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A/N: I'm gonna be using some very delicious words in this chapter not sure if it's considered that much of a smut tho 😃.

Me and Daniel finish our first 3 periods and head to lunch. Of course, Ali tags along as usual. I held my lunch in one hand and held Daniel's in the other. I wanted Ali to know that she couldn't have Daniel and that him and I were a real thing.
We sat down at the table but this time before I could sit next to Daniel, Ali had made sure she reserved that spot to herself. I brushed it off. She was just jealous and wanted what I had. Ali was trying to get all over Daniel. Putting her head on his shoulder, touching his arm flirtatiously, playing with his hair. I'm not gonna lie, I started to get jealous. But that was until Daniel reached over the table to grab my hands and stroke them with his thumbs. I slightly blush and melt to his touch. He made be feel so special, like I was the luckiest girl in the world.
I had to use the bathroom so I excused myself and went to the bathroom for about 2 minutes. I walked out of the bathroom and my jaw dropped open.
Ali was kissing Daniel again and Daniel was kissing back.
I walked over to them and sighed. A tear drop rolled down my eye.
"Y/N, hear me out-" Daniel started
"NO DANIEL. IM TIRED OF BEING ONE OF YOUR HOES. IF YOU WANT TO DATE ALI JUST SAY THAT." The whole cafeteria looked at me when I shouted at him.
I threw my lunch away and stormed out of the cafeteria. I then got all my books and walked home. I was tired of being mistreated.
I finally got home and opened the door. My mom looked at me with a confused face from the living room.
"Why are you home? You still have the rest of the day to finish at school." She asked
I looked at her with tears in my eyes and more rolling down my cheeks. I ran upstairs to my bed closed the door.
My mom came after me and knocked on the door before coming in.
"Y/N hun, whats the matter?" She asked with a voice of sympathy.
"Daniel is what's wrong." I replied with a shaky voice
"He was kissing another girl again!" I cried into my knees.
My mom rubbed my back "I'm sorry sweetie, is there anything I can do to help? I'm going to the cafe with a friend. Want something?" She asks.
"No I just want to be alone for now, thank you tho." I give a sad smile.
She kisses my forehead and embraces me in a hug for a minute.
"I'll be home soon okay? Love you." She kisses me on my forehead once again.
"Love you too, Mom." I waved bye.
My mom knew she was my best friend. She would do anything for me. I wanted her to stay with me, but I knew that she hasn't done anything for herself since she's gotten her new job. I wanted her to have fun and have some alone time by herself, it would be good for her.
About 10 minutes later after I'm done crying, I stumble downstairs to get a snack. I wasn't going back to school again.
After getting all of my snacks I bring them to the couch and sit down to watch a movie.
6 minutes into the movie there's a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting any company so I was curious.
I opened the door and I see Daniel with flowers and his hand.
"Y/N," he started "I'm so so so so so so so so sorry. Can I come in?"
I roll my eyes and glare at him with a disbelief look on my face for about 5 seconds. I close the door on him but he for the door could close all the way, he stops the door.
"Please let me in." He begged
I sighed "Fine, come in."
He gives me the flowers and I place them in a new vase my mom got. I fill it up with water and put it on the counter.
"What do you want, Daniel." I say in an annoyed-sad tone.
"I wanna make up what I did to you, I wasn't thinking about what I was doing, I was shocked just as much as you were." He explains
"I don't care." I give a little sass face.
"I love when you do that cute little sass face." He smiles and walk more towards me.
I feel myself smiling a tiny bit but immediately stop myself.
"I love how you try to block out yourself smiling when I compliment you. Or you start blushing."
I knew I started blushing then.
He came closer to me.
"I love everything about you, Y/N. Everything you do. I fall in love more and more with you."
I started smiling. I couldn't deny him.
He cups my face and gives me a slow, sweet, passionate kiss. I couldn't help but want him back.
He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He grips on my thighs hinting me to jump so I do. He carries me upstairs to my bedroom and closes the door behind him. He plops me down on the bed and gently pushes me. He hovers on top of me and kisses me down to my jawline to my neck. He slowly takes off my clothes and I do the same to him. He kisses my neck and bites gently. I bit my lip trying to hide my sounds. Daniel was shirtless only in pants and I was only in my bra and underwear.
We were about to go further until a hear a knock at me door. Thank God the door was locked.
I panicked. I knew it was my mom at the door.
I signaled Daniel to be quiet and motioned him to go over to the closet. He goes over to the closet quietly.
"Y/N? Are you in there?" My mom calls out for me.
"Yes I'm just putting on new clothes!" I lied.
"Okay, well I'll be downstairs if you need me!"
"Okay!" I say trying to pretend nothing was happening.
I went back over to the closet to let Daniel out.
"What was that?" He whispers and chuckles.
"Us almost getting caught!" I also whisper and giggle quietly.
I let him out through the window and kiss him goodbye. I hope my mom didn't hear him jump out.
I put on a random tank top and leggings. I opened my door and walked downstairs to the living room.
"Hey hun, how are you feeling?" She asks
"I feel a little better." I say. Only me and the Lord knows why I feel better...
I walk over to the couch with her and lay my head on her lap. She stroked my hair with her warm touch. She doesn't realize how grateful I am for times like these. She makes me feel safe and wanted.
We watch TV for about 10 minutes and then she starts talking again.
"Do you know where the flowers came from?" She asks me.
Damn it. I forgot about the flowers in the pot.
"Oh my friend brought them over to me after seeing how sad I was." I lied once again. I hated lying but I needed to save myself from getting in trouble.
She gave a little "I'm sorry" face and stroke me cheek.
As we were still watching TV I slowly started drifting to sleep. Forgetting about everything in the world.

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