong. Her powers were right when they said her senses had been enhanced. They already were to begin with because of her genetic make up, but now it's on a whole other level of ridiculous.

When they close in on the source of the lights, Freya slows to a stop. Steve slows the quinjet and stops to hover it next to her. Sam is sitting in the co-pilot's seat, but Bucky had unbuckled his harness and is now standing behind him and Steve. The four of them all silently stare at the scene in front of them. There's a town sprawled out across the landscape. It looks completely normal for the most part. But, there are no cars driving around and there is a clear lack of any visible people whatsoever. The thing that's most out of place though, is the border of portable light towers set up around the town in a hexagonal formation. All roads into the town are also blocked off. The S.W.O.R.D. base Darcy had spoken of is set up on the other side of the town.

"FRIDAY, what town is this?" Steve asks the AI.

"Westview, New Jersey. Population: 3,892," FRIDAY informs everyone.

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