Chapter 2 - Mate

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Slowly walking through the forest and down into a darkening valley, I can only help but imagine what my small future holds for me. I have no clue how people will react to me and my uncle just waltzing into their territory. After all, wolves are very possessive of what's thiers, what if they attack us, what if they look down on us thinking that we don't belong there. So many things can go wrong and I don't want to live my life alone.

'Stop moving.' I hear my uncle's voice in the back of my head. Obeying him, I stop to see him slowly turning his head and looking around. I feel as if danger has cut through the calming atmosphere like a knife, the peaceful surroundings feeling tense and uncomfortable. I do the same as him checking that we are not being followed by anyone. There seems to be no one there, but when I go to say everything's fine I feel a hand choking my words forcing my head back. Another hand ties itself around my waist, pulling me into their embrace. I see my uncle in a struggle, trying to escape the hold of a rather largely built man. He frees his mouth from their large hand.

"WAIT, PLEASE! I am a close friend of Alpha Duke!" He manages to let out.

'Alpha Duke??? Who the hell is that?' Aster, oh my God no. My wolf can't surface now. I see my uncle catch my eyes and by the look on his face I can tell they have turned darker at the appearance of my wolf. I supress the thoughts of Aster, I have to keep in control! I feel the grip on me loosen as I fall to the floor, the moist dirt settling into my hands as I stop my face from hitting the floor. Breathing in deeply I try and regain the lost breath that was taken from me.

Looking up I see a dark hand reaching its way down to me, I follow the arm to see who is the owner of it to only be met with a tall man. His face is well shaped and from the look of his muscles I can tell he works out. Oh Christ Piper he almost suffocated, why are you admiring his enchanting dark brown eyes that you could get lost in and his beautiful lips that are pouting slightly. STOP IT PIPER!!! I take my mind of him by turning to my uncle who is already picking up his back pack to follow these two strangers. I grab the tall stranger's slightly clammy hand and release as soon as I'm on my feet, which was kind of off putting. The other man looks at me and gestures for us to follow him.

I pick up my rucksack and go to my uncle, he squeezes my hand slightly to let me know that everything is okay. All I can help though is think that I almost lost control of my wolf, what if we meet the alpha and I shift in front of him. I know my uncle said that he trusted him but I had never met him and have no clue what he is like.

We make our way through the forest until we get to a cobblestone path, it looks like it leads through a small rustic village. As we are walking, I notice that the air smells of dry wood and rain. A quite familiar scent as it is most commonly the smell of a wolf. The houses lining the path all follow the same build with some cobblestone wall followed by long stretches of wood, large windows giving them a modern twist. We come to a large open area with market stalls, selling assorted items from fruit and veg to cloth and sewing machines, it is like there is a whole little community hidden away from normal people. I bet they don't even know this place exists. I am pulled away from my thoughts as we start walking up some large stone steps entering into a huge house, similar to the rest but at least 10 times the size. I'm guessing it's some sort of community hall.

As we enter, people start turning their heads to look at me and my uncle. A few are glaring at me like I'm some sort of runt and others look slightly scared. I hear faint whispers work their way around the room, hearing key words like 'rogue' and 'Wolfs?' I start to feel quite anxious as we walk through the house and being led up some stairs. We come to a stop outside of a double set of dark oak doors, patterns engraved around the edges. One of the Tall strangers knocks on the door and from within we hear a loud, dry voice allowing us entrance into his office. As we step into the door he stands up, staring at me and my uncle when his serious face suddenly lights up.

"Benjamin? Is that you?"

"Duke, it's been too long. How are you?" My uncle replies.

"I'm great, wow... I just can't believe it's you! I though you moved to Britain to look after your niece?"

"Yeah but now I'm back. I'm sorry for coming with no notice, I just wouldn't know what to say. Anyway this is my niece Piper." He gestures for me to come closer to him as he had already advanced towards the Alphas desk to greet him. I slowly walk forwards and I see his eyes meet mine, I smile weekly trying to be polite whilst his face is practically beaming with joy.

"Hi Piper, I'm Alpha Duke Samson but feel free to call me Duke." He stretches his arm out for me to shake his hand.

"Hi." I say a little flustered, oh great. What a way to make a good impression. I ignore my thoughts as I look between him and my uncle as they have a convocation.

"You're niece is funny, anyway... Where have you been, I thought you said you'd come back?"

"I know but it was never the right time and with Piper being so young. She's only really been in this world for a year, her fist shift at 16."

"16, wow that's a little late for her first shift."

"Is it, I thought it was 18..."

"No you idiot, that's when you find your mate. My son's just turned 18 himself, don't think he can wait much longer for his mate."

"Well now I feel slightly stupid, but hey wow. I didn't know you had a son, what's his name?"

"Damion, anyway how would you like to come back to pack life? I just hasn't been the same without you Benny..." I snicker as he calls me uncle 'Benny'. I would never get away with that. My uncle shoots me a look as if to say 'Don't even try repeating that to me'. I smile at his sudden frustrated state.

"Wow, really Duke??? That would be awesome, I and Piper would love that!"

"It's great to have my Beta back, plus we don't want you walking around with people thinking you're rogues!"

"Wait Beta??? What do you mean?"

"Well we can't let you back without the title, come on Benny... You were the best Beta ever had! Please"

"Of cause, you okay to join the pack Piper?"

I look at him slightly bewildered but I guess that's why we came here, to settle into a new pack, were we belong. After all if people think were rogues then we may not last long. I was about to reply when someone walked in, another tall stranger, but as he entered he stopped. Looking like he inhaled some sort of drug He stares at me with eyes full of lust, I see them slowly turn from a gentle brown to an obsidian wave of black. All I hear are his words in a very clear tone.



Hey there Wattpad readers,

Here is another chapter and oh man are things getting interesting, although you may think that this book is a total cliché... THINK AGAIN cause in the next part I'm going to be messing some things up to make this a little more, interesting. Thanks for reading and please COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE with your friends because I want to hear what you all think and what YOU want to happen next. Thanks again.

Katie xx

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