stood up

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                                     Y/N POV:

This morning I woke up amazing. I felt good, and happy while forgetting everything that didn't go as planned at school. I rub my eyes and stretch as I make an effort to get out of bed. I texted the dancers groupchat and talked about random stuff with them for a few minutes. I go into the bathroom and start my morning routine. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, then went back into my room to pick out an outfit. I put on a pink laced top with short sleeves and high wasted jeans. I didn't put in any makeup today because I had dance, and that's when I remembered.
"Shoot!" I mumbled
Daniel had asked me if I wanted to hang out and start homework with him but I forgot I had dance. By the time I would get home it would be too late.
I went to grab my phone to text Daniel but I realized I had a new text from him as soon as I picked up my phone.

Hey y/n. Sorry to cancel plans but I'm going out with Ali later and doing homework at her place. We can hang tomorrow tho!

My heart broke. What if I didn't have dance today? Or didn't have any other plans outside of school? He would choose her over me?
I started to cry but I fixed myself up. I realized that my mom was gone already and probably to get paid extra. I sat at my desk and did my hair. I straightened it because I had time to kill and don't wanna wait. I finished my hair and grabbed my bag. I wasn't even hungry for breakfast or even wanted to make a lunch so I just left out the door.
Instead of bringing my bike I walked to school and it only took about 10 minutes, just in time.
When I arrive at school I see Daniel and Ali giggling and Ali was all over Daniel. I once again choked down my feelings but clearly not well enough. When Ali went inside, Daniel came over to me and looked concerned.
"Are you alright?" He asked me "what's wrong?"
"Nothing" I lied and fake grinned
"There's obviously something wrong if you seem upset." He tries to get me to open up.
He puts his finger under my chin to lift my head up.
"Talk to me, please?" He talks with cute eyes
He was adorable, I could never deny him.
I smile a little bit and try to convince him. "I'm really fine!"
"Well then, wanna walk to class with me?" He asks
"I'd love to!" I say, with a real smile on my face this time.
He held his hand out signaling me to hold his hand and when I do, I blush. I try to hide it but I couldn't.
We walk to our classroom and sat down next to each other. He kept staring at me and I noticed from the corner of my eye, but I try my best to ignore it because I knew I'd smile if I looked at him.

My first 3 periods end again and it's time for lunch. I was excited to go sit with Daniel but then I saw Daniel and Ali kissing all over each other in the halls. I wanted to scream. I run into the bathroom and cried in the stall. I thought he liked me? When he held my hand was it just "friendly"?
I finally got up after crying and looked in the mirror. Thank God I had no makeup on. My eyes were extremely puffy and red. You could tell I had been crying without a doubt. I made my way out the bathroom and bumped into Daniel in the cafeteria.
"Hey are you okay?" He looks concerned "It looks like you've been crying."
"Oh, nah it's just allergies" I lied.
"Are you sure?" He said tilting his head
I couldn't keep it in after that. Tears came streaming down my face and I tried to get out of his sight as quick as I could. He ended up taking after me, fast walking.
"Y/N, wait!" He sort of shouted
"Just leave me alone!" I replied
I left out of the school and rode my bike home. I knew my mom was gonna kill me but I would make up an excuse.
If only things could be as smooth as school as they are at dance.

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