once again + crazy news

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A/N: I'm sorry for lying I'm not consistent with this at all 😭. Anyways this one is pretty long so enjoy :).

The school day went by painfully slow but in the good way. I knew what would be waiting for me when I got home. As soon as the last bell rang dismissing us for the day, Daniel immediately came to my side.
"So what is the plan?" He asks
"The plan? I don't have one." I shrug
"Well you obviously aren't going home." He protests
"I think you forgot I'm grounded." I giggle a little
"Oh yeah... right." He chuckles.
We both walked out of school and get into his car. The car ride was short and in a comfortable silence.
He drops me off in front of my house and I give him a quick peck.
"I'll stay out here, just to make sure." He tells me
"Thanks." I give him a small smile then get out of the car.
I walk up to my door and hesitated to open it. A few seconds later huff a big sigh then open the door. Just as I expected, my mom and dad were sitting at the table.
"We need to talk." My mom says.
"There's nothing to talk about." I reply
"Please." My dad gestures for me to sit down.
I was mad at both of them. Attitude was the only thing they would be receiving from me.
"Why should I?" I question them.
"There's a reason behind all of this. Now sit." My mom says firmly.
I huff once again and sit down.
"I have dance soon. Make it quick." I cross my arms
Mom picked up on my attitude and shot me a look. I ignored her because she deserves it.
"Listen," my dad pauses and sighs "I am truly sorry for all the years I missed out on. There's a reason why I had to leave. It was keeping the two of you safe." He spoke.
Confusion washed over me. What was he talking about? What was the reason for leaving your family for almost 10 years?
"What was the reason? You don't just leave your family then come back and say 'there was a reason'." I shot back.
"You don't understan-"
"No I think I do." I cut him off. "You probably just lost everything you had then came back running to us because you were scared of having nothing. Fuck you!" I shot back.
"Look I have to get ready for dan-"
"ENOUGH!" My mom raises her voice. I can tell by the look in her eyes, and by the sound of her voice she's had it. She's had it with everything.
"You're going to listen to him, whether you like it or not." She points her finger at me "Understood."
I scoff. "So really? This is how you act? He left you! I don't give a shit whether or not he was your high school lover he still left. You really don't know your worth as much as I don't. Maybe that's where I get it from. Maybe that's the problem." I said with disbelief.
I ran upstairs to my bedroom and looked out my window. Daniel was still there.
I shot him a text telling him everything.

Well, turns out there was a reason why he left. I'm not buying it, my mom sure has tho.

Daniel ❤️:
What was the reason?

I don't know, I couldn't care less either.

Daniel ❤️:
Maybe you should listen? I mean there's gotta be a reason.

He should've just told us why he was leaving in the first place. If it didn't matter that much then it shouldn't matter now.

I shut off my phone in annoyance and laid down on the bed trying to shut out life. That soon got interrupted as I remembered I have dance.
"Shit," I muttered to myself.
I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for dance. Dance was my escape from the real world. If I could be there 24/7 I would. But for now it's only 15 hrs a week.
As soon as I finished getting ready I checked the time.
'3:00' the bold letters said on my phone. I sat back down and thought to myself. Are they still downstairs? Did either one of them leave? Life was too stressful. I needed to get to dance and stay.
That's when an idea popped in my head. Why don't I spend the night at Daniel's? He can pick me up and I can leave with him.
I texted Daniel again.

Is it okay if I spend the night?

Daniel ❤️:
Of course! But is it okay with your mom?

Who cares what she thinks?

Daniel ❤️:
Rebellious Y/N huh? Sexy.

I blushed at my phone.

Maybe ;)

Daniel ❤️:
So what time should I pick you up, rebellious girl?

When I call you, promiscuous boy. (A/n: hope y'all get that reference.)

I shut off my phone once again and got my dance bag. I then got out of my room and walked downstairs. To my surprise, they were gone. But fair enough, they left a note.

Dear Y/N,
I know you're probably mad at us still, but we left. An emergency. We'll see you when you get home. The real reason I left was because people have been hunting me down since the day you were born. In all honesty, I'm an undercover agent. I work for the government. The day I stopped coming home was the day I found out that people were trying to track our home and kill you and your mom. When you guys moved to California that broke me, because little did you know I was still watching you guys from a distance everyday. Have fun at dance sweetheart. We love you.

-love Dad.

As soon as I finished reading it, my tears were spilling down my face, onto the paper. I felt terrible.
I treated them so wrong and wouldn't even hear them out. I felt lithe the worlds worst daughter.
Time was ticking and I knew I had to leave. I wiped my tears and put up my hair. Still thinking about it, people have been plotting to kill me? Why? What could have my dad possibly done that bad?

I started my walk to the dance studio and as soon as I opened the door the girls greeted me.
"Hey Y/N!" Ellie called out.
"Y/N! You're here!" Maya also called out for me.
I put on a fake smile and said hi to everyone. I didn't think it was that obvious until one of the girls had asked if I were okay.
"Hey Y/N, you okay?" Angela asked.
"Huh- oh yeah I'm fine!" I put on a small smile.
"Are you sure? You seem so... I don't know 'down'." Ellie added.
"I promise guys I'm fine." I softly chuckle.
They finally left that topic alone and started chatting about other things. During the whole time, all I could think about was my dad.
"Girls! Class is starting!" One of the assistant teachers called out.
We all walked in and started stretching, then did a little bit of tap.
I was doing everything wrong. I couldn't even think straight.
"Y/N, are you feeling okay?" The teacher asked.
"Yes miss, I'm fine." I fake smiled again.
"Well, you're not doing the steps correctly, you started with a count of 10 when we started in a count of 8." She looked concerned.
"Sorry, miss." I looked down embarrassed
I heard chuckling and whispers coming from next to me. 3 student were laughing at how bad my work was today.

I eventually got it together and ended dance on a good note. I said bye to everyone and left the dance studio. I immediately took out my phone as I started walking toward a bench and called Daniel.

"Hello?" A voice on the other end answered, but it wasn't Daniel.
"Who is this?" I ask into the phone.
"Ohhh... it's you." A girl's voice replied.
I knew exactly who it was. It was Ali.
"What are you doing with Daniel's phone Ali?" I started to get frustrated.
"You need to learn to keep your man happy. I'm obviously doing a good job at that. Bye!" She responded.
Before I could say anything, she hung up. I got up from the bench and ran home, tears streaming down my face. This life couldn't get worse than what it was getting.

Daniel LaRusso. The boy you crushed on, the boy you loved, the prettiest boy you would ever lay eyes on.

Also the boy that would break your heart everytime you took him back.

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