Chapter 5 - Out of the woods

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Piper's POV


After a rather awkward encounter we all make our way back threw the crooked woods, the sky darkening to a deep blue as stars start to appear through the thick braches of the trees. I used to always come on walks out here. Just me and my uncle as we'd stroll through the ever darkening forest. Occasionally we would go to the Banyan Cove tree but that was more my place then his.

Venturing deep into the forest on our way back to the pack house I feel a warm hand rest itself on my shoulder, sending small shivers down my spine oddly bringing me comfort in the ever darkening woods. I don't know such a touch that could ever cause me to react in such away so I turn around to see the owner of the hand standing too close for comfort. The alpha's son.

I push his hand of my shoulder scared of his reaction, from my experience he is a pretty tough and angry person and yet I don't even know his name.

"Please, don't panic... I won't h-hurt you, I would never ever h-hurt you"

The words leave his mouth and I can't believe what he just said, he is acting like some sort of possessive husband and I don't even know his freaking name. It is actually kind of creepy how he is acting considering we know nothing of each other and I only met him a matter of hours ago.

"Please, don't worry j-just let me explain... I'm Damion." Damion, so I guess that answers one of the many questions ready to jump off my tongue.

"Damion..." I test the name on my voice and it sounds so natural. I glance over to Damion to see him relax abit and think it's best to tell him my name.

"I'm Piper." Only once I've said it do I realise how blunt and boring it sounds. Oh well, I guess anything beats Penelope.


I shiver as he speaks my name, testing it on his tongue. I can't help but swoon abit until I realise he said it as a question.

"Is there something wrong with my name?"

"No, No not at all. It's a beautiful name actually."

"Yeah, Okay..." I turn around beginning to walk away when I see that Uncle Ben and Alpha Duke are getting out of site. They seem to completely trust me with a man I don't even know.

"No really. It is."

I stop and turn around. What happened to the savage wolf that possessed this man not 3 hours ago, can a person change that quick. I stare into his deep chocolate brown eyes getting lost in the pool of emotion flooding out of them until I feel my cheeks burn red.

"Thanks," until the word left my mouth I didn't even know I was going say them. He smiles a little as I see his eyes light up, he looks so danm gorgeous. The way he is smiling just makes me want to melt and go to heaven. Okay what is going on with me, I've never felt this way of anyone before. Let alone a stranger from a pack I have yet to officially join if they even accept me.

"My pleasure." My cheeks start burning again and I know I'm blushing red as a tomato, how embarrassing. There is an awkward moment of silence as we stare into each other's eyes, losing track of time.

"E-Erm I just wanted to apologise for before, I know you were abit shocked but believe me I was too," He sees my confusion in his words as he opens his mouth to say something but quickly shut's it as he starts to think. After a while of me seeing him think he finally asks me something.

"Would you mind telling me how old you are?"

"17, how come?" His smile widens as he gives a sigh of relief.

"Nothing, it's just I was worried that something wasn't right considering how I felt the connection as soon as I laid my eyes on you."

"Erm, Connection?" okay, now I am incredibly confused but all Damion does is chuckle under his breath.

"You know, connection... were mates."

"MATES!" I cannot believe what he is saying, I have known him for not even a full day and he is claiming that I'm his other half and he is mine. I know I feel quite attracted to him but Jesus H Christ we are not, I REPEAT NOT, mates.

"Do you really not feel anything for me?" His voice is shaky and full of hurt that breaks my heart but I just don't know why. I don't know anymore.

"I-I-I-I-I I don't know." His eyes start to tear up and I know it won't be easy to fix what I said, I mean of course I feel something but it's nowhere near from what my uncle described what having a mate was like. I'm so confused with all these emotions running threw my head that I don't know what possibly to say anymore. What do I do when someone claims to be your other half when all you feel towards them are the thoughts of how they look? Having a ate is meant to be about the connection you feel towards each other, not how attracted you are to that persons perfectly shaped face, their eyes so beautiful you can stare at them for years, their hair so soft that...

What is happening??? I turn and briskly walk away not knowing what to do. Right now I have to concentrate on getting back to the pack house without breaking down. Why do I even feel sad?

All I can think to do is head out of the woods.


The next evening


I have tried not to think of Damion for the time being, I just want to concentrate on seeing my uncle receive Beta although I haven't seen Damion since I left him in the woods alone. I can't help but feel worried for him, what if something happened? No... I'm sure he's fine, he's going to be an Alpha and I'm sure he knows how to handle himself.

I am pulled out of my thoughts as Alpha Duke and my Uncle stand upon a small stage, being viewed by the whole pack. I didn't realise the enormity of the pack until know, as I see at least a thousand people. All wolves may I add.

Alpha Duke stands proudly next to my Uncle as he announces the arrival of their new pack Beta. I smile a little as my uncle catches my eye practically beaming before he looks back to the crowd.

At the announcement of his official position in the pack everyone bows their head as he accepts before cheers roar threw the people in waves. I can't help but feel happy for him even as I am struggling to keep myself together straying my thoughts to Damion.

As the celebration comes to an end I head into the pack house with Alpha Duke and my uncle/new Beta Ben. We go to the office to sign some official papers and I guess that makes us officially apart of the pack. Alpha Duke interrupts the silence between us as he starts to speak.

"So, Piper... I was thinking maybe you could do some training to fight, a gift like yours is very powerful and you could learn how to fight?" I give my uncle a quick look and he nods signalling he's okay with it.

"Sure, but as long as it's a closed practise, I'm not too comfortable fighting and if I shift I don't want people knowing about my wolf just yet" He chuckles a little before nodding his head.

"Sure thing Piper, Damion's future beta Charlie will help you train..."

"Erm, okay I guess." I have no clue who Charlie is but I guess I'll found out soon enough.


Hey there Wattpad readers!!!

So my book Just got into the top 1000 ranks, yes I know i said 1000 but it's a big step for me considering that there are so many great books out there. It is currently at rank #977 (I know that's a lot but I'm happy!). To get more updates soon please COMMENT,VOTE and SHARE with your friends so I can get feedback and see what you want to happen next! Thanks again,lot

Katie xx

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