Prologue - Run

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I woke up in a cold sweat, beads of perspiration slowly trickling down my skin sending shivers through my exhausted body. My heart pounding like a drum so hard that at any moment it would split. A deafening sound rings in my ears like the end of a record. On an endless droning loop only higher, sharper, as if an explosion had just detonated nearby.

I try and sit up to open my eyes, but all I see are faint shapes disguised in a black and grey haze fogging my vision. I close my droopy eyes and open them again, hoping and praying for change. Nothing. Still a thick dense fog clouding my vision. What's happening to me? Why? How? My pointless attempts to regain my vision are hopeless as the thought of blindness becomes embedded in my mind. No! I can't be. I stumble out of my bed and drag myself to the window gasping for air. Just as I take a deep breath of the tranquil air I feel a split in my spine. It takes a second for me to register the pain before it crashes ate in unexpected waves of pure untouched agony. Each wave more heated and torturous than the last as a blanket of pain consumes my body. I let out a cry for help as my voice cracks, hoping the agony will soon dissipate. I try and stand only to find the bones in my body splinter and shatters they realign themselves. My muscles push against torn ligaments as if they are trying to fix or correct themselves and the whole anatomy of my body. Then nothing...

I open my eyes one last time in hope that I'll see again. As I pry at my eyelids my breath falters, as the foggy haze lifts from my sight. It's like seeing the world from a new light as I notice even the smallest details of the room surrounding me, every shade of black and brow, the notches scuffing up the edges of the old wooden floorboards. My thoughts are interrupted by another wave of agony crashing in from oblivion as I feel as if needles are pushing their way through my skin from the inside, splitting it in a million places. I can only help but think it would be more fun in hell.

The door then crashes open sending splitting sounds banging through my ears as I collapse to the floor. I struggle, turning my head as I feel as if a ton of bricks landed on my chest restricting my breathing. I see my uncle standing there, frozen in shock with a face of pure terror on him to only change into a face of determination as he takes few long strides to get to me. He lifts me quickly and carefully on what should be my waist but feels like my stomach. Grabbing me and hauling me towards the door I can't help but hear him curse under his breath, though it looks like he isn't saying anything I could definitely hear him. After minutes of being dragged around, I find myself in the back garden as all the pain starts to concentrate on the centre of my body. Each wave turning into pounding over and over and over again. As I fall to the ground my uncle wearily steps back. Suddenly a surge of power ripples through me as I uncomfortably move on the ground. As I look up in my discomfort to my uncle I don't see him anywhere, instead his presence has been replaced with a large bear like dark brown wolf. Not like a normal or wild animal like a bear-sized wolf staring at me in a protective stance. I suddenly hear his old dry voice in the back of my mind.

'Piper? Look at me, you're going to be fine..."

I look into his dark eyes as I try to call out, ask how to end this living nightmare but all that is heard is a weak whimper cowering. What was that? I look down to put think in my head straight to only see two giant blonde paws beneath me. I try and stand to only collapse again noticing a new sense of balance and four legs? FOUR LEGS! I turn my head back up to the wolf.

'Piper it's me, Uncle Ben.'

'Uncle Ben?' I think

'Yeah, they're you go. Just try not to panic, you see you and all are family that has ever lived are shifters or as you know them as Werewolves I guess. You first shift when you tur...'


'Let me explain Piper! Please, when you didn't turn at 16 I thought you were out of the clearing but I guess not. Anyway we have a lot to talk about but first you need to run.'

'Wait what, why?'

'Just do it Piper... Run.'


Hey there Readers,

So this is officially the beginning of the rewritten version of 'To My Element' and as some of you may know  I didn't even finish the last book. This is due to how awful I was writing it and how I didn't know where any of it was going but now however... I know everything, how I am going to write this and how it will end so thanks you so much for reading and I hope you'll stick around...

Right now if you continue reading you will be reading the old book so I would like to warn you that the chapters will change one at a time.


Katie xx

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