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Your pov:

"Wait, seriously what do you mean by we'll all go shopping???" I asked again more curious with each second.

He couldn't have.. there's no way that's not biologically possible.

"We'll y/n...." D began. He had his 'I'm about to tell you something great" look on his face.
"I have done the impossible!"

I leaned in, "and that is..?"

"We'll by rearranging our dna and using the atoms resting in the visual cortex, it'll temporarily shift our body atoms!!!" He squealed looking at me with wide eyes.

"That's awesome!!!" I yelled.

"You understood that??" Casey asked astonished,.

I smiled, "nope not one bit."

Mikey smiled and looked at everyone. He was hunching over like a spring before it launches.

Donnie sighed. "You can say it Mikey."

Mikey quickly sighed of relief before bouncing up, "WERE GONNA BE HUMAN FOR 12 HOURS!!!"

I looked over at Leo, "wait- seriously!?? And you guys know this is safe??"

He nodded, " we've all done multiple test runs. It works."

"Is that why you weren't in bed?" I asked, he nodded in response.

"Whoa... this is- whoa!" I gasped and looked at Apirl.

"And you knew???"

She chuckled, "I had a hunch."

"Wait wait wait, so you'll just randomly form or..?"

Raph shook his head, "No, Donnies using the imagination part of the brain to base off what we'll look like. So we'll look how we see ourselves."

I looked at D in utter astonishment.

"You're amazing D!!!" I yelled and ran over to hug him. "I mean thats... wow!!!"

Mikey sat up, "well we can't waist any time! You wanna learn how to skate board??"

I nodded. "Hell yea! Let's do this!"


We all meeted at a smooth part of the sewer. Easy for me to learn to balance and maybe a trick.
If I had skill that is.

"No- no y/n you have to stay on the board in order to move." Mikey instructed after my 5th time of falling. While Raph and Casey were laughing so hard they had become clumps on the floor holding their stomachs.

Leo threw a shuriken at the middle of their laughing heads to shut them up; as it was obvious I was embarrassed.

"Okay Mikey maybe I should try..." Leo offered.

"What are ya gonna do. Kiss her till she gets better?"

He smiled, "actually, that gives me an idea. Thanks Mikey. You can go sit down teach. "

Mikey groaned as he set his board down and sat down with his face in his hands.

"Okay y/n, how about you try standing on the board."

I picked up my feet as the board slid under me. Leo swiftly caught me.
He placed me on my board, "more like this.."

I smiled as I was actually standing on the board. I looked up to Leo to see him with a smitten dorky smile.

"Yea, just like that." He planted a kiss on my forehead, "Now take your dominant foot and push yourself to me."

He backed up a few feet, I pushed off and started going but had no idea how to stop. And little did I know.

Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Where stories live. Discover now