Already the Impossible

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Freya starts to wake in the early hours of the morning. It's still dark outside, but she can see colors starting to blossom in the east as the sun starts to rise. Quietly easing herself out of Steve's arms as to not wake him, she slips out of the Humvee and closes her door with a barely audible click. She takes a deep breath, pulling the crisp morning air into her lungs. Placing her hands in her jacket pockets, she walks further into the clearing where Monica had parked the vehicle. Wanting to get a good view of the rising sun, she floats into the air and stops once she's past the forest canopy. She watches the darkened sky slowly start to lighten into purples and blues before the sun finally breaks over the mountains. Showering everything as far as she can see in oranges and golds. The slight warmth from the large ball of light slowly rising into the sky makes Freya close her eyes and let out a content hum. Her eyebrows begin to increasingly furrow in thought as she thinks back to last night. She never in a million years would have thought that her powers would evolve the way they have.

"The weather? Seriously?" she mumbles to herself.

Looking down at her hands, she can't help but feel a mixture of anxiousness, worry and confusion. It's not only the weather situation that's making her also feel slightly unnerved, but also the moment when her powers seemed to dissolve Wanda's barrier over Westview before she had upped its protection. It was like her powers were eating away at Wanda's. Which thoroughly concerns her.

"What am I?" she asks herself.

"We wish we could help answer that, child."

"Oh, so now you finally decide to speak up," Freya replies with an annoyed eye roll. "Where the hell have you guys been?"

"We decided to let you handle matters on your own for the time being. Plus, you never asked for us."

First the first time, the tone of the voices almost seems... amused?

"Okay, great, so now the voices in my head have developed a personality," she sighs. "Do you have any idea of what I am? I thought I'd only gotten powers from my birth parents. Then those were enhanced by the Mind Stone."

"And you are correct, child. That did happen. But, there's something more beyond that. You're able to do things that you shouldn't be able to do. That should be impossible for you."

"Like controlling the weather?" she asks.


"Do you have any hunches or ideas of what I could possibly be?"

"We... have a hunch. But, it's too soon to tell. To be honest with you, child, we've never been able to actually communicate with anyone who's been enhanced by the stones. You're the first."

"Wait, seriously? What does that mean?"

"We don't know..."


An actual voice makes Freya look down at the ground fifty feet beneath her. She sees Jimmy looking up at her in silent question. Floating down to meet him, she plants her feet on the ground and smiles up at him.

"Good morning, Jimmy," she greets him.

"Good morning. Everything okay?" Jimmy asks.

"Oh, yeah, totally fine. Just thinking some things over," she nods.

"Say no more," he smiles.

The sound of a car door closing makes them look back at the Humvee. They see Monica walking toward them while Steve is tiredly climbing out of the vehicle while he rubs his eyes.

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