Silly Antics

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Your POV:

I was walking down to a dead end, I looked around.
I lifted a man hole cover and jumped in.

I've known the turtles for about 2 months now. I've become really good friends with April and met someone else, Casey Jones. Ima be honest a little annoying but hey, we've all got flaws. Casey just has a lot. I've grown even closer with all the turtles especially Mikey and Donnie.
Oh and remember that crush? My feelings for Leonardo haven't disappeared, they've grown stronger.
It hurts so much... the turtles convinced Karai and she's been here once or twice. I understand why Leo likes her, how she looks, how she dresses. All of her is so cool and I'm a nobody to him....

Life isn't all bad though! My leg healed up and I've learned the rought to the lair. I've started working again (with a bonus) and I hangout with the turtles almost everyday! There like a family to me. I've been alone for a long time so having people or-turtles- is really nice.

I walked into the lair greeted by Mikey first.

"wadd-up dog!" Mikey yelled as he waved from the couch,

"What's up Mikey?" I walked over to the littlest brother.

"Nothing really," Mikey sat upside down, "ugh.... I've been so bored tell me you've come to my rescue." Mikey groaned.

"Im not sure," I smirked. "Does playing video games together till our thumbs fall off sound like a rescue?"

Mikey sat up, "the best rescue plan ever!"
Mikey ran to the console they had under the tv-which I bought for them- and handed me a controller and plopped down on a bean bag.

Then began 2 hours of non-stop gaming, surprisingly Mikey beat me by 6 points.

Mikey sat his controller down, "ya know... Dr.Prankinstine needs an assistant, are ya up for the job?"

I smiled an evil grin, "like hell I am!"

"Awesome!" Mikey yelled, "okay okay assistant.... who will be our first target?"

"Hmmmm..." I thought, "let's do the most dangerous one,"


"Ice cram kitty..."

I looked at Mikey, "ice cream kitty?" I asked.

"Oh yea, once I put a beach picture in-front of her while she was sleeping and she basically clawed my face off." Mikey very seriously stated.

This child-

"But Raphs good too." Mikey applauded.

Then our plan set into action.

"Raph! I need your help!" I yelled.

"WHAT?! DO IT YOURSELF!" Raphael yelled from across the lair.

"RAPHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled agitated.

"FINE! OH MY GOD!" Raph gave in.


Raph walked into the room I was in.

"What is it Y/n-" Raphael was soon interrupted by a whipped cream pie being smacked on his face.

"You just got pranked by Dr. Prankinstine and his assistant Y/N!" Mikey proudly announced as he ran towards me.

"Booyakasha sucka!!" I yelled.

Raphaels face became a gruesome red burning through the whipped cream.

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