Chapter 8 - Memories

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Dedicated to all my great friends especially Erin who requested this chapter for a long time now!


I have had to put up with Damion trying to 'get to know' me for the past hour as we slowly make our way towards the house. It was sweet at first but know he feels like an incredibly annoying headache lingering at the back of my mind. How do I get myself out of this?

As we finally make our way up the main path my old mountain home comes into view. The bare cobble walls with the modern patio still in its former glory, bringing some sophistication to the woodland area. Turning to grab a look at Damion I see his face awestruck, I wonder why considering his home triumphs over mine. I ponder for a moment, thinking of what he could possibly find so interesting in this place.

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer..."

His quick words take me off guard as I didn't even realise I was staring at him. Oh God, how long was I staring at him???

"Oh, Erm..."

I fell my pale cheeks suddenly flame up a glowing red. Oh No, I'm making this so much worse than it has to be. Why am I even blushing!

"I was just, um..."

"Lost in your thoughts?" he smirks. Smirking... WHY IS HE SMIRKING, how does one respond to this when the only human interaction they have had in a long time is with their uncle and a few strangers!

"Yeah, I guess." Augh, why did I have to say that, it's so stupid and I've done so well on this mini excursion so far. He gives a slight chuckle before gesturing towards the door.

"After you."

I give him a hopeless smile as I turn to open the door, reaching for the handle. I grasp it firmly and tug on the door to only find that it won't budge, not even the tiniest bit.

"Oh dammit!"

"What's wrong?" Damion's voice quickly turn from sweet and innocent to deeply worried.

"I left the key with my uncle..."

No response,

I peer back up to Damion to see him rooting through his pockets, bringing back with him a small metallic card. He guides me to the side a little as her move's the card down the side of the door, turning the handle when the card gets stuck. We hear a small click and the door slowly reveals the house hiding within.

"Wow, were did you learn to do that?"

"I has abit of a rebel back in the day."

"Back in the day? You do know that makes you sound, like 40."

"I know but I hit abit of trouble a few years ago and had to grow up pretty quick"

"How come? What happened?"

I question his previous statement thinking 'what the hell is he talking about?' but he gives no answer. All he does is look down at me with his big sad eyes, a little too sad and familiar. I have had my fare share of sad memories in the past.

He takes a deep breath looking up to blink back tears, looking back at me I still see the light hint of depression. "It doesn't matter..." His voice breaks of at the end as I can tell he is thinking of something that should be buried at the back of his head.

"Okay." I don't push my luck any further as I know that sometimes it's hard to talk about things from the past.

He gives me a weak smile as I head through the modern open plan house to my bedroom the other side of the house, letting Damion do a little exploring for himself.

Throwing a couple of old duffle bags on my bed I get to work, going around my room selecting the items of much missed clothing, gathering a few pictures as well. As I seal the first duffle bag I head towards the cupboard to obtain my books, how I have missed reading! My uncle used to go out every Tuesday and Friday for the day to return with a brand new book for me, back when I lived in Scotland, but since we've moved here I have been stuck reading all the old classics I already own.

Placing my old throw in my bag I seal it and head towards the kitchen, practically throwing the bag onto the island I open the fridge to find some expired milk. Ewe, that's so unbelievably gross so I quickly grab a bottle of water slamming the door shoot.

"What's up? Dead body in there?" Damion chuckles slightly at his really not so funny rhetorical question.

"Oh wow! You're so unbelievably funny Damion, I'm dying laughing!" My voice practically exploding with exaggerated sarcasm.

"I try."

He thinks he's so funny with his jokes when sometimes they are just so terribly. He fiddles with something in his hand I see It shine in the suns reflection.

"Hey, what you got there?"

"Oh just my mums old bracelet, I meant to leave it back at the house but I guess I forgot!"

"Okay... where's your mum?"

"Well, she's on holiday."

"When does she get back?"

"She's not."

I see his eyes sadden again as I link this up with his behaviour before to only come to the conclusion that his mum is not on holiday, if she really was away she wouldn't have left a very expensive looking bracelet behind and I highly doubt that she left her mate so that leaves the only conclusion to be... well I don't really want to think about it, it just brings memories of my parents back. I'm just pondering how on earth Alpha Duke looks so happy all the time.

"She's been gone for some time now, at first it-it was really difficult and my Dad didn't talk to anyone for a solid month. He was heartbroken, we all were."

"Damion... I'm so sorry, I know"

I think about what I'm saying and stop, everything isn't always about me and my past so I'm just going to let him have this moment.

God knows I have had my own too many times...


Hey there wattpad readers!

I'm so sorry for the long wait but i'm finally back and I hope that you enjoy this chapter, sorry if it's crap though. Thanks!

Katie xx

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