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Your pov:

"You guys all look sick!!!" Casey complemented gesturing to all the turtles.

Leo took hold of my hand as we walked to the others.

"I agree I mean... how did you even do this Donnie??" I asked astonished.

"Well I-"

Raph ran up and covered Donnies mouth, "don't get him started."

I chuckled.

"Oh my shell- I could go to all those stores I wanted to go to! I could check out those grips and those nike shoes, OOH! I could get some sprey paint-"

"This is for y/n Mikey," Leo reminded grabbing hold of my waist to keep me near him.

"So where to Y/N?" April asked.

"Hmm..." I thought for a moment. 


"You mean out of all the options... all of
The stores you could've chose an arcade?"  Casey asked judgingly.

"Yes. Yes I did."


All the-once turtles- stood in awe at all the games before scattering like a bunch of little kids.

I giggled, "that's why."

April walked up to the register, "600 tokens please."

I gasped, "600??? That's like 40 bucks?!?"

She chuckled and grabbed my hand, "all worth it."

She handed 100 tokens to each of the turtles; Mikey snatching them and running off.

I shook my head and sighed, "he's almost 20 and still acts like he's 15."

Raph chucked,"he might as well be."

After a few minutes we all dispersed and agreed to meet up by the food court to leave.

Mikey was playing just dance with Donnie and April watching, Raph and Casey were racing in a motorcycle game, and that left me and Leo, we both mutually decided on a shooting game with a huge screen and wired fake guns.

I placed the coins in and the game started up with Dinosaurs and a storytelling sequence.

I readied my hun and smiled at Leo. It really was weird to see him have olive skin instead of his normal emerald green. Or his now human nose and new raven black hair that was tied into a bun with a strand of hair framing his face that was dyed blue. He no longer had a shell and his clothes- being a black jacket with a blue hoodie and dark blue jeans- fit his body practically perfectly.

"Have I ever inconvinced you?" A warm voice asked: breaking my thinking.

"What?" I asked out of surprise.

"You know.... Being a mutant.. there's gotta be times when it could've been easier if I were human.." he sighed, "I dunno. I don't even know why I'm bringing this up. It's just sense D made the formula and I saw.. me." He looked down at his hands, "I saw how you saw me when I became a mutant again, and it got me thinking.. "

I interlocked our fingers together, " what if we don't do things like everyone else? That doesn't mean you're an inconvenience." I smiled sweetly and looked into the one thing that hasn't been changed or altered in his shift of appearance: his eyes.




The voice on the game signaled to ready our weapons.

He smiled, "now let's beat the shit out of some dinosaurs," I encouraged.


"So where to now?" I asked D.

"We'll we planned on going to the Statue of Liberty, then to central park and then back to the lair by 7 pm to eat and hang out. "

"Sounds like a plan! Just... how are we gonna get there? The stature is like 10 miles away?"

D smiled, "well... that's another event we were planning." He grabbed a small device with a button from his pocket and pressed it.
As he did five motorcycles shows into the parking lot. They were painted in green and the color of who was riding.

"You're kidding-" I asked astonished.
I ran out the secede with everyone not too far behind.

"I'm happy you like them." D said with a stroke of pride.
"I get to drive one of these?!?" Casey asked excited.

"I said I'm happy, not dumb" D teased as he showed me to my bike, with a special color of f/c. It was gorgeous.

"You'll be riding with me." Raph told Casey as he groaned.

I straddled on the bike and reved the engine. I had learned how to ride from Raph not too long ago but was too broke to buy my own.

"This is so cool-" I gasped, "D this is all- just wow.. April give your boyfriend a kiss for me because holy shit-" I heard her giggle in response.

Leo's bike pulled up next to mine, "you ready love?"

I smiled and blew him a kiss. "Of course I am."

"We'll then let's not stall anytime! To the Statue of Liberty!!" April declared getting on the back of Donnie bike.

An: Hey everyone!! So sorry this one's so short I'm really busy lately and haven't had a lot of motivation, but I wanted to get you guys something!

Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Where stories live. Discover now